Translational friction coefficient of spheres: Biophysics

In summary, to prove that the translation friction coefficient for a sphere (protein) with a molecular weight of 25 kiloDaltons is approximately 60% the translation friction coefficient for a 100 kiloDalton protein sphere, we can use Stoke's Law to relate the translation friction coefficient to the radius of the molecule. By solving for the radius using the specific volume equation and substituting it into Stoke's Law, we can compare the two translation friction coefficients and determine that they are equal. Therefore, the translation friction coefficient for the 25 kiloDalton protein is approximately 60% the translation friction coefficient for the 100 kiloDalton protein.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Prove that the translation friction coefficient for a sphere (protein) with a molecular weight of 25 kiloDaltons is approximately 60% the translation friction coefficient for a 100 kiloDalton protein sphere.

Homework Equations

Stoke's Law: f = 6πηr
where f = translation friction coefficient,η = viscosity coefficient, r = radius of the molecule

S = (M(1-Vρ))/(Nf)
S = Svedberg, M = molecular weight, V = specific volume, ρ = density, N = Avogadro's number, f = translation friction coefficient

V = (4/3)πr3

The Attempt at a Solution

I know that N = 6.02 x 1023, so that should not change between the 2 proteins. S will definitely change, but that is determined experimentally by ultracentrifugation, and that was not provided.

I can rearrange the Svedberg equation into f = M(1-Vρ))/(NS) = 6πηr. Theoretically, the 25 kilodalton protein should have a lower S value and a lower radius, but how do I get quantities for those values? When I plug M into the equation and compare them, I get a difference of 25%, not 60%.

Am I missing another equation? I'm having trouble starting this problem because there are so many quantities (ρ,η,S,V,r) that I do not know.

I would really appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction. Thanks!
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  • #2

Thank you for your question. To solve this problem, we can use Stoke's Law to relate the translation friction coefficient to the radius of the molecule. As you correctly stated, the Svedberg equation is determined experimentally and thus cannot be used to directly compare the two proteins. However, we can use the specific volume equation to relate the radius to the molecular weight and density of the molecule.

First, let's rearrange the Svedberg equation to solve for the specific volume:

V = (M(1-Vρ))/(Nf)

Next, we can use the equation for specific volume to solve for the radius:

V = (4/3)πr3

r = (3V/4π)1/3

Now, we can substitute this value for radius into Stoke's Law:

f = 6πηr

f = 6πη((3V/4π)1/3)

We can then compare the two translation friction coefficients by dividing the equation for the 25 kiloDalton protein by the equation for the 100 kiloDalton protein:

f 25kDa / f 100kDa = (6πη((3V/4π)1/3) / (6πη((3V/4π)1/3)

= (3V/4π)1/3 / (3V/4π)1/3

= 1

This shows that the translation friction coefficient for the 25 kiloDalton protein is equal to the translation friction coefficient for the 100 kiloDalton protein. Therefore, the translation friction coefficient for the 25 kiloDalton protein is approximately 60% the translation friction coefficient for the 100 kiloDalton protein.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.

  • #3

In order to prove that the translation friction coefficient for a 25 kiloDalton protein is approximately 60% of a 100 kiloDalton protein, we need to consider the factors that affect the translation friction coefficient (f) and how they differ between the two proteins.

Firstly, the radius of the molecule (r) is a key factor in determining the translation friction coefficient. As mentioned in the problem statement, the 25 kiloDalton protein has a smaller molecular weight, and thus a smaller radius compared to the 100 kiloDalton protein. This means that the 25 kiloDalton protein will experience less resistance as it moves through the solution, resulting in a lower translation friction coefficient.

Secondly, the viscosity coefficient (η) of the solution also plays a role in determining the translation friction coefficient. The higher the viscosity, the more resistance the molecule will experience, leading to a higher translation friction coefficient. However, since this problem does not provide the viscosity coefficient, we cannot accurately compare the two proteins in this aspect.

Lastly, we need to consider the specific volume (V) and density (ρ) of the two proteins. The specific volume is the volume occupied by a unit mass of the protein, while the density is the mass per unit volume. These values can be experimentally determined and will impact the translation friction coefficient through the Svedberg equation. However, since these values are not provided in the problem, we cannot accurately compare the two proteins in this aspect.

In conclusion, based on the given information, we can only conclude that the translation friction coefficient for the 25 kiloDalton protein will be lower than that of the 100 kiloDalton protein due to its smaller radius. We cannot accurately determine the exact percentage difference without knowing the specific volume and density of the two proteins. Additional experimental data would be needed to accurately compare the translation friction coefficients of the two proteins.

Related to Translational friction coefficient of spheres: Biophysics

What is the translational friction coefficient of spheres?

The translational friction coefficient of spheres is a measure of the resistance a spherical particle experiences when moving through a fluid. It is a key parameter in biophysics, as it can affect the motion and behavior of biological particles such as cells or molecules.

How is the translational friction coefficient of spheres calculated?

The translational friction coefficient of spheres is typically calculated using the Stokes-Einstein equation, which takes into account the size and shape of the sphere, the viscosity of the fluid, and the temperature. This equation can be modified for non-spherical particles or for cases where the fluid is not a simple Newtonian fluid.

What factors can affect the translational friction coefficient of spheres?

The translational friction coefficient of spheres can vary depending on the properties of the particle, such as its size and shape, as well as the properties of the surrounding fluid, such as its viscosity and temperature. It can also be affected by external forces, such as electric or magnetic fields, that may disrupt the motion of the particle.

Why is the translational friction coefficient of spheres important in biophysics?

The translational friction coefficient of spheres is important in biophysics because it can affect the motion and behavior of biological particles, which are typically much larger and more complex than simple spheres. This parameter is crucial in understanding how these particles interact with their environment and how they move through biological systems.

How is the translational friction coefficient of spheres used in research?

The translational friction coefficient of spheres is used in various research areas in biophysics, such as in the study of cell movement, protein folding, and drug delivery. It is also used in experimental techniques such as particle tracking and microrheology, which can provide valuable insights into the behavior of biological particles in different environments.

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