Transformations involving singular points

In summary, the two theorems mentioned suggest that a triangle cannot be smoothly transformed to a circle without eliminating one or more of its singular points.
  • #1
SW VandeCarr
Can a triangle be smoothly transformed to a circle?
Physics news on
  • #2
SW VandeCarr said:
Can a triangle be smoothly transformed to a circle?

Either this question is too easy, too dumb or too hard. I'd just like an answer. I've found two two possibly relevant theorems:

Hironaka: Every analytic space Y admits a resolution of singularities: there is a smooth manifold X and a proper map f:X->Y such that f is an isomorphism except over singular points.

Castelnuovo, Enriques: Every singular surface has a unique minimal resolution of singularities.

What exactly is a "minimal resolution"? It suggests to me that the singular points of a triangle cannot be "eliminated" by a smooth transformation, but only arbitrarily "minimized". Is this correct?
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  • #3
SW VandeCarr said:
Either this question is too easy, too dumb or too hard. I'd just like an answer. I've found two two possibly relevant theorems:

Hironaka: Every analytic space Y admits a resolution of singularities: there is a smooth manifold X and a proper map f:X->Y such that f is an isomorphism except over singular points.

Castelnuovo, Enriques: Every singular surface has a unique minimal resolution of singularities.

What exactly is a "minimal resolution"? It suggests to me that the singular points of a triangle cannot be "eliminated" by a smooth transformation, but only arbitrarily "minimized". Is this correct?

People are reading, but not answering. I'll give a very simple special case example of how I think a singular point might be eliminated, not "minimally resolved" by means of a topological transformation:

Consider an equalateral triangle circumscribed by a circle such that the three singular points lie on the circle. If the triangle is transformed to coincide with the circle (each line segment is transformed into a 2pi/3 radian arc), the singular points are eliminated.

Can this idea be applied to the more general case of functions that are analytic almost everywhere, except for singular points?
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FAQ: Transformations involving singular points

1. What are singular points?

Singular points are points on a graph or equation where the function is not defined or is undefined. They can also be points where the function is discontinuous or has an infinite value.

2. How do you identify singular points?

Singular points can be identified by finding points where the function is undefined, discontinuous, or has a vertical tangent line. They can also be identified by solving for points where the denominator of a fraction is equal to zero.

3. What types of transformations can involve singular points?

Transformations such as translation, dilation, and rotation can involve singular points. These transformations can affect the position, size, and orientation of the graph, potentially creating or removing singular points.

4. How do singular points affect the graph of a function?

Singular points can cause the graph to have breaks or holes, or to have a vertical or horizontal asymptote. They can also cause the graph to be discontinuous or have sharp turns.

5. How can we handle singular points in mathematical models?

In mathematical models, singular points can be handled by using limits or piecewise functions to represent the discontinuity or undefined points. They can also be approximated by using numerical methods to calculate the value of the function at the singular point.

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