Totally Bounded & Completeness

  • Thread starter delta_epsilon
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In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between totally bounded spaces and complete metric spaces. It is asked whether totally boundedness implies completeness, and it is stated that completeness does imply totally boundedness. The homework equations define these terms and provide a counterexample to show that totally boundedness does not imply completeness.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I haven't been able to find any theorems stating the relationship between a totally bounded space and a complete metric space, i.e., whether totally boundedness implies completeness. (I know that completeness implies totally boundedness though). Is it true that totally boundedness implies completeness?

Any help is much appreciated.

Homework Equations

A metric space is totally bounded if give any ε>0, there exist finitely many points [itex] x_1, ... ,x_n[/itex] [itex]\in[/itex] M s.t. A [itex]\subset[/itex] [itex]\bigcup_{i=1}^{n}[/itex] [itex]B_{\epsilon} (x_i) [/itex] where n is finite.

A metric space M is said to be complete if every Cauchy sequence in M converges to a point in M.
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  • #2
The Attempt at a SolutionNo, totally boundedness does not imply completeness. A counterexample is the set of rational numbers with respect to the Euclidean metric. This set is totally bounded, but it is not complete since the sequence of rational numbers approaching a given irrational number does not converge to a point in the set.

FAQ: Totally Bounded & Completeness

What is the definition of a totally bounded set?

A totally bounded set is a set in which, for any given positive number, there exists a finite number of subsets that can cover the entire set within that distance. In other words, a totally bounded set is a set that can be "covered" by a finite number of "boxes".

What is the difference between totally bounded and bounded sets?

A set is bounded if it is contained within a finite distance, or if all of its elements are finite. A totally bounded set, on the other hand, is a set in which any given distance can be covered by a finite number of subsets. In other words, a totally bounded set is a stronger condition than a bounded set.

How is total boundedness related to completeness?

A set is complete if it contains all of its limit points. If a set is totally bounded, then it is also complete. This means that any totally bounded set is also complete, but not all complete sets are totally bounded. Total boundedness is a stronger condition than completeness.

What is the significance of totally boundedness in analysis?

Totally boundedness is a useful concept in analysis because it allows us to prove the existence of certain mathematical objects, such as Cauchy sequences, which are important in the study of limits and continuity. It also helps to define and characterize important properties of metric spaces, such as compactness.

Can a set be totally bounded but not complete?

No, a set cannot be totally bounded but not complete. As mentioned earlier, total boundedness implies completeness. If a set is totally bounded, then it contains all of its limit points, making it complete. Therefore, a totally bounded set must also be complete.
