Total charge of semi-infinite rod?

In summary, we have a thin insulating rod of length L with a charge of Q, placed at a distance R from a semi-infinite insulating line with linear charge density λ. We are asked to find the force exerted on the rod. By setting up an integral for the electric field produced by the semi-infinite line and then using that to calculate the force on the rod, we can find the solution. We also clarify that the length of a semi-infinite line is infinite and the charge on it is also infinite, but the ratio of charge to length remains constant at λ. Finally, we determine that Gauss' Law is not applicable to this problem due to the lack of symmetry.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A thin insulating rod of length L is placed such that its end point is distance R away from a semi-infinite insulating line. The line has linear charge density [tex]\lambda[/tex]. The rod has charge Q. Both are distributed uniformly. What is the force exerted on the rod?

Define [tex]Q_o[/tex] = charge of the insulating line

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Putting aside my main question, I figured I would take the force exerted on an infinitesimally small segment on the rod at distance r. This gives:

[tex]\int \frac{k(Q/L)Q_o dr}{r^2} = k(Q/L)Q_o \int \frac{dr}{r^2}[/tex]

My question is: what is the charge of a semi-infinite line with charge density [tex]\lambda[/tex]? In other words, what is the length of something that is semi-infinite?
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  • #2
The length of a line that is semi-infinite is, well, infinite. The charge on it is also infinite. That's not what should worry you because you are given that the semi-infinite line carries linear charge density λ.

What should worry you is the way you set up the integral. You cannot use Coulomb's Law that way. First you need to find the electric field produced by the semi-infinite line by doing an integral from zero to infinity - from one end of the rod to the other. Once you have the electric field, you need to put the rod in it and calculate the force on it. You need to do a second integral for that.
  • #3
This is a question we had in class a while ago. :)

It's easier to look at the force that the infinite wire exerts on the finite wire (Newton's third law: [tex]\vec F_{12}=-\vec F_{21}[/tex])

There you only have to integrate over the finite length of the finite wire, which is simple since you can use Gauss' law to find the field of the infinite wire quite easily.

As for your second question, consider the following:

For a uniformly charged wire of length [tex]L[/tex] and charge [tex]Q[/tex]
[tex]\lambda\equiv \frac{Q}{L}[/tex]

Since this charge is uniform, no matter what section we take, the ratio between the charge on it, and its length will remain constant at [tex]\lambda[/tex]

  • #4
Thank you for the help. I figured out the answer after revisiting the problem a couple hours later. My mistake was taking the integral to find the charge of the semi-finite line before taking the integral for the electric field and thus the force. I simply needed to leave the integral as it was for the charge, after which I could easily put it into the electric field integral, then subsequently the force integral. I'll spare the details.

To RoyalCat, the rod and line are parallel, or on the same axis. That means there's no happy Gaussian surface in order to make Gauss's Law a viable "easy way out" solution, as I call it. There's no symmetry that can be found parallel for a line. I believe you are thinking of the symmetry you can find perpendicular to an infinite line.
  • #5
TwoTruths said:
Thank you for the help. I figured out the answer after revisiting the problem a couple hours later. My mistake was taking the integral to find the charge of the semi-finite line before taking the integral for the electric field and thus the force. I simply needed to leave the integral as it was for the charge, after which I could easily put it into the electric field integral, then subsequently the force integral. I'll spare the details.

To RoyalCat, the rod and line are parallel, or on the same axis. That means there's no happy Gaussian surface in order to make Gauss's Law a viable "easy way out" solution, as I call it. There's no symmetry that can be found parallel for a line. I believe you are thinking of the symmetry you can find perpendicular to an infinite line.

Oh oh oh, I see now. My mistake. I thought they were parallel, and not on the same axis. I see now that Gauss' law is irrelevant here.
  • #6
Sorry for the vagueness of the question. The rod was both parallel and on the same axis.
  • #7
TwoTruths said:
Sorry for the vagueness of the question. The rod was both parallel and on the same axis.

Gauss' law wouldn't have made things any more simple either, since we're dealing with an edge, so the field wouldn't be perpendicular to any easy to imagine surface, meaning an integral approach would still be necessary, and using regular old Coloumb's Law is much more simple here.

FAQ: Total charge of semi-infinite rod?

What is the concept of total charge of a semi-infinite rod?

The total charge of a semi-infinite rod refers to the sum of all the charges present in a rod that extends infinitely in one direction. This concept is commonly used in electrostatics to calculate the electric field and potential produced by the rod.

How is the total charge of a semi-infinite rod calculated?

The total charge of a semi-infinite rod can be calculated by integrating the charge density function from 0 to infinity. This means that the charge of the rod is equal to the integral of the charge density function over its entire length.

What is the charge density function for a semi-infinite rod?

The charge density function for a semi-infinite rod is a function that describes the distribution of charge along the length of the rod. It is typically denoted by λ (lambda) and has units of coulombs per meter (C/m).

What is the significance of the total charge of a semi-infinite rod?

The total charge of a semi-infinite rod is important in understanding the behavior of electric fields and potentials produced by the rod. It can also be used to calculate the force between the rod and other charged objects in its vicinity.

Can the total charge of a semi-infinite rod be negative?

Yes, the total charge of a semi-infinite rod can be negative if the charge density function is negative. This means that the rod has an excess of negative charge, which will produce an electric field in the opposite direction compared to a positively charged rod.
