Torsion, affine development and Levi-Civita connection

In summary, the affine development of a curve in a manifold M is the unique curve in the tangent space at the starting point of the curve, defined by the parallel transport associated to the connection. If the curve is a loop, the affine development may or may not be closed depending on the torsion of the connection. When considering the natural connection on the tangent bundle of M = S2, the affine development of a loop may be an open polygon, indicating that the connection has a non-vanishing torsion. This means that the natural connection is not a Levi-Civita connection, as the latter is torsion-free by definition. The concept of development also appears in Lie group theory, where the connection may have no curvature but possibly
  • #1
I quote":

Suppose that xt is a curve in M. The affine development of xt is the unique curve Ct in Tx0M such that
[tex]\dot{C}_t = \tau_t^0\dot{x}_t,\quad C_0 = 0[/tex]
[tex]\tau_t^0 : T_{x_t}M \to T_{x_0}M[/tex]
is the parallel transport associated to ∇.

In particular, if xt is a loop, then Ct may or may not also be closed depending on the torsion of the connection.

I try to apply this to the natural connection on the tangent bundle of M = S2 (or more intuitively, of the surface of the Earth)
I mean here natural connection the connection which defines the parallel transport so that

1. Tangent vectors on the Equator pointing toward North are parallel transported along the Equator into each other.

2. The longitude lines are geodesics, i.e. tangent vectors of a given longitude line are parallel transported along this longitude line into each other.

Now I take xt a triangle on the sphere having three rectangles : x0 = (0,0), xπ/2 = (0, π/2), xπ = (π/2,π/2) = (π/2,0), x3π/2 = x0. (with (lat, long) coordinates)This is a loop.

Applying the definition of Wikpedia, the affine development of this loop is the following open polygon in T(0,0)S2: C0 = (0,0), Cπ/2 = (0, π/2), Cπ = (π/2, π/2), C3π/2 = (0, π/2).

If this is so, then according Wikipedia's definition, this connection has a non-vanishing torsion. But in this case, this connection can't be a Levi-Civita connection because the Levi-Civita connection is torsion-free by definition. Is this really so? The connection defined above is really not a Levi-Civita connection, or I have misunderstood or miscalculated something?
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  • #2
Of course, I took the [tex] \tau_t^0[/tex] parallel transport along the xt curve, but Wikipedia doesn't tell that along what curve should it be understood. Perhaps along a geodesic from xt to x0?
  • #3
Your calculation seems correct. The usual connection on the sphere is of course torsion-less, but as you point out the development of a great triangle is not a closed curve. I wonder if it may indeed be the case that the development of a loop is closed iff the connection is flat (= curvaturefree and torsionfree). Maybe the idea of development is coming from Lie group theory. The connection of a Lie group has no curvature but possibly torsion, so that would explain the lack of considering connections with curvature in developments?

The Wiki article is a bit misleading in assuming that torsion is only twisting around a curve. In fact torsion of a connection can manifest itself in several other ways too. A simple example is the group of orientation-preserving affine transformations of the line: [itex]x\mapsto bx+a[/itex]. An element of this group is a point [itex](a,b),\,b>0[/itex] in the upper plane. The torsion of the connection causes the vertical component of a vector to shrink and the geodesics are either vertical lines or curves that bend to the right or left. (Or something like that...) If I remember correctly Frankel's The Geometry of Physics has a good discussion of this example.

Also, the idea that the image of closed curve in a manifold becomes non-closed in another space also shows up in the context of frame bundles. The lift of a closed curve to the bundle of Euclidean frames of a Riemannian manifold is not closed if the manifold has curvature.
  • #4
Thank you for your answer! I try to analyze your example a bit (unfortunately, I don't have the book you mentioned)

In the group you told, the product of (a1,b1) and (a,b) acts on x as (a1 + b1(a + bx)) = a1 + b1a + b1bx, i.e, the left action of (a1,b1) on (a,b) is (a1+b1a, b1b).

Te identity element is (0,1).

The inverse of (a,b) is (–a/b, 1/b)

If g: [-1,1] -> G : t->(a(t), b(t)) is a curve in this G group, then this curve is transformed by (a(0), b(0))-1 to (-a(0)/b(0) + a(t)/b(0), b(t)/b(0)). The tangent vector of g at t=0 is (a'(t), b'(t)), while the tangent vector of (-a(0)/b(0) + a(t)/b(0), b(t)/b(0)) at t=0 is (a'(t)/b(0), b'(t)/b(0)).

So, the Maurer-Cartan form at the point (a,b) is:

(1/b, 0)
( 0, 1/b)

That is, if we take a curve in G startig from the identity, then the tangent vector (a',b') in (a,b) is parallel transported to the tangent space at the identity as (a'/b, b'/b).

Now take for example g(t) = [0,3] -> G:

t ->
(t , 1) if t is in [0,1],
(2-t, t) if t is in [1,2]
(0 ,4-t) if t is in [2,3]

This is the line segments forming a triangle with vertices (0,1), (1,1) and (0,2).

The tangent vectors of the three straight line segments are (1,0), (-1,1) and (0,-1).
They are parallel transformed to the tangent space at identity as (1, 0), (-1/t, 1/t) and (0, -1/(4-t) respectively.

So, the affine development of g(t) is C(t) : [0,3] -> T(0,1)G:

(t , 0 ) if t is in [0,1],
(1-log(t) , log(t) ) if t is in [1,2]
(1-log(2) , log(4-t)) if t is in [2,3]

This is an open polygon with vetices (0,0), (1,0), (1-log(2), log(2)), (1-log(2), 0).

So this connection has really a nonvanishing torsion according to Wiki's definition.

(I hope I didn't missed the calculations).
  • #5
That seems correct. Well done.
  • #6
OrderOfThings said:
The torsion of the connection causes the vertical component of a vector to shrink and the geodesics are either vertical lines or curves that bend to the right or left. (Or something like that...)

Perhaps I am now wrong, but I found that geodesics are straight lines. I show this in the following.

Let (u,w) be an element of the Lie algebra of this group, and (A,B) an element of the group. Let's calculate the geodesic in the direction (u,w) through (A,B).
If the tangent vector of this geodesic in the point (a,b) is (a', b'), then the Maurer-Cartan form must carry it into (u,v). That is, (a', b') = (ub, vb).
So, the differential equations for the functions a(t) and b(t) are a' = ub and b' = vb. The solution is

a(t) = A + (u/v)B(evt -1)
b(t) = Bevt

That is, a = A-(u/v)B + (u/v)b.

This is a straight line through (A,B) on the (a,b) plane.
  • #7
Indeed :wink:
  • #8
I think the affine development of the closed path you're considering is closed; it is the boundary of the quarter of a circular disk.

FAQ: Torsion, affine development and Levi-Civita connection

1. What is torsion in geometry?

Torsion in geometry refers to the measure of twisting or turning of a curve or surface. It is a geometric property that describes how much a curve deviates from being a straight line. Torsion can also be thought of as the rate of change of the direction of a curve as it moves along its length.

2. What is affine development?

Affine development is a concept in differential geometry that involves the study of curves and surfaces in a space where the notion of distance and angle are not defined. It focuses on the local behavior of curves and surfaces, and how they are affected by infinitesimal transformations. Affine development is important in understanding the geometry of spaces with non-Euclidean metrics.

3. What is the Levi-Civita connection?

The Levi-Civita connection is a fundamental concept in the study of Riemannian manifolds. It is a way of connecting tangent spaces at different points on a manifold, and it provides a way to measure the rate of change of a vector field along a curve on the manifold. The Levi-Civita connection is also used to define concepts such as parallel transport and the curvature of a manifold.

4. How are torsion and affine development related?

Torsion and affine development are closely related concepts in differential geometry. Torsion is a measure of the deviation of a curve from being straight, and affine development is a way of studying the behavior of curves in a space where the notion of distance and angle are not defined. Torsion plays a key role in the study of affine development, as it describes how much a curve bends or twists in a given direction.

5. Why is the Levi-Civita connection important?

The Levi-Civita connection is important because it allows us to define a geometric structure on a manifold that is compatible with the concept of distance and angle. This structure is known as a Riemannian metric, and it plays a crucial role in many areas of mathematics, including differential geometry, relativity, and mathematical physics. The Levi-Civita connection is also used in the study of geodesics, which are the shortest paths between points on a manifold.

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