Timing Resolution Required In Particle Detector

In summary, the problem involves calculating the required timing resolution of a detector in order to distinguish between pions and kaons with a 10% precision. The time difference between the two particles is calculated using their mass and momentum, and the meaning of "10% precision" is unclear. Possible interpretations include a timing uncertainty of 10% of the time difference, a misidentification rate of 10%, or an identification power of 0.1.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A beam on Pions, Kaons and Protons, all with momentum ##\mathrm{P} = 10 \mathrm{GeV}## and negligible angular divergence travels ##100 \mathrm{m}## before hitting a target. What is the required timing resolution of the detector so that pions and kaons can be distinguished with a 10% precision.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I have calculated the time difference between the pions and kaons as follows:

A particle with mass ##m## and momentum ##p## has velocity ##\beta = \frac{p}{\sqrt{p^2 + m^2}}##. For a path length ##L##, the time of flight ##T = \frac{L}{\beta c}##.

Therefore two particles with different masses, but the same momentum arrive with a time difference of ##T_1 - T_2 = \frac{L}{c}(\sqrt{1 + \frac{m^2_1}{P^2}} - \sqrt{1 + \frac{m^2_2}{p^2}})##

I am unsure of how to take this further because I am confused by what it means to distinguish the two particles with a given precision.

What I am picturing is something like this;

the timing resolution of the detector is basically what determines the width of a 'bin' when counting pions and kaons. I need to make my bin widths small enough so that 10% of a measured arrival time is smaller than the time difference between the two particle's arrivals. Does that make sense?

Thanks for any help you can give!
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  • #2
I'm a particle physicist, and I don't understand that "10% precision" statement either. I guess we don't care about actual applications, so let's call everything that is measured closer to the pion time "pion" and everything closer to the kaon time "kaon". That is not what an actual detector would do, but that is beyond the scope of this problem. 10% could refer to:

- the timing uncertainty could be 10% of the time difference.
- a pion gets misidentified as kaon in 10% of all cases. Due to symmetry, it also means a kaon gets misidentified as pion in 10% of the cases.
- in the context of particle identification, the "identification power" is often defined as 1-2*(misidentification rate) or the square of that value. This quantity could be 0.1. Here 0 refers to random guessing while 1 means perfect identification.
- the time difference could be 10% of the timing uncertainty

Roughly sorted by probability. If this would appear in an actual scientific context, option (3) would be by far the most likely, but as homework question I don't see how they could expect that.

FAQ: Timing Resolution Required In Particle Detector

1. What is timing resolution and why is it important in particle detectors?

Timing resolution refers to the ability of a particle detector to accurately measure the arrival time of particles. It is important because it allows scientists to reconstruct the trajectory of particles and determine their properties, such as energy and mass.

2. How is timing resolution measured in particle detectors?

Timing resolution is typically measured by comparing the actual arrival time of a particle to the time recorded by the detector. This is done using a known source of particles and analyzing the time difference between the two measurements.

3. What factors affect the timing resolution of a particle detector?

The timing resolution of a particle detector can be affected by several factors, including the detector's physical design, the type of particles being detected, and the electronics used to measure particle arrival time.

4. What is the typical timing resolution required in modern particle detectors?

The timing resolution required in modern particle detectors varies depending on the specific research goals and applications. However, in general, it is desirable to have a timing resolution of less than 100 picoseconds (10^-10 seconds).

5. How does timing resolution impact the accuracy of particle detection and analysis?

A higher timing resolution allows for more precise measurement of particle properties, resulting in more accurate detection and analysis of particles. It also enables the detection of particles with shorter lifetimes and allows for the study of rare and short-lived particles.
