Transfer Function & Unity Negative Feedback Control System

In summary, the conversation is about a person seeking help with past papers and struggling with some questions. The questions involve writing down a transfer function and evaluating its frequency response, as well as determining the controller gain and processor dead time for a control system. The person is recommended to look for information in the book Modern Control Engineering by Ogata, which contains examples that could be helpful for practice.
  • #1
Hi there. I'm wondering if anyone can help. I've got a few past papers I'm working on at the moment and there are a few questions I don't even know where to start with. Here's one:

a. Write down the transfer function for a time delay and then evaluate its corresponding frequency response as a magnitude and phase shift.

b. A unity negative feedback control system that can be modeled as a pure time delay in series with an integrator is controlled using proportional control. After a small change in setpoint is made a sustained oscillation occurs which has a period of 120 seconds. Determine:

i. The value of the controller gain
ii. The magnitude of the processor dead time.

Thanks again in advance
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  • #2
You must show some work before we can help you.
  • #3
CEL, that's the whole point of the sentence in my post that contains the phrase 'I don't even know where to start'!
  • #4
boabby1 said:
CEL, that's the whole point of the sentence in my post that contains the phrase 'I don't even know where to start'!

I suggest that you look for information on some book. Modern Control Engineering, by Ogata, is a good option.
  • #5
Thanks CEL. Does that have exam type questions in it? That's really what I'm after for practice. My notes have examples in but nothing even remotely like the type of questions which have been set in the exam papers I've seen.
  • #6
I have no idea what type are exam questions, but the book has lots of examples.

FAQ: Transfer Function & Unity Negative Feedback Control System

1. What is a transfer function in a feedback control system?

A transfer function in a feedback control system is a mathematical representation of the relationship between the input and output of a system. It describes how the output of a system changes in response to changes in the input, and is commonly used to analyze and design control systems.

2. How does a unity negative feedback control system work?

A unity negative feedback control system works by comparing the output of a system to a desired reference input and using the difference, or error, to adjust the input. This creates a closed loop system where the output is constantly monitored and adjusted to match the desired reference input, resulting in a more accurate and stable output.

3. What is the purpose of a transfer function in a unity negative feedback control system?

The transfer function in a unity negative feedback control system is used to analyze the stability, performance, and robustness of the system. It allows engineers to design and tune the system to meet specific requirements and ensure that the output remains stable and accurate in the presence of disturbances and uncertainties.

4. How do you calculate the transfer function of a unity negative feedback control system?

The transfer function of a unity negative feedback control system can be calculated by taking the Laplace transform of the differential equations that describe the system. This results in a ratio of the output to the input, which is the transfer function. Alternatively, the transfer function can also be determined experimentally by measuring the response of the system to different inputs.

5. What are the benefits of using a unity negative feedback control system?

The main benefits of using a unity negative feedback control system include improved accuracy, stability, and robustness of the system. It also allows for better control over the system's response to disturbances and uncertainties. Additionally, using a transfer function to analyze and design the system allows for efficient and effective tuning to meet specific requirements.

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