Torque needed to accelerate Earth

In summary, to calculate the torque required to accelerate the Earth from rest to its present angular speed about its axis in 3 days, we first need to use the Earth's mass and radius to find its moment of inertia. Then, using the formula T=(alpha)I, with alpha representing the angular acceleration and I representing the moment of inertia, we can calculate the torque. However, it is important to use radians instead of degrees in our calculations, as that could result in an incorrect answer. Additionally, we must account for the 3 days by multiplying our answer by 86400 seconds.
  • #1
Calculate the torque required to accelerate the Earth in 3 days from rest to its present angular speed about its axis

I got that the Earth's mass is 5.98 X 10^24 kg and its radius is 6.38 X 10^6 m.

I used that the Earth is solid sphere with a moment of inertia of:

I = 2/5*M*r^2 so then the Earth's moment of inertia would be: 9.74 X 10^37 kg*m^2.

To get torque i used T=(alpha)I, alpha being dw/dt, so I used (alpha)=(2pi)/(259200 s). 259200 seconds in three days.

I get the wrong torque, so what is wrong?
Physics news on
  • #2
I can't see where you're wrong.
It might be that your book has made the dreadful mistake of using degrees rather than radians, though.
That's about what I can offer you..
  • #3
It's online homework so I know right away my answer is wrong, I get a torque of 2.36e33 Nm. I'm lost as to where I went wrong.
  • #4
Hmm.. I think I've found your mistake:
Hence, your answer should be reduced by a factor 86400.

FAQ: Torque needed to accelerate Earth

1. What is torque?

Torque is a measure of the force that can cause an object to rotate around an axis.

2. How is torque related to acceleration?

Torque is directly related to acceleration, as it is the force that causes an object to rotate, which in turn can lead to an increase in its linear acceleration.

3. How is torque needed to accelerate the Earth calculated?

The torque needed to accelerate the Earth can be calculated using the formula T = Iα, where T is torque, I is the moment of inertia of the Earth, and α is the angular acceleration.

4. What factors affect the torque needed to accelerate the Earth?

The torque needed to accelerate the Earth is affected by the Earth's mass, moment of inertia, and the angular acceleration it experiences.

5. Why is it important to consider the torque needed to accelerate the Earth?

Understanding the torque needed to accelerate the Earth is important in fields such as astrophysics and geophysics, as it can help us better understand the Earth's rotation and its effects on other celestial bodies.
