Total heat capacity of an monatomic gas?

In summary, the conversation is about a question involving the ideal gas law and calculating the pressure and total heat capacity of a monatomic gas in a light bulb. The question was clarified to ask for the pressure at a specific temperature, and the correct unit conversions were made. The correct calculation for the pressure was found to be 12.3e4 Pa. For the second part of the question, the correct value for Cv was not specified due to missing units.
  • #1
when working this out, is it just Cv + Cp? giving 4nR?

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  • #2
Please use the provided template. We can not help unless we know the exact question that was given to you - sometimes, even a minor rewording of the question can confuse matters.
  • #3
Gokul43201 said:
Please use the provided template. We can not help unless we know the exact question that was given to you - sometimes, even a minor rewording of the question can confuse matters.

Sorry - I wasnt really trying to find the answer to the question. It was more of a: if it says the total heat capacity, does it mean Cv + Cp or just Cp (because this is bigger).

However the question was:

a light bulb at 20 degrees is filled with a monatomic gas, as a pressure of 76e3 Pa. When the bulb is switched on the temp changed to 200 degrees.

a) what is the pressure of the gas at this temp.

I realized that i had to use pv = nrt, since the volume is fixed the pressure must also go up by a s.f. of 10.

b) if the volume of the bulb is 125cm^3, estimate the total heat capacity.

So I rearanged the ideal gas law and found there to be 2.4 moles. All I was unsure about was at the point, do I work out Cv = 3/2nR + Cp = 5/2nR and sum them?
  • #4
coffeem said:
Sorry - I wasnt really trying to find the answer to the question. It was more of a: if it says the total heat capacity, does it mean Cv + Cp or just Cp (because this is bigger).

However the question was:

a light bulb at 20 degrees is filled with a monatomic gas, as a pressure of 76e3 Pa. When the bulb is switched on the temp changed to 200 degrees.

a) what is the pressure of the gas at this temp.

I realized that i had to use pv = nrt, since the volume is fixed the pressure must also go up by a s.f. of 10.
This isn't correct unless the temperatures were given in units of K or R, which is unlikely given the numbers involved.
b) if the volume of the bulb is 125cm^3, estimate the total heat capacity.

So I rearanged the ideal gas law and found there to be 2.4 moles. All I was unsure about was at the point, do I work out Cv = 3/2nR + Cp = 5/2nR and sum them?
No, the question is asking for how much heat the bulb must absorb to raise its temperature by 1 degree.

By the way, don't write "Cv = 3/2nR + Cp = 5/2nR" unless you really mean that Cv=5/2nR and Cp=R because that's what it means. I know a lot of students tend to do this, but it's really sloppy notation and often leads to mistakes.
  • #5
vela said:
This isn't correct unless the temperatures were given in units of K or R, which is unlikely given the numbers involved.

No, the question is asking for how much heat the bulb must absorb to raise its temperature by 1 degree.

By the way, don't write "Cv = 3/2nR + Cp = 5/2nR" unless you really mean that Cv=5/2nR and Cp=R because that's what it means. I know a lot of students tend to do this, but it's really sloppy notation and often leads to mistakes.

Your corrct it was in degrees celcius.

Umm... how would I go about working that out then? thanks
  • #6
Try taking a stab at it and posting your attempt here. You have the right idea for part a; you just have to use the absolute temperatures, i.e. convert them to K.
  • #7

So I have converte the temps to K:

T1 = 293K
T2 = 473K

So T2/T1 = 1.61

So by my reasoning the pressure will now be: 12.3ee4Pa

However how do I go about doing the second part? thanks
  • #8
Ok doing this more properly now. I get the pressure to be: 12.3ee4Pa

Which gives me 0.39moles.

So working out: Cv = 3/2nR = 4.86? is this correct?
  • #9
No, because you didn't specify any units.

FAQ: Total heat capacity of an monatomic gas?

1. What is the definition of total heat capacity of a monatomic gas?

The total heat capacity of a monatomic gas is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one mole of the gas by one degree Celsius. It is a measure of the gas's ability to store and transfer heat energy.

2. How is the total heat capacity of a monatomic gas calculated?

The total heat capacity of a monatomic gas can be calculated by multiplying the gas's specific heat capacity (which is a constant value for monatomic gases) by its molar mass. This gives the total heat capacity in units of joules per mole per degree Celsius (J/mol°C).

3. What is the difference between specific heat capacity and total heat capacity of a monatomic gas?

Specific heat capacity is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a given mass of gas by one degree Celsius, while total heat capacity is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one mole of gas by one degree Celsius. In other words, specific heat capacity is a per-mass measure, while total heat capacity is a per-mole measure.

4. Does the total heat capacity of a monatomic gas change with temperature?

No, the total heat capacity of a monatomic gas does not change with temperature. This is because the specific heat capacity of a monatomic gas is constant and does not depend on temperature. However, the total heat capacity may change with the addition of external factors such as pressure or volume.

5. What factors can affect the total heat capacity of a monatomic gas?

The total heat capacity of a monatomic gas can be affected by external factors such as pressure, volume, and the presence of other gases. These factors can alter the gas's thermodynamic properties and therefore change its ability to store and transfer heat energy. Additionally, the total heat capacity may also change with changes in the gas's molecular structure or composition.
