Total Electrostatic Energy in a system of charges

In summary, the conversation discusses two methods for calculating the total electrostatic energy of N fixed charges at arbitrary locations. The first method uses Coulomb's law and the second method involves integrating energy density with respect to volume. The question is whether these methods yield the same result and how they can be shown to be equivalent in both mathematical and physical sense. It is mentioned that for problems with symmetry, the second method may be more efficient. However, for a collection of point charges, the equivalence breaks down due to infinite charge densities. The conversation also includes a mathematical proof for a collection of charges with finite linear dimensions and a discussion on the divergence of the energy density integration at r=0.
  • #1
Suppose there are N charges fixed at arbitrary locations , how do I calculate the total electrostatic energy ?

I can think of two ways.

one being the straightforward coulomb's law :


Q=k/2 * ΣiΣj qiqj / |ri-rj| ; i≠j

the other method is to integrate energy density with respect to volume , which would most likely depend on the distribution of the charges.

My questions are, do these methods yield the same result ? If so , how could I show that they are equivalent in both mathematical and physical sense?
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  • #2
throneoo said:
Suppose there are N charges fixed at arbitrary locations , how do I calculate the total electrostatic energy ?
Calculate total energy(work), needed to bring them at their locations, one by one, from the point located at infinity.
  • #3
zoki85 said:
Calculate total energy(work), needed to bring them at their locations, one by one, from the point located at infinity.
Thanks but I want to focus on comparing the two approaches in the OP. Intuitively they seem very different but I see them as valid methods to calculate energy.
  • #4
throneoo said:
Thanks but I want to focus on comparing the two approaches in the OP. Intuitively they seem very different but I see them as valid methods to calculate energy.
If you're dealing with problems having some symmetry of charge distribution, nicely described by mathematical means, than other methods would lead more quickly to the result than straightforward application of Coulomb's law.
  • #5
Both methods give the same result for a single spherical shell of charge – I've just verified this. [For the Coulomb's law method you consider increments of charge being brought from infinity and deposited on the spherical surface.] If I have time, I'll work on a proof for a collection of charges where each charge is spread over a surface or volume of finite linear dimensions. I can see one difficulty though… The equivalence won't hold for a collection of point charges, because the Coulomb method will give a finite answer (provided the charges have non-zero separations) but the energy density integration will blow up because the energy density approaches infinity as one gets close to any charge.
  • #6
Philip Wood said:
Both methods give the same result for a single spherical shell of charge – I've just verified this. [For the Coulomb's law method you consider increments of charge being brought from infinity and deposited on the spherical surface.] If I have time, I'll work on a proof for a collection of charges where each charge is spread over a surface or volume of finite linear dimensions. I can see one difficulty though… The equivalence won't hold for a collection of point charges, because the Coulomb method will give a finite answer (provided the charges have non-zero separations) but the energy density integration will blow up because the energy density approaches infinity as one gets close to any charge.

I've verified them using a sphere and a circular cylinder of finite length, so I'm convinced it would work for any geometry of continuous charge distribution. The equivalence breaks down because point charges have infinite charge densities, unlike that of continuous charge distributions. and what do you mean by the bold?
  • #7
Try evaluating [itex]\int_0^\inf\frac{\epsilon_0}{2}E^2 4\pi r^2 dr [/itex] for [itex]E=\frac{Q}{4 \pi \epsilon_0 r^2}[/itex] and you'll see what I mean by the bold. But you're saying the same thing when you point out that the equivalence breaks down if there are infinite charge densities.
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  • #8
I see. it diverges at r=0.
  • #9
I've just looked this up in my beloved Abraham and Becker (1944 edition!) A&B expand [itex] E^2[/itex] at a point as a sum of [itex] E^2[/itex] terms due to individual charges, plus a sum of terms of the form [itex] \mathbf E_i . \mathbf E_j[/itex]. The first sum goes to infinity owing to the singularities at the charges themselves. But this sum is also independent of the relative positions of the charges. A&B show that it is the second sum that equals the Coulomb-derived energy formula!
  • #10
Care to show me a scan of that page? I want to look at the mathematical expressions in detail
  • #11
Your every whim is my command...


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  • #12
No doubt the original poster has long since achieved understanding and moved on, but I thought the question so interesting that I amused myself by recasting the A&B argument. Attached.


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FAQ: Total Electrostatic Energy in a system of charges

1. What is total electrostatic energy in a system of charges?

Total electrostatic energy in a system of charges is the sum of the potential energy between all pairs of charges in the system. It is a measure of the amount of work required to bring the charges together from an infinite distance apart.

2. How is total electrostatic energy calculated?

The total electrostatic energy can be calculated using the formula E = kQ1Q2/r, where k is the Coulomb constant, Q1 and Q2 are the magnitudes of the two charges, and r is the distance between them. This formula can be applied to each pair of charges in the system, and the results can be summed to find the total electrostatic energy.

3. Can total electrostatic energy be negative?

Yes, total electrostatic energy can be negative. This occurs when the charges in the system have opposite signs, resulting in an attractive force between them. In this case, the potential energy between the charges is negative, and the total electrostatic energy will also be negative.

4. How does the distance between charges affect the total electrostatic energy?

The total electrostatic energy is inversely proportional to the distance between charges. This means that as the distance between charges increases, the total electrostatic energy decreases. This is because the force between charges decreases as the distance between them increases, resulting in a decrease in potential energy.

5. Can the total electrostatic energy be changed by moving charges?

Yes, the total electrostatic energy can be changed by moving charges. As the positions of the charges in the system change, the distances between them also change, which will affect the total electrostatic energy. Additionally, work must be done to move the charges, which can also change the total electrostatic energy.
