Transformations of a vector in the active viewpoint

In summary, the active transformation of a vector field involves rotating the orientation of the vector field as the point of evaluation is changed. This is comparable to the transformation matrix mixing up the vector field components to form a new vector field. Under 3-dimensional rotations and Lorentz transformations, the vector field is rotated or boosted in space(time) while the coordinate system is held fixed. This is because the transformation matrix is applied to the vector field while the inverse transformation matrix is applied to the coordinates. Overall, the active transformation results in a rotated vector field, while the passive transformation results in a completely different field.
  • #1
In Peskin and Schroeder page 37,

a diagram illustrates how, under the active transformation, the orientation of a vector field must be rotated forward as the point of evaluation of the field is changed.

I understand that the change of the orientation of the vector field is the same idea as that of the transformation matrix mixing up the vector field components to form the new vector field components.

Now, the textbook goes on to mention that:

under 3-dimensional rotations, ##V^{i}(x) \rightarrow R^{ij}V^{j}(R^{-1}x)##
under Lorentz transformations, ##V^{\mu}(x) \rightarrow \Lambda^{\mu}_{\nu}V^{\nu}(R^{-1}x)##

I understand that because we are working in the active transformation, the vector field itself is rotated (or boosted) in space(time) and the coordinate system (or reference system) is held fixed.

Can someone explain to me in simple layman terms why we are applying the a transformation matrix on the vector field when we are using the inverse transformation matrix on the coordinates?
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  • #2
A vector field is a map with vector domain and range. Think about the classic ##\mathbb{R}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^2## map. If you just do ##V^i(x) \mapsto R^{ij} V^j(x)## you are rotating the range vector while keeping it in the same position. That means you don't get a rotated vector field, but a completely different field. Think about the classic curling field:


If you do ##V^i(x) \mapsto R^{ij} V^j(x)## with a 90° rotation matrix, you obtain a central vector field! While if you actively rotate the whole field, sure the resulting vector is rotated 90° but referred to the old vector function in the old position.

Edit: maybe I see where your doubt lies. For instance, you don't do ##V^i(x) \mapsto R^{ij} V^j(R x)## because the right hand side V would have to be a different function from the left hand side V to be the actively rotated field. Also, don't see in the correct formula ##V^i(x) \mapsto R^{ij} V^j(R^{-1} x)## the resulting field as a function of ##R^{-1}x##, see it as a function of ##x##. Then it will make sense.
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  • #3
Thanks! I get it! :smile:

FAQ: Transformations of a vector in the active viewpoint

1. What is a vector in the active viewpoint?

A vector in the active viewpoint is a mathematical representation of a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. It is typically represented as an arrow pointing in a specific direction and its length represents the magnitude of the quantity.

2. How is a vector transformed in the active viewpoint?

A vector can be transformed in the active viewpoint by using a transformation matrix. The matrix contains values that dictate the translation, rotation, and scaling of the vector in relation to the active viewpoint.

3. What is the importance of transformations of vectors in the active viewpoint?

Transformations of vectors in the active viewpoint are important in many fields, including physics, computer graphics, and engineering. They allow us to accurately represent and manipulate objects in a three-dimensional space.

4. What are some common transformations applied to vectors in the active viewpoint?

Some common transformations applied to vectors in the active viewpoint include translation, rotation, and scaling. Other transformations may include shearing and reflection.

5. How do transformations of vectors in the active viewpoint relate to real-world applications?

Transformations of vectors in the active viewpoint are used in various real-world applications, such as 3D modeling, computer animation, and robotics. They allow for precise control and manipulation of objects in a 3D space, making them essential in many industries.

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