Torsion and homology: examples

  • Thread starter Physics Monkey
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In summary, the conversation discusses examples demonstrating torsion in homology, including RP^2, Klein bottle, and RP^3. The topic is of interest for both research and teaching purposes, and flat manifolds are also mentioned as examples with homology torsion. The Hansche-Wendt manifold is described as a famous flat 3 manifold with torsion arising from the reflections of the added isometries.
  • #1
Physics Monkey
Science Advisor
Homework Helper
Hi everyone,

What I'm looking for are good examples demonstrating torsion in homology. The basic example I know is RP^2, but I suspect there are many more good examples out there. I am interested in the topic both for fun and as part of my research. In addition, I will be teaching a class soon which will involve discussions of homology (in physics). I am primarily a physicist and will be speaking primarily to physicists, so the best examples for my purposes are relatively geometrical constructions, but I'll take anything you can give. Also, I would personally be interested in excellent (pedagogical or otherwise) discussions of the topic even if they are primarily mathematical.

Thanks very much!
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  • #2
Physics Monkey said:
Hi everyone,

What I'm looking for are good examples demonstrating torsion in homology. The basic example I know is RP^2, but I suspect there are many more good examples out there. I am interested in the topic both for fun and as part of my research. In addition, I will be teaching a class soon which will involve discussions of homology (in physics). I am primarily a physicist and will be speaking primarily to physicists, so the best examples for my purposes are relatively geometrical constructions, but I'll take anything you can give. Also, I would personally be interested in excellent (pedagogical or otherwise) discussions of the topic even if they are primarily mathematical.

Thanks very much!

perhaps the most vivid examples are unorientable manifolds of which Rp^2 is an example. These manifolds all have Z/2 integral cohomology in the top dimension.

The Klein bottle for example is an easy one and can be demonstrated with a picture. You can triangulate it and show that the simplices can not be oriented to cancel all of the edges.

RP3 is another great example. It is orientable but it has Z/2 fundamental group and Z/2 second cohomology. One can show the torsion directly if one first thinks of it as SO(3) and then let it act transitively without fixed points on the tangent circle bundle of the 2 sphere to see that it is diffeomorphic to the tangent circle bundle of S^2. You can then demonstrate a 2 torsion loop in the tangent circle bundle with pictures. It is also a bit surprising since the 2 sphere itself is simply connected and orientable.

Many flat manifolds have all kinds of homology torsion and I could give you some examples if you like. Their homology is a little hard to compute but I will try if you want - say a couple of 3 manifolds. They can be pictured as cubes with faces identified and are easy to picture. If you have the patience you could illustrate how the torsion arises with pictures.
  • #3
Hi wofsy,

Thanks for your reply, it was very helpful. I will try the klein bottle and RP^3 myself. Regarding the flat manifolds, what you have in mind are things like 3-tori but with twisted identifications?
  • #4
Physics Monkey said:
Hi wofsy,

Thanks for your reply, it was very helpful. I will try the klein bottle and RP^3 myself. Regarding the flat manifolds, what you have in mind are things like 3-tori but with twisted identifications?

They are quotients of flat 3 tori by a finite group of isometries just as the Kelin bottle is the quotient of the flat 2 torus by an action of Z/2.
  • #5
Hi wofsy,

Thanks for the examples.
  • #6
Physics Monkey said:
Hi wofsy,

Thanks for the examples.

your welcome.

Here is a famous flat 3 manifold.

Start with the standard lattice in R^3. The quotient of R^3 by this lattice is a flat 3 torus.

Add to this lattice the following isometries. (x,y,z) - > (x + 1/2,-y,-z)
(x,y,z) -> (-x, y+1/2, -z+1/2) and the product, (x,y,z) -> (-x + 1/2, -y + 1/2, z+1/2).

The group of isometries that these generate covers the Hansche-Wendt manifold. It is the quotient of the 3 torus by an action of Z/2 + Z/2.

You can picture it as the standard 3 cube of edge length 1/2 with identifications. It is easy to picture.

This manifold is orientable because all of the covering transformations are orientation preserving.

It has first Betti number zero because each axis is reflected by one of the covering transformations. thus its first homology is entirely torsion ( 2 torsion). By Poincare duality its second cohomology is entirely torsion.

Also it is easy to check that the first integer cohomology is zero by using the isomorphism H^1(Hansche-Wendt manifold:Z) = Hom( group of covering transformations:Z) and checking that there are no homomorphisms.

The torsion arises from the reflections of the axes from the added elements of the group of covering isometries. If you draw the cube with identifications you can see Klein bottles out the wazoo inside of this manifold.

Related to Torsion and homology: examples

1. What is torsion in mathematics?

Torsion in mathematics refers to the phenomenon where a mathematical object, such as a group or module, contains elements that have finite order. This means that when these elements are repeatedly added to themselves, they eventually return to the identity element.

2. How is torsion related to homology?

Torsion is closely related to homology, as it can be used to detect holes or higher-dimensional structures in a topological space. Torsion in homology is often associated with the presence of nontrivial elements in the homology groups, which can reveal important geometric or algebraic information about the space.

3. What are some examples of torsion?

Some common examples of torsion include the torsion subgroup of a group, the torsion elements in a ring, and the torsion points on an elliptic curve. In topology, torsion can also appear in the form of torsion homology classes or torsion coefficients in a cohomology ring.

4. How is torsion useful in mathematics?

Torsion is a powerful tool in mathematics, as it can help identify and classify mathematical structures. In algebra, it can be used to study the structure of groups and rings, while in topology, it can reveal important geometric properties of a space. Torsion can also be used in more advanced fields such as algebraic geometry and number theory.

5. Are there any real-world applications of torsion and homology?

While torsion and homology are primarily abstract mathematical concepts, they have important real-world applications. For example, torsion in topology can be used to analyze the shape of proteins and other biomolecules, while torsion in algebra can be applied to coding theory and cryptography. Torsion and homology also have applications in computer science and physics.

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