Tips for Excelling in AP Physics: Advice from a Struggling Top Student

In summary, the conversation is about a high school student who is struggling in AP Physics despite being a top student and studying diligently. They are seeking advice on how to improve their grades, and the moderator suggests analyzing their test results and focusing on their own progress rather than comparing themselves to others.
  • #1
This is not a physics question. Just hoping for advice for any people who taken this course in high school. My school is a block schedule so I take AP physics B and AP physics C in one year. Currently, the first semester i am making 23% on tests and the highest was a 40%. I am one of the top students in the school and I read the textbook at least twice a night. How come I still have the lowest grade in AP physics while a football player who do nothing but flirt with girls get about 70s% on his assignments? I am really depressed. I have never make anything lower than a 96% since elementary school. The class is killing me. I watch almost every video on Youtube there is on kinematics and Motion but I still don't get 50s. Why is this class so hard. I am definitely motivated?

Can anyone provide my with advice.

Oh yeah I finish precalculus in ninth grade and calculus in tenth grade. I am a senior taking Calculus 2/3.
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  • #2
You need to analyze your test results. What kinds of mistakes are you making? Are they stupid mistakes like using the wrong "sign"? Are they boneheaded mistakes like using your left hand for the right hand rule? I have done that. Are you misunderstanding the concepts? How are you doing on homework problems? Don't concern yourself with the football player-- he could simply be gifted in physics. Concern yourself with yourself. Fix yourself.
  • #3
Moderator's note: thread moved from Introductory Physics to Academic Guidance.

FAQ: Tips for Excelling in AP Physics: Advice from a Struggling Top Student

1. How can I prepare for AP Physics?

To ace in AP Physics, it is important to start preparing early. Make sure you have a strong foundation in math and basic physics concepts. Review and practice previous topics regularly, and familiarize yourself with the format of the exam. You can also find study guides and practice tests online to help you prepare.

2. What are the key topics to focus on for AP Physics?

The key topics for AP Physics are mechanics, electricity and magnetism, and waves and optics. It is important to have a thorough understanding of these topics and their applications. Additionally, be prepared to apply mathematical concepts to solve physics problems.

3. How should I approach studying for AP Physics?

To effectively study for AP Physics, it is important to be consistent and dedicated. Break down the topics into smaller sections and study them one at a time. Practice solving problems using different methods and techniques. Also, make sure to review and understand any mistakes you make in practice tests.

4. What are some tips for taking the AP Physics exam?

During the exam, make sure to read the questions carefully and understand what is being asked. Pay attention to units and don't forget to show your work. Use diagrams and equations to help you solve problems. If you get stuck on a question, move on and come back to it later. And most importantly, manage your time wisely.

5. How can I improve my understanding of difficult concepts in AP Physics?

If you are struggling with a particular concept in AP Physics, don't be afraid to ask for help from your teacher or classmates. You can also watch online tutorials or attend review sessions to clarify any confusion. Practice is also key in improving your understanding and application of difficult concepts.

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