Topological manifolds with boundary of dimensions

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Euge
  • Start date
In summary, a topological manifold with boundary is a topological space that is locally homeomorphic to a certain dimension of the Euclidean space, but has a boundary or edge. The dimension of the manifold is determined by the dimension of the Euclidean space it is homeomorphic to. The boundary represents a change in the topological structure and can provide information about the global topology. Multiple dimensions are possible for a topological manifold with boundary, and some real-world examples include the surface of a balloon, sphere, and doughnut.
  • #1
Gold Member
POTW Director
Happy New Year, everyone! Here's this week's problem!

If $M$ and $N$ are topological manifolds with boundary of dimensions $m$ and $n$, respectively, show that $M \times N$ is an $(m+n)$-manifold with boundary $\partial M \times N \cup M \times \partial N$.


Remember to read the to find out how to!
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  • #2
No one answered this week's problem. You can read my solution below.
Note $(x,y) \in \partial(M \times N)$ if and only if the relative homology $H_{m+n}(M\times N, M\times N \setminus \{(x,y)\}) = 0$. Since $M\times N \setminus \{(x,y)\} = (M\setminus \{x\}) \times N \cup M \times (N \setminus \{y\})$, the relative Künneth formula gives $$H_{m+n}(M\times N, M\times N \setminus \{(x,y)\}) \approx \bigoplus_{i + j = m + n} H_i(M,M\setminus \{x\}) \otimes H_j(N,N\setminus \{y\}) \approx H_m(M,M\setminus\{x\}) \otimes H_n(N,N\setminus\{y\})$$ Both $H_m(M,M\setminus\{x\})$ and $H_n(N,N\setminus\{y\})$ are zero or infinite cyclic, so the left-hand side is trivial if and only if $H_m(M,M\setminus\{x\}) = 0$ or $H_n(N,N\setminus \{y\}) = 0$, i.e., $(x,y)\in \partial M \times N \cup M\times \partial N$. Hence $\partial(M\times N) = \partial M \times N \cup M \times \partial N$.

FAQ: Topological manifolds with boundary of dimensions

What is a topological manifold with boundary of dimensions?

A topological manifold with boundary of dimensions is a mathematical concept that combines the properties of a topological space and a manifold. It is a space that locally looks like Euclidean space, but may have a boundary that is not included in the space itself.

How is a topological manifold with boundary of dimensions different from a regular manifold?

A topological manifold with boundary of dimensions differs from a regular manifold in that it allows for points on the boundary to be included in the space. This means that the boundary itself is a part of the space, rather than being excluded from it.

What are some examples of topological manifolds with boundary of dimensions?

Some examples of topological manifolds with boundary of dimensions include the closed disk, the closed half-plane, and the closed interval. These spaces all have boundaries that are included in the space itself.

What are the applications of topological manifolds with boundary of dimensions?

Topological manifolds with boundary of dimensions have various applications in mathematics and physics. They are used in the study of dynamical systems, differential geometry, and topology. They also have applications in computer graphics and robotics.

What are some key properties of topological manifolds with boundary of dimensions?

Some key properties of topological manifolds with boundary of dimensions include being locally homeomorphic to Euclidean space, having a well-defined tangent space at each point, and being Hausdorff and second-countable. They also have a boundary that is a topological manifold of one dimension less than the space itself.
