Tomatoes in Ohio: The Official State Fruit & Beverage

  • Thread starter BobG
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In summary, Ohio's an interesting state. They even have an official state rock song - "Hang On, Sloopy". The resolution that made Hang On Sloopy the official state rock song of Ohio: Adoption of "Hang On Sloopy" as the official rock song of Ohio is in no way intended to supplant "Beautiful Ohio" as the official state song, but would serve as a companion piece to that old chestnut. If fans of jazz, country-and-western, classical, Hawaiian and polka music think those styles also should be recognized by the state, then by golly, they can push their own resolution just like we're
  • #1
Science Advisor
Homework Helper
Just got back from visiting Ohio for my granddaughter's first birthday. Ohio's an interesting state. They even have an official state rock song - "Hang On, Sloopy".

The resolution that made Hang On Sloopy the official state rock song of Ohio:

WHEREAS, The members of the 116th General Assembly of Ohio wish to recognize the rock song "Hang On Sloopy" as the official rock song of the great State of Ohio; and

WHEREAS, In 1965, an Ohio-based rock group known as the McCoys reached the top of the national record charts with "Hang On Sloopy," composed by Bert Russell and Wes Farrell, and that same year, John Tagenhorst, then an arranger for the Ohio State University Marching Band, created the band's now-famous arrangement of "Sloopy," first performed at the Ohio State-Illinois football game on October 9, 1965; and

WHEREAS, Rock music has become an integral part of American culture, having attained a degree of acceptance no one would have thought possible twenty years ago; and

WHEREAS, Adoption of "Hang On Sloopy" as the official rock song of Ohio is in no way intended to supplant "Beautiful Ohio" as the official state song, but would serve as a companion piece to that old chestnut; and

WHEREAS, If fans of jazz, country-and-western, classical, Hawaiian and polka music think those styles also should be recognized by the state, then by golly, they can push their own resolution just like we're doing; and

WHEREAS, "Hang On Sloopy" is of particular relevance to members of the Baby Boom Generation, who were once dismissed as a bunch of long-haired, crazy kids, but who now are old enough and vote in sufficient numbers to be taken quite seriously; and

WHEREAS, Adoption of this resolution will not take too long, cost the state anything, or affect the quality of life in this state to any appreciable degree, and if we in the legislature just go ahead and pass the darn thing, we can get on with more important stuff; and

WHEREAS, Sloopy lives in a very bad part of town, and everybody, yeah, tries to put my Sloopy down; and

WHEREAS, Sloopy, I don't care what your daddy do, 'cause you know, Sloopy girl, I'm in love with you; therefore be it Resolved, That we, the members of the 116th General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, name "Hang On Sloopy" as the official rock song of the State of Ohio; and be it further Resolved, That the Legislative Clerk of the House of Representatives transmit duly authenticated copies of this Resolution to the news media of Ohio.

People in Ohio seem to be obsessed by tomatoes. The official state beverage is tomato juice. The official state fruit is the tomato.

The latter could be a problem. That's in direct conflict with a US Supreme Court decision that tomatoes are vegetables (Nix vs Hadden). I wonder how long before the tomato's choice as the official state fruit is challenged in court?
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  • #2
I love tomato juice, been a long time since I had one, I need to get some.

How's your granddaughter, any pics? :smile:
  • #3
BobG said:
Just got back from visiting Ohio for my granddaughter's first birthday.

How come there was no happy birthday thread for her :cry:

(Belated happy grandfather day, I hope there's something like that :biggrin:)
  • #4
That was great Bob!

I knew that ketchup/catsup had been declared a vegetable, but wasn't sure the tomato itself was also changed.
  • #5
drizzle said:
How's your granddaughter, any pics? :smile:

Of course there's pics!





Birthday cake is even more fun than fingerpainting! But at least she likes to clean up afterward.
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  • #6

I read this thread this morning and realized I haven't heard that song in a looooong time.

Came back to the lab after lunch, and it was playing on the radio.

  • #7
She's absolutely ADORABLE!
  • #8
BobG said:
Of course there's pics!


Birthday cake is even more fun than fingerpainting! But at least she likes to clean up afterward.

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  • #9
She is so cute, what a special day. Ohio is a fun state, from Cedar Point to Ft. Ancient, enough to keep all ages happy.
  • #10
Awwwwww sooo cuteyy, oh she got the red eye! Wonder if that has anything to do with eating that cake. :biggrin:
So adorable *sends kisses to that little angel*
  • #11
rootX said:

Stupid image shack. For some reason, it uploaded about 4 copies of each image. When I cleaned up my images, I deleted the wrong one.

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  • #12
BobG said:
Stupid image shack. For some reason, it uploaded about 4 copies of each image. When I cleaned up my images, I deleted the wrong one.


Yay, who needs plates or cutlery. :smile:
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  • #13
BobG said:

There are clean kids, and happy kids.
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  • #14
Nothing says birthday better then a ear full of frosting!
  • #15
She looks cute in cake. She wears it very well.
  • #16
Now, what's she going to do with that washcloth? ;-)
  • #17
turbo-1 said:
Now, what's she going to do with that washcloth? ;-)

Use it like a paint brush I suspect.
  • #18
Very cute!

Related to Tomatoes in Ohio: The Official State Fruit & Beverage

1. What makes tomatoes the official state fruit and beverage of Ohio?

The tomato was designated as the official state fruit and beverage of Ohio in 2009 due to its historical and cultural significance in the state. Ohio is one of the top tomato-producing states in the country, with over 50,000 acres dedicated to tomato farming. Additionally, the tomato is a popular ingredient in many Ohio dishes, including the famous Cincinnati-style chili.

2. Are there any unique varieties of tomatoes grown in Ohio?

Yes, there are several unique varieties of tomatoes that are grown in Ohio. Some popular varieties include the Amish Paste, a large, meaty tomato often used for canning, and the Buckeye State, a large, sweet tomato developed by Ohio State University. There are also many heirloom varieties that have been passed down through generations of Ohio farmers.

3. What is the best time of year to visit Ohio for tomato festivals and events?

The best time to visit Ohio for tomato festivals and events is during the summer months, specifically July and August. This is when tomatoes are in peak season and you can find numerous festivals and events celebrating the state fruit and beverage. Some popular events include the Reynoldsburg Tomato Festival and the Ohio Tomato Festival in Columbus.

4. Is there any scientific research being done on tomatoes in Ohio?

Yes, there is ongoing scientific research being conducted on tomatoes in Ohio. The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) at The Ohio State University conducts research on tomato breeding, production, and disease resistance. Additionally, many Ohio universities have departments dedicated to agricultural research, including tomato studies.

5. How can I support Ohio's tomato industry?

One of the best ways to support Ohio's tomato industry is by purchasing locally-grown tomatoes from farmers' markets or participating in community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs. You can also support Ohio's tomato industry by visiting and supporting local restaurants that use Ohio-grown tomatoes in their dishes. Lastly, spreading awareness about Ohio's tomato industry and its importance to the state's economy is also a great way to show support.
