Transformations in higher dimensions

In summary: Dimension refers to a specific attribute of a vector space. A dimension is a number that describes the extent of a vector space. In 3-dimensional space, for example, there are three dimensions.
  • #1
Rahma Al-Farsy
Is there an alternative set of equations similar to Lorentz Transformations that transforms vectors from one dimension to a higher or lower dimension?
Physics news on
  • #2
It is unclear what you mean, please be more specific. If not, you leave everyone to guess your intention.
  • #3
You can't "transform" vectors from one dimension to another (by which I assume you mean, for example, transforming a vector in 4-dimensional space to a vector in 3-dimensional space). The dimension of a vector space is a fixed attribute of the vector space.

You can define mappings between vectors in one space and vectors in another space. But such a mapping would not be similar to a Lorentz transformation.
  • #4
Okay, thank you Peter. What if you have an event that occurred over a certain period time in the 4th dimension, will the time still stay the same in higher dimensions? Or if an observer in a higher dimension were to have a frame of reference moving at a velocity, v, relative to the event's frame of reference would normal lorentz transformations still apply?
  • #5
Rahma Al-Farsy said:
What if you have an event that occurred over a certain period time in the 4th dimension, will the time still stay the same in higher dimensions?

I don't understand what you mean by this. Can you give a concrete example?
  • #6
Would an observer in a higher dimension experience time the same as a an observer in the 4th dimension? I am new to this topic so I am not sure what sought of example I would be able to give :/
  • #7
I don't understand what you mean by "an observer in a higher dimension". Perhaps you could explain how you came up with this idea, or give a reference to a book or article where you got it?
  • #8
I just came up with the idea so cannot give any references. But what I am trying to say is: we experience everything in the 4th dimension right? What if theoretically a being lived in the 5th dimension, and an event occurred in the fourth dimension. Would it seem faster or slower to him compared to us? Or would it just be the same?
  • #9
Rahma Al-Farsy said:
I just came up with the idea so cannot give any references. But what I am trying to say is: we experience everything in the 4th dimension right? What if theoretically a being lived in the 5th dimension, and an event occurred in the fourth dimension. Would it seem faster or slower to him compared to us? Or would it just be the same?
The problem is that you are using words in ways that don't make sense. No, we don't "experience everything in the 4th dimension", we experience things in all four dimensions. As for what a "being living in the 5th dimension", by which I assume you mean a being living in 5 dimensions, before we can say anything about that, you need to say what you mean by this "5th dimension". What properties does it have? Are you really clear on what a "dimension" is?
  • #10
Okay, I understand my question was confused. Thank you anyways

FAQ: Transformations in higher dimensions

1. What are transformations in higher dimensions?

Transformations in higher dimensions refer to the mathematical process of changing the position, size, or shape of an object in space with more than three dimensions. This can include rotations, translations, reflections, and scaling.

2. Why are transformations in higher dimensions important?

Transformations in higher dimensions are important in various fields of science, such as physics, computer graphics, and engineering. They allow us to model and understand complex systems and phenomena in multiple dimensions, which are not always easily visualized in our three-dimensional world.

3. How are transformations in higher dimensions different from those in three dimensions?

In three dimensions, transformations are limited to rotations, translations, and reflections. In higher dimensions, additional transformations such as shear, dilation, and higher-order rotations (beyond 360 degrees) are possible. Additionally, the mathematics behind transformations in higher dimensions becomes more complex and requires the use of matrices and vectors.

4. Can transformations in higher dimensions be visualized?

While it is difficult for us to visualize objects and transformations in more than three dimensions, there are ways to represent them mathematically and through computer simulations. These visualizations can help us understand and study the behavior of higher-dimensional systems.

5. How are transformations in higher dimensions used in real-world applications?

Transformations in higher dimensions have numerous applications, including in computer graphics for creating 3D animations and video games, in physics for understanding the behavior of particles in multiple dimensions, and in engineering for designing complex structures and systems. They also have applications in data analysis and machine learning, where data is often represented in higher-dimensional spaces.

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