Titan vs Earth: Hydrocarbons vs Water - Pros and Cons for Thriving Life Forms

In summary, water is incredible. We see lakes of hydrocarbons on Titan and they remind us of water lakes on Earth, so we postulate that an entirely difference sort of life might thrive there. But do liquid hydrocarbons really have what it takes to do all the things that water does?
  • #1
Water is incredible. We see lakes of hydrocarbons on Titan and they remind us of water lakes on Earth, so we postulate that an entirely difference sort of life might thrive there. But do liquid hydrocarbons really have what it takes to do all the things that water does?

Here's my question: hydrocarbons vs water? Pros and Cons. How do they match up? Can hydrocarbons cut it?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
No, hydrocarbons do not have the same chemical properties as water and cannot serve the same purposes.
  • #3
lets expand on Drakkith's post a bit. Carbon as an element has a high valence, in other words its potential to bind to other elements is high compared to oxygen or hydrogen. As such it readily combines to form bio-chemical molecules. This makes carbon suitable to the production of protein,DNA and RNA chains.

Water however provides a medium which allows mixtures to combine, another liquid medium can do the same, however water has Hydrogen and oxygen content, so has numerous bio-chemical combinations with carbon.

to completely understand how important carbon is study bio chemistry, been years since I took a course on it lol (close to 2 decades ago)

edit: a very quick google reference is this and by no means a complete picture, however shows some of the basics
http://www.biologymad.com/resources/Ch 3 - Biochemistry.pdf

PS note the molecules of life section
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  • #4
So the fact that there is a lot of carbon inside lakes of methane, ethane and propane is a good thing, but the fact that the vast majority of that carbon is all tied up with hydrogen is a bad thing?
  • #5
Also, I understand that one of water's virtues is its polarity; it's a great solvent. Are liquid hydrocarbons good solvents?
Given that the carbon is already there in the hydrocarbons, and it's already linked up with the hydrogen, would the hydrocarbon molecules bond with the water from the water rocks on Titan? Would there be the same potential for long protein chains?
  • #6
Also, given the surface conditions on Venice, which element or compound COULD hypothetically pool up in liquid form on its surface in the form of lakes?
  • #7
Venus. Not Venice. I'm an idiot :)
  • #8
Terdbergler said:
So the fact that there is a lot of carbon inside lakes of methane, ethane and propane is a good thing, but the fact that the vast majority of that carbon is all tied up with hydrogen is a bad thing?

In what context are you using good and bad?
  • #9
Ethane and methane, are not good contributors to life, hydrocarbons are. However this doesn't mean life will form in and of itself. There is very little Oxygen on Titan. Oxygen is needed for DNA strands. However it may or may not be possible to have non water based information carrying strands.


here is one paper covering the possibility of non Oxygen/carbon based life forms

There is a possibility of a silicon based lifeform as well, we simply do not know well enough. Our knowledge of lifeforms is primarily water based. Such as the examples we find on Earth. So much of the possibility of other forms of life is mostly conjectural though research is being done in those directions

if you look at the first link I posted in post#3 and look at all the chemical compositions, you can quickly see how important oxygen is.
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FAQ: Titan vs Earth: Hydrocarbons vs Water - Pros and Cons for Thriving Life Forms

1. What is the main difference between Titan and Earth in terms of hydrocarbons and water?

Titan and Earth differ greatly in terms of their atmosphere and surface composition. While Earth has a thick atmosphere primarily composed of nitrogen and oxygen, Titan has a much thinner atmosphere made up mostly of nitrogen and methane. Earth also has large bodies of liquid water on its surface, while Titan has liquid hydrocarbons, such as methane and ethane, that exist in its lakes and seas.

2. How do hydrocarbons and water affect the potential for thriving life forms on Titan and Earth?

Hydrocarbons and water have very different properties and can support different types of life forms. Water is essential for life as we know it on Earth, and many organisms rely on it for survival. On the other hand, hydrocarbons can serve as a solvent for certain types of life forms, such as bacteria, but they are not as widely used as water. Therefore, the potential for thriving life forms on Titan and Earth may differ based on the availability of these substances.

3. What are the pros and cons of hydrocarbons and water for life forms?

The pros of water for life forms include its abundance on Earth, its ability to dissolve various substances, and its unique properties that allow for temperature regulation. However, the cons of water include its limited availability on other planets and its freezing point, which can make it difficult for life to thrive in extreme environments. On the other hand, the pros of hydrocarbons include their abundance on Titan and potential as a solvent for certain life forms, but the cons include their flammability and limited availability on Earth.

4. Can life forms on Earth survive in a hydrocarbon-rich environment like Titan's?

It is unlikely that life forms on Earth could survive in a hydrocarbon-rich environment like Titan's. Organisms on Earth have adapted to survive in a water-based environment and may not be able to thrive in the presence of hydrocarbons. However, it is possible that some extremophilic organisms, which are known to thrive in extreme environments, could potentially adapt to survive in a hydrocarbon-rich environment like Titan's.

5. Could there be a possibility of life forms on Titan that are based on hydrocarbons instead of water?

There is a possibility that life forms on Titan could be based on hydrocarbons instead of water. In fact, some scientists have proposed the idea of "methane-based life," which would use methane as a solvent instead of water. However, further research is needed to determine if this type of life could exist on Titan and how it would function. Currently, there is no evidence of any life forms on Titan, so the answer to this question remains unknown.

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