Transforming a Triple Integral: From Ellipsoid to Sphere

In summary, the given problem involves evaluating the triple integral of xz over the domain W, which is bounded by an elliptic cylinder and a sphere in the first octant. The solution involves finding the bounds for z, x, and y, and then transforming the original integral using a change of variables and the Jacobian. This transformation results in a simpler integral in spherical coordinates.
  • #1
Amy Marie

Homework Statement

Evaluate ∫∫∫[W] xz dV, where W is the domain bounded by the elliptic cylinder (x^2)/4 + (y^2)/9 = 1 and the sphere x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 16 in the first octant x> or = 0, y> or = 0, z> or = 0.

Homework Equations

First, I tried to find the bounds for z:
z = 0 (because z is greater than or equal to zero) to z = sqrt(16 - x^2 - y^2).

Then setting z = 0, I tried to find the x bounds:
x = sqrt(4 - (4y^2)/9) to x = sqrt(16 - y^2).

Finally with both x and z set to 0, I tried to find the y bounds:
y = 3 to y = 4.

The Attempt at a Solution

∫[/B]3 to 4 sqrt(4 - (4y^2)/9) to sqrt(16 - y^2) 0 to sqrt(16 - x^2 - y^2) xz dzdxdy

When I tried to solve this, it didn't work. I'm wondering if I have the bounds wrong.
Physics news on
  • #2

You should find the intersection of the sphere and cylinder by setting them both to be zero and solving. This will give you an ellipsoid.

Using the transformation ##x = \sqrt{20} u##, ##y = \sqrt{\frac{135}{8}} v##, and ##z = \sqrt{15}w## will transform the ellipsoid into a sphere of radius 1. Computing the Jacobian of this transformation will allow you to transform the original integral:

$$\iiint_V xz \space dV = \iiint_{V'} (\sqrt{20} u)(\sqrt{15}w) \space |J| \space dV'$$

I believe a change to spherical co-ordinates from here will clean up the limits and the integral.
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FAQ: Transforming a Triple Integral: From Ellipsoid to Sphere

1. What is a triple integral?

A triple integral is a mathematical concept used in multivariable calculus to calculate the volume of a three-dimensional region or the mass of a three-dimensional object. It involves integrating a function of three variables over a three-dimensional region.

2. What is the difference between a double integral and a triple integral?

A double integral is used to calculate the area of a two-dimensional region, while a triple integral is used to calculate the volume of a three-dimensional region. In a double integral, the region is bounded by two curves, whereas in a triple integral, the region is bounded by three surfaces.

3. What is the purpose of using a triple integral?

A triple integral is commonly used in physics, engineering, and other fields to calculate the volume of a three-dimensional object or to solve problems involving three-dimensional systems. It can also be used to calculate the mass, center of mass, and moments of inertia of a three-dimensional object.

4. How do you set up a triple integral?

To set up a triple integral, you need to determine the limits of integration for each variable, which will define the three-dimensional region. This can be done by graphing the region or using equations. Once the limits are determined, the integral can be written in the form ∫∫∫f(x,y,z)dV, where f(x,y,z) is the function being integrated and dV represents an infinitesimal volume element.

5. What are some applications of triple integrals?

Triple integrals have various applications in fields such as physics, engineering, economics, and statistics. Some examples include calculating the moment of inertia of a three-dimensional object, finding the center of mass of a three-dimensional system, calculating the volume of a solid with varying density, and determining the probability of an event in a three-dimensional space.
