Transition probability for a step function perterbation

In summary, the problem involves a particle with mass m in a 1-D infinite square well of width a, initially in the ground state. A delta function potential V1=k δ(x-a/2) is turned on and off at specific times, and a measurement is made at a later time. The probability of finding the particle in the third excited state is determined using time-dependent perturbation theory. The eigenstates of the unperturbed Hamiltonian are used, and the boundary conditions for the wave function are determined. The relation H(t) = Hf(t) is used, where H is the time-independent part and f(t) is the time-dependent part, with the delta function included. The matrix elements are easily evaluated, simpl
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Homework Statement

a particle with mass=m is in a 1-D infinite square well of width a. The particle is initially in ground state. A delta function potential V1=k δ(x-a/2) is turned on at t= -t1 and turned off at t=t1. A measurement is made at t2, where t2>t1. What is the probability that the particle will be found in the third excited state (n=3)?

Homework Equations

recall the normalized solution to schodinger's eq for the unperturbed infinite square well:

Psi(x) = sqrt(2/a)sin(npix/a), E(n)= ((h/2pi)(pi)(n))^2/(2ma^2); n=1,2,3...

P(i -> f) = 1/hbar^2 (<psi(final) lHl psi(initial)>)^2(integral of f(t)e^(i(E(final)-E(initial))t/hbar)dt from t(initial) to t(final)

The Attempt at a Solution

the wave function is subject to H(t); H(t) can be factored into a time independent operator, H, and a time dependent piece, f(t), which does not operate on the wave function.
hence H(t) = Hf(t)
It would be really annoying to type out my work so ill try and explain what I am stuck on.

V1 basically acts as an infinite potential barrier at x= a/2.

I initially tried solving shrodingers eq with V(x) = V1.

My intuition tells me that in order to solve this differential equation I need to use a Laplace transformation, however when I try to work it out, I get an answer that I know isn't correct (i.e. psi(x) = 0).

So I scraped that plan and solved schodingers eq for two wave functions, one for (0<x<a/2) and the second for (a/2<x<a).
This worked out ok; I was not sure how to pick the coefficients for each wave function, I am assuming they need to be continuos at x=a/2, but also equal to zero at x=0, x=a/2,x=a ?

Furthermore, for the relation H(t) = Hf(t), I am not sure what H or f(t) are.

Since I took took the δ(x-a/2) into account by deriving two wave functions, I made an educated guess and took H=k, and f(t) =1 (-t1<t<t1) and f(t)=0 (t1<t<t2).

I put all this mess into the equation given above for P(i -> f) and simplified, continued simplifying, and eventually decided to request assistance from the internet.

Usually our HW problems aren't this tedious so I think I probably set the problem up completely wrong.

Can anyone share some wisdom to a tired, haggard undergrad?
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  • #2
JFuld said:
So I scraped that plan and solved schodingers eq for two wave functions, one for (0<x<a/2) and the second for (a/2<x<a).
This worked out ok; I was not sure how to pick the coefficients for each wave function, I am assuming they need to be continuos at x=a/2, but also equal to zero at x=0, x=a/2,x=a ?
You probably don't need to solve the Schrodinger equation with the perturbation (unless the problem asks you to). In time-dependent perturbation theory, you work with the eigenstates of the unperturbed Hamiltonian.

In case you do want to solve for the eigenstates when the perturbation is turned on, the boundary conditions are (1) ψL(0)=ψR(a)=0; (2) ψL(a/2)=ψR(a/2); and (3) ψ'R(a/2)-ψ'L(a/2) = some constant, where the two wave functions are the solutions for the left and right halves of the well. You can figure out what the constant is by integrating the Schrodinger equation from x=a/2-ε to x=a/2+ε. The wave function remains continuous at x=a/2, but the delta function causes a discontinuity in the derivative.
Furthermore, for the relation H(t) = Hf(t), I am not sure what H or f(t) are.

Since I took took the δ(x-a/2) into account by deriving two wave functions, I made an educated guess and took H=k, and f(t) =1 (-t1<t<t1) and f(t)=0 (t1<t<t2).
Close. f(t) is basically right, though it would be easier to say f(1)=1 for -t1<t<t1 and f(t)=0 elsewhere. The time-independent part needs to include the delta function, so you should have H=k δ(x-a/2). That makes evaluating the matrix elements trivial.
I put all this mess into the equation given above for P(i -> f) and simplified, continued simplifying, and eventually decided to request assistance from the internet.

Usually our HW problems aren't this tedious so I think I probably set the problem up completely wrong.

Can anyone share some wisdom to a tired, haggard undergrad?

FAQ: Transition probability for a step function perterbation

1. What is transition probability for a step function perturbation?

Transition probability for a step function perturbation is a measure of the likelihood that a quantum system will undergo a transition from one energy state to another when a step function perturbation is applied.

2. How is transition probability calculated?

Transition probability is calculated using the Fermi's Golden Rule, which takes into account the initial and final states of the system, as well as the strength and duration of the perturbation.

3. What is the significance of transition probability in quantum mechanics?

Transition probability is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics and is used to understand the behavior and dynamics of quantum systems. It helps predict the probability of an electron or other particle transitioning to a different energy state when perturbed.

4. How does the step function perturbation affect transition probability?

The step function perturbation, which is a sudden and instantaneous change in the potential energy of a system, can significantly affect the transition probability. The larger the perturbation, the higher the probability of a transition occurring.

5. Can transition probability be experimentally measured?

Yes, transition probability can be measured experimentally using various techniques such as spectroscopy, which involves analyzing the emitted or absorbed energy of a system to determine its energy states and transitions.
