Transferring data from old data base to Access

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of transferring a large database constructed with D base to a modern database like Access without manually inputting the entries. It is suggested that there are conversion programs available for this task, with a cost estimated to be under $500. It is also mentioned that Excel can read DbaseIII files directly into a spreadsheet. There is some frustration expressed with Access as a replacement for programs like dBase and FoxBase.
  • #1
John O' Meara
I have a friend who has a friend who has a data base of 20000+ enteries. This data base was constructed using something called D base nearly twenty years ago. Now, they want to know is it possible to transfer the 20000 odd enteries to a modern data base without having to type in the enteries individually to the new database like Access.
(1) What is D base, does anyone in this forum know?
(2) Is it possible software wise to copy the D base enteries to Access or other new data base and if so how?
Thanks for helping.
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  • #2
Google is your friend. There are lots of conversion programs out there. The cost should be under $500.
  • #3
If the data is reasonably flat (ie not a complex set of linked tables) then just dumping the dbase format to comma separated fields (CSV) then importing it into access would be easy.

IIRC Excel will read DbaseIII files into a spreadsheet directly.
  • #4
Ashton Tate dBase was a wonderful program, and it was pretty much reverse-engineered as FoxBase, which also included a nice compiler. MS bought FoxBase before releasing the perversion that is Access, and they should have provided free conversion tools. Having written application programs for dBase and FoxBase for years, I was quite disappointed with Access when I ended up having to build some very simple applications (it would have been far simpler in dBase or FoxBase) for a customer.
  • #5

I am not an expert in database management or software engineering, but I can offer some general information and advice on this topic.

(1) D base is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that was popular in the 1980s and 1990s. It was commonly used for storing and organizing large amounts of data, similar to modern database software like Access. However, it is now considered outdated and has been largely replaced by newer database technologies.

(2) It is possible to transfer the data from a D base database to a modern database like Access. There are a few ways to do this, depending on the specific software and tools available. One option is to use a specialized conversion tool that can convert the D base file into a format that is compatible with Access. Another option is to export the data from D base into a CSV (comma-separated values) file and then import that file into Access. Alternatively, if the D base database is still accessible and functional, it may be possible to connect to it using Access and directly transfer the data.

In any case, it is important to carefully review the data and ensure that it is accurately transferred to the new database. This may involve manually checking and correcting any errors or inconsistencies that may occur during the transfer process. It may also be helpful to consult with a database expert or IT professional for assistance with the transfer.

Overall, while it may be time-consuming and potentially challenging, it is certainly possible to transfer the data from a D base database to a modern database like Access. With the right tools and techniques, the process can be streamlined and the data can be successfully migrated. I hope this information helps and good luck with the transfer process!

Related to Transferring data from old data base to Access

What is the process of transferring data from an old database to Access?

The process of transferring data from an old database to Access involves exporting the data from the old database into a format that is compatible with Access, such as CSV or Excel. Then, the data can be imported into Access using the import wizard.

Can all types of data be transferred to Access?

In most cases, yes. Access is able to import data from various types of databases, including SQL Server, MySQL, and Oracle. However, there may be some compatibility issues with certain data types and formats, so it is important to check for any potential issues before transferring the data.

What are some common challenges faced when transferring data to Access?

Some common challenges include data type compatibility issues, data formatting errors, and data loss during the transfer process. It is important to carefully review and validate the data after the transfer to ensure its accuracy.

Is there a limit to the amount of data that can be transferred to Access?

While Access can handle large amounts of data, there may be limitations based on the version of Access being used. For example, Access 2010 has a limit of 2 GB for a single database file. It is important to consider the size of the data being transferred and make any necessary adjustments to avoid any potential issues.

Can data be transferred from Access back to the old database?

Yes, data can be exported from Access and imported back into the old database if needed. However, it is important to note that there may be compatibility issues and data may need to be reformatted before being imported into the old database.

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