Too much mass from confinement

In summary, the article discusses a problem with preons, which are hypothetical particles that the standard-model particles would be built out of. The problem is that these particles would have masses much bigger than what is observed for standard-model particles. This problem may not be resolved by using preons to solve the problem of the small masses of standard-model particles.
  • #1
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This month's Scientific American has an article about preons, which are hypothetical particles that the standard-model particles would be built out of. They discuss a problem with confinement in these models. We know that, say, an electron has a size less than x. This requires an uncertainty in momentum of at least h/x. Say for simplicity that the preon is ultrarelativistic. Then its energy has to be at least h/x (in units with c=1), and this is equivalent to a rest mass of at least h/x. Putting in x<~10^-17 m for an electron gives m>~10^-25 kg, which is much too big for an electron. All of these arguments would seem to apply equally well to any theory in which standard-models have substructure. E.g., it would seem to apply to string theory.

How is this not a showstopper for such models? The Sci Am article makes vague references to a resolution by some technical trick. The same problem occurs for a pi meson, and they say this was solved by Goldstone 1961 for bosons. Apparently 't Hooft extended the solution to fermions in 1979.

Can anyone explain what's going on, using crayons?
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  • #2
First of all you are right, confinement of preons as substructures should result in large masses.

The trick for the pion is that it is the Goldstone boson for the (nearly exact) chiral symmetry (with nearly massless quarks); the corrections to mπ = 0 are due to the small quark masses mq. You can see how this trick fails when considering the η' meson. The η' is the would-be goldstone boson of the axial U(1). But this symmetry is not broken spontaneously but by to the axial anomaly - and therefore the rather large mass of the η' can be explained.

The problem with the confinement mass does not apply to string theory b/c here the elementary particles do not have a stringy substructure but they are identitcal with the string. And the calculations of the string ground states show that there are massless excitations in the spectrum (string theory has a moch more severe problem to explain the tiny masses of the elementary particles).

I do neither know how 't Hooft solved the problems for fermions, nor do I know how to construct a preon model which has exactly the right global symmetry from which the known particles could arise as Goldstoen bosons and how to deform or break this symmtry such that the particles become massive.
  • #3
We can always invite t' Hooft to PF to explain himself, I believe he was seen once at stackexchange.
  • #4
Confinement of preons in generally makes a mess. What we would like to see is a preon theory explain flavor: i.e. the mu and tau are somehow excited states of the electron. The problem is that you need to make the preons heavy to explain their non-observation, which means you need to make their potential well deep. e.g. a preon weighs 5 TeV + m_e, and two preons are bound together by 10 TeV, so the final object weighs m_e. This fine-tuning may or may not be explained by a symmetry principle.

Now you are running into a problem harder to run away from. The binding potential needs to be very deep and very short-range, otherwise we would have seen evidence by now. This potential looks a lot like a delta-function, and as every student of QM knows, a delta function has exactly one bound state. So you now can't use preons to solve the problem you wanted them to in the first place.

Related to Too much mass from confinement

What is "too much mass from confinement"?

"Too much mass from confinement" refers to a phenomenon in which the confinement of particles or objects within a small space leads to an increase in mass or energy. This is a result of the confinement energy, which is the energy required to keep particles confined within a certain area.

How does confinement lead to an increase in mass?

When particles or objects are confined within a small space, they are limited in their motion and cannot move freely. This leads to an increase in their kinetic energy, which in turn increases their mass according to Einstein's famous equation E=mc^2. This effect is most noticeable at the atomic and subatomic level.

Is the increase in mass from confinement significant?

The increase in mass from confinement is generally very small and is only noticeable at the atomic and subatomic level. For example, the confinement of an electron in an atom leads to an increase in mass of only about 0.00000000001 grams. However, this effect is important in understanding the behavior of particles in particle accelerators and nuclear reactions.

Can the increase in mass from confinement be observed?

No, the increase in mass from confinement cannot be directly observed. However, its effects can be observed through experiments and calculations. For example, the mass of particles in a particle accelerator is calculated taking into account the confinement energy and the resulting increase in mass.

Are there any practical applications of the concept of "too much mass from confinement"?

Yes, the concept of "too much mass from confinement" has practical applications in fields such as nuclear physics, particle physics, and materials science. Understanding this phenomenon is crucial for designing and operating particle accelerators and nuclear reactors. It also plays a role in the development of new materials with unique properties due to confinement effects.

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