Towing Sleds - Finding Tensions

  • Thread starter Twiggy92
  • Start date
In summary, three sleds are being pulled horizontally on a frictionless horizontal ice using horizontal ropes with a magnitude of 125 N. The acceleration of the system is 2.08 m/s^2, and the tension in ropes A and B can be calculated using the equations F = m*a and Tension = m*a. The blocks can be analyzed individually or using the same method as before to determine the tension in each rope.
  • #1
Three sleds are being pulled horizontally on a frictionless horizontal ice using horizontal ropes. The pull is a magnitude of 125 N. Find (a) the acceleration of the system and (b) the tension in ropes A and B (see diagram below)

[30 kg sled]---rope B---[20 kg sled]---rope A---[10 kg sled]----> 125 N force

F = total mass * a
Tension = m*a

F = m*a
125 = 60*a
a= 2.08 m/s^2

Using the T=m*a equation, which sleds do I plug in for m to get the tension in each rope?
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  • #2
Each sledge is experiencing a net force that makes it moves at 2.08 m/s^2
  • #3
Hello Twiggy92
Welcome to physics forums ! :)
In your case each block is moving with an acceleration you calculated right?There are two ways to handle your problem
(1) The same method you used.Try removing the penultimate block and apply your force equation.
(2) Isolate each and every block and analyse the forces as pointed out by the member azizlwl.
Try both and let us know if you get the right answer .:)

FAQ: Towing Sleds - Finding Tensions

1. What is a towing sled and how does it work?

A towing sled is a device used to simulate the drag forces experienced by an object being towed through a fluid. It consists of a weighted frame with an attachment point for the tow line. The sled is pulled through the water, generating drag forces that can be measured to determine the tension on the tow line.

2. What factors affect the tension on a towing sled?

The tension on a towing sled can be affected by a variety of factors, including the speed of the sled, the shape and size of the object being towed, the weight and design of the sled, and the properties of the fluid through which the sled is being towed.

3. How is the tension on a towing sled measured?

The tension on a towing sled is typically measured using a load cell, which is a device that can accurately measure the force being applied to the tow line. The load cell is connected to a data acquisition system, which records the tension readings as the sled is being towed.

4. What is the purpose of using a towing sled in scientific research?

A towing sled is commonly used in scientific research to study the behavior and performance of objects being towed through a fluid. This can include studying the effects of different designs or materials on drag forces, or investigating the hydrodynamics of marine animals.

5. How is the tension on a towing sled calculated?

The tension on a towing sled can be calculated using the basic equation F = ma, where F is the force (tension), m is the mass of the sled, and a is the acceleration experienced by the sled. By measuring the acceleration and mass of the sled, the tension can be determined. However, more complex calculations may be necessary to account for other factors, such as fluid viscosity and drag coefficients.
