Transforming co- and contravariant 4-vectors

In summary: The relativistically-correct 4-momentum operator would be of the form \hat{p}_\mu = -i\hbar \partial_\mu = (-\frac{1}{c} i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial t}, -i\hbar \nabla) = (-\frac{1}{c} \hat{E},\hat{p}).
  • #1
I'm slightly confused by the difference between covariant and contravariant 4-vectors and how they transform under Lorentz boosts. I'm aware that [itex]x_{\mu} = (-x^0 ,x^1, x^2, x^3) = (x_0 ,x_1, x_2, x_3)[/itex], but when I do a Lorentz transform of the covariant vector, it seems to transform exactly like a contravariant vector would:

[tex]x_{\mu} \Lambda^{\mu}_{\nu} = \pmatrix{\gamma & -\gamma\beta & 0 & 0\\-\gamma\beta & \gamma & 0 & 0\\0 & 0 & 1 & 0\\0 & 0 & 0 & 1} \pmatrix{x_0\\x_1\\x_2\\x_3} = \pmatrix{\gamma(x_0 -\beta x_1)\\\gamma(x_1 -\beta x_0)\\x_2\\x_3}[/tex]

But I've heard people say that they transform differently; so am I doing this wrong?
I was also hoping someone would explain how differential operators behave/transform as well (does [itex]\frac{\partial}{\partial x^\mu} = \partial_\mu[/itex] transform like a covariant vector? What would [itex]\frac{\partial}{\partial x_\mu}[/itex] mean?)
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  • #2
Some observations that might help for the first of your questions:

(1) When you write a contravariant vector, you need to write the vector itself with an "upstairs" abstract index, not a "downstairs" one; also, you shouldn't include the signs if you are writing the components out with indexes--the signs come in in a different way, as we'll see in a moment:

[tex]x^{\mu} = (x^{0}, x^{1}, x^{2}, x^{3})[/tex]

[tex]x_{\mu} = (x_{0}, x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3})[/tex]

(2) You use the metric to raise and lower indices, i.e., to convert between contravariant and covariant representations of the same vector, which is implicitly what you were trying to do when you wrote your formula for [itex]x_{\mu}[/itex]. That means that:

[tex]x_{\mu} = \eta_{\mu \nu} x^{\nu}[/tex]

So if we have specific numerical values for [itex]x^{\nu}[/itex], say [itex]x^{\nu} = (t, x, y, z)[/itex] , then we can use the above formula to find that [itex]x_{\mu} = (-t, x, y, z)[/itex] .

(3) The Lorentz transformation matrix has one upper and one lower index, so you can use the same matrix to transform either kind of vector, by just switching which index you sum over (lower vs. upper):

[tex]x^{\nu} = \Lambda^{\nu}_{\rho} x^{\rho}[/tex]

[tex]x_{\mu} = \Lambda^{\sigma}_{\mu} x_{\sigma}[/tex]

If you write this out in matrix form, you will see that the first equation represents multiplying the Lorentz transformation matrix by a column vector, whereas the second represents multiplying it by a row vector--i.e., covariant vectors are row vectors, not column vectors. However, since the Lorentz transformation matric is symmetric, the two types of multiplication work out the same way as far as how they manipulate the components of the vector.
  • #3
EricTheWizard said:
(does [itex]\frac{\partial}{\partial x^\mu} = \partial_\mu[/itex] transform like a covariant vector?


EricTheWizard said:
What would [itex]\frac{\partial}{\partial x_\mu}[/itex] mean?)

It's equivalent to raising the index of [itex]\partial_{\mu}[/itex] using the metric, as described in my last post. In other words, the partial derivative with respect to a contravariant vector field is a covariant vector field, and vice versa. (Note that now we're talking about "vector fields", not just "vectors", since we're talking about derivatives; the derivative with respect to a single vector makes no sense, since the whole point of the derivative is to describe how something else changes as the vector changes.)
  • #4
Ahh thank you for your post. So both vectors transform the same way, then.
And just to make sure I have this right, you're saying that [itex]\frac{\partial}{\partial x_\mu} = \partial^\mu = \eta^{\mu\nu}\partial_\nu[/itex]?

So if I were to construct a relativistically-correct 4-momentum operator, would it be of the form [itex]\hat{p}_\mu = -i\hbar \partial_\mu = (-\frac{1}{c} i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial t}, -i\hbar \nabla) = (-\frac{1}{c} \hat{E},\hat{p})[/itex]? (I ask because this kind of ties in with a homework assignment)
  • #5
EricTheWizard said:
you're saying that [itex]\frac{\partial}{\partial x_\mu} = \partial^\mu = \eta^{\mu\nu}\partial_\nu[/itex]?


EricTheWizard said:
(I ask because this kind of ties in with a homework assignment)

We're not supposed to directly give answers to homework assignments, but it looks like you're basically on the right track.

FAQ: Transforming co- and contravariant 4-vectors

1. What are co- and contravariant 4-vectors?

Co- and contravariant 4-vectors are mathematical objects used in the field of relativity to describe the properties of objects or events in four-dimensional spacetime. They are composed of four components, typically denoted by a 4-tuple, that represent the coordinates of the object or event in space and time.

2. How do co- and contravariant 4-vectors differ?

The main difference between co- and contravariant 4-vectors lies in their transformation properties under a change of coordinates. Co-vectors, also known as contravariant vectors, transform in the opposite direction of the coordinate system, while contravectors, also known as covariant vectors, transform in the same direction as the coordinate system.

3. What is the purpose of transforming co- and contravariant 4-vectors?

Transforming co- and contravariant 4-vectors is necessary in order to maintain the same physical meaning and mathematical form of equations in different coordinate systems. This is important in the theory of relativity, where different observers may have different frames of reference.

4. How are co- and contravariant 4-vectors used in physics?

Co- and contravariant 4-vectors are used to describe the properties of objects or events in spacetime and are essential in the formulation of physical laws in the theory of relativity. They are also used in other areas of physics, such as electromagnetism and quantum mechanics.

5. What are some examples of co- and contravariant 4-vectors?

Examples of co- and contravariant 4-vectors include the position vector, momentum vector, and energy-momentum tensor. In special relativity, the four-vector representing an object's energy and momentum is a contravariant vector, while the four-vector representing its velocity is a covariant vector.
