Toss Around Ideas For This Contest

In summary, the contest is for a club with a lot of members on DeviantArt and you can submit ONE entry per theme. You can't have two drawings for Halloween, or two drawings for Christmas. You must new pieces of work, so old artwork from your gallery is not allowed. There are a few options for portraits that would fit with Halloween, but you may not want to go with those. The right portrait has to fit the contest theme in a subtle, ingenious way.
  • #36
rewebster said:
Can you post it on 'The caption competition thread' too?
I'm the girl in the white dress under the car.
Physics news on
  • #37
Evo said:
I'm the girl in the white dress under the car. know what they say about teasers...
  • #38
rewebster said: know what they say about teasers...
Ok, I lied.
  • #39
Why do all artists aim for edgy? aggressive? generally depressing, grotesque or outrageous? I somewhat doubt most of the artists on deviant art are going to something sentimental typical. Everything has to be "Deep" and have all sorts of symbolism, and whatnot. I guess if art was just simple, anyone could do it... but still. I think it somewhat defeats the purpose of trying to be original, if EVERYONE else is doing the same thing.


I think you should draw someone in their pajamas, a robe, like people are on christmas morning. No one in my family gets dressed til late in the day on christmas. Or a drunk woman in a sweater. Mom's like to hit the eggnog on christmas eve. You know, turkey's in the oven, shopping is finally over, in-laws are visiting... Or you know the crazy secretary at the office christmas party...

For halloween, draw an old man in a flannel shirt, sitting on a bench under a tree. My grandpa did that one year on halloween, letting all the kids think he was a scarecrow, then he'd scare the crap out of them.

Or, draw someone in a cashiers apron. Probably some young, unwed, teenage mother, who's working a second job over the holiday's to make some extra cash. You know the type the store's hire just for the season, who generally make the hell of shopping that much worse.

You could also draw some chick with huge boobs, and only enough of a top to press them together. That seems to be very common on halloween. If you draw the rest of the body, it has to include a skirt short enough to show her underwear. Costumes seem to just be a good excuse to be naked in public.

My final idea is to draw anyone you want, dressed up as some famous person or character. It can be a person or character that looks normal enough so as not to make your pictures too unlike your regular portraits. For instance, you could do, "Gale dressed as Xena" that would blend perfectly with your portfolio...
  • #40
Gale said:
Why do all artists aim for edgy? aggressive? generally depressing, grotesque or outrageous? I somewhat doubt most of the artists on deviant art are going to something sentimental typical. Everything has to be "Deep" and have all sorts of symbolism, and whatnot.
What is going on there (DeviantArt) is that the overwhelming majority of people who specialize in Pencil Portraits obsessively chose celebrities as their subjects: Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, and Johnny Depp as a Pirate, and that sort of thing, turn up as subjects over and over and over. The top of the bell curve is peopled by artists who are merely celebrating the prettiness or handsomeness of young, attractive, famous people. Among pencil portaitists, the direction of the lemming march is not the edgy/negative thing you are complaining about. That is actually only embraced by artists who are stuck in the 1900-1980 mentality from reading too much old avant guard literature. That movement's dead, but a lot of people haven't read that far forward, so to speak.

Edgy, aggressive, and creative, are good tactics for this particular contest given what I know the competition will be shooting at. (Depressing, grotesque, outrageous, are not, and I've always pretty much stayed away from those.)
I guess if art was just simple, anyone could do it... but still. I think it somewhat defeats the purpose of trying to be original, if EVERYONE else is doing the same thing.
This is the curse of kids in their teens and twenties: the urge to assert their individuality and to buck the system, is universally shared among all of them, and almost none of them realizes that persuing that urge has the completely opposite effect of what they want: it just underscores how completely socialized and conventional they all are with respect to their peers.
I think you should draw someone in their pajamas, a robe, like people are on christmas morning. No one in my family gets dressed til late in the day on christmas. Or a drunk woman in a sweater. Mom's like to hit the eggnog on christmas eve. You know, turkey's in the oven, shopping is finally over, in-laws are visiting... Or you know the crazy secretary at the office christmas party...

For halloween, draw an old man in a flannel shirt, sitting on a bench under a tree. My grandpa did that one year on halloween, letting all the kids think he was a scarecrow, then he'd scare the crap out of them.

Or, draw someone in a cashiers apron. Probably some young, unwed, teenage mother, who's working a second job over the holiday's to make some extra cash. You know the type the store's hire just for the season, who generally make the hell of shopping that much worse.

You could also draw some chick with huge boobs, and only enough of a top to press them together. That seems to be very common on halloween. If you draw the rest of the body, it has to include a skirt short enough to show her underwear. Costumes seem to just be a good excuse to be naked in public.

My final idea is to draw anyone you want, dressed up as some famous person or character. It can be a person or character that looks normal enough so as not to make your pictures too unlike your regular portraits. For instance, you could do, "Gale dressed as Xena" that would blend perfectly with your portfolio...
These are all pretty damned good ideas and I really like the way you think. If I were going to throw myself into an holliday illustration I would definitely consider the drunk mom or cashier girl. The skimpy halloween costume and Gale as Xena could, indeed, perform double duty as entries to this contest and also portraits depending on the actual execution. Send me at least twenty, clear, large format images of different poses of yourself in a skimpy Xena costume with underwear showing and pressed together boobs and I'll drop Feynman and go with that idea :)
  • #41
zoobyshoe said:
This is the curse of kids in their teens and twenties: the urge to assert their individuality and to buck the system, is universally shared among all of them, and almost none of them realizes that persuing that urge has the completely opposite effect of what they want: it just underscores how completely socialized and conventional they all are with respect to their peers.
Hee...I was thinking the same thing when reading what Gale wrote. :biggrin: I was remembering the art school students all dressed in black, with their hair dyed black, and the really heavy makeup, and how they all were doing it to be "different" from the other students. (That was back when only the art students were really doing the "goth" look.)

The skimpy halloween costume and Gale as Xena could, indeed, perform double duty as entries to this contest and also portraits depending on the actual execution. Send me at least twenty, clear, large format images of different poses of yourself in a skimpy Xena costume with underwear showing and pressed together boobs and I'll drop Feynman and go with that idea :)

Geez, Gale, you're only legal age for a week here, and already getting hit up for the photos of you in a skimpy costume! :rolleyes: :smile:
  • #42
Evo said:
Zooby, pm me your e-mail address, I'll send you something. Not nekkid. :devil: But maybe you'll find it inspiring. :biggrin:
You weren't kidding.

  • #43
How about a portrait of Michael O'Leary, CEO of Ryan air. He has a reputation for being a bit of a devil, his airlines a nightmare to fly with and they take people on holiday :smile:
  • #44
Art said:
How about a portrait of Michael O'Leary, CEO of Ryan air. He has a reputation for being a bit of a devil, his airlines a nightmare to fly with and they take people on holiday :smile:
Right idea but much too obscure.
  • #45
Red Rum has sent you this picture of a blonde pole dancer.

Caution, adult material, don't view if you are sensitive to such images.


  • pic18467[1].jpg
    25.4 KB · Views: 416
  • #46
Evo said:
Red Rum has sent you this picture of a blonde pole dancer.

Caution, adult material, don't view if you are sensitive to such images.

WOW!I'm sorry, Evo, I'm going to have to go with the blonde instead of the pic you sent me. (Who is "Red Rum"?)
Last edited:
  • #47
zoobyshoe said:
(Who is "Red Rum"?)
Red Rum is my Irish friend (who has a girlfriend) that is a microbiologist that lives in The Netherlands.

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