Transmission and reflection for olique incidence at a uniform dielectric slab

In summary, transmission and reflection for oblique incidence at a uniform dielectric slab is the behavior of electromagnetic waves when they encounter a dielectric slab at an angle other than perpendicular. The angle of incidence plays a crucial role in determining the amount of transmission and reflection, with higher angles resulting in more reflection and less transmission. Normal incidence, where the angle is 90 degrees, results in no reflection and complete transmission, while oblique incidence results in both. The relationship between the refractive indices of the incident and transmitted mediums, known as Snell's law, determines how much the material slows down light. The thickness of the dielectric slab also affects transmission and reflection, with thicker slabs resulting in less reflection and more transmission, but this relationship
  • #1
1. Homework Statement

A di-electric slab of thickness d is between two differing dielectric media (u0,e0/u1,e1/u2,e2). What is the total reflection at the first interface and transmission through the second interface of the slab. The incident wave is in the x-z plane with an angle of incidence, ie not normal to the boundary. I will refer to this angle of incidence as theta (sorry I can find any greek symbols in this formatting)

2. Homework Equations

Given equation E=Eo*e^{-jk(i^)*(r^)}
r^~ is the typical cartesian unit vector with x,y,z components
(i^)*(r^) is the dot product of the two
(i^)*(r^)= xcos(theta)+zcos(theta)

3. The Attempt at a Solution

I was able to use sum the contributions of the internal reflections in the slab to calculate
the total reflection

R=[ R12+R23*exp^(+j2k*(xcos(theta)+dcos(theta) ] / [ 1-R21*R23*e^(+j*2k**(xcos(theta)+dcos(theta)]

This is the standard equation but everything I see in examples is for normal incidence so that those exponential terms look like e^(-j2kd) b/c cos(0)=0 and there is no x component in the incident wave. Also my incident wave is traveling in the -z direction not positive z direction, hence the sign change. What am I supposed to do with the 'x' in my exponential term? Do I use trig to determine the distance the wave is traveling with respect to the x-axis and plug that into my final soluiton? Obviously z=d here.

I'm sorry this may seem confusing. I wish I could post a figure and use Math Type to make things more clear
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Thank you for your question. It seems like you are on the right track with your solution, but you are correct in realizing that the standard equation for total reflection is for normal incidence. In order to account for the incident wave not being normal to the boundary, you will need to use trigonometry to determine the distance the wave is traveling with respect to the x-axis (as you mentioned). This will involve using the angle of incidence, theta, and the thickness of the dielectric slab, d. Once you have determined this distance, you can then plug it in to your final solution.

I hope this helps clarify things for you. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Additionally, if you are able to provide a figure or use Math Type to make things more clear, that would also be helpful in providing a more detailed response.


Related to Transmission and reflection for olique incidence at a uniform dielectric slab

What is meant by "transmission and reflection for oblique incidence at a uniform dielectric slab"?

Transmission and reflection for oblique incidence at a uniform dielectric slab refers to the behavior of electromagnetic waves when they encounter a dielectric slab at an angle other than perpendicular. This phenomenon is important in understanding how light and other electromagnetic waves interact with different materials.

How does the angle of incidence affect transmission and reflection at a uniform dielectric slab?

The angle of incidence, which is the angle at which the electromagnetic wave hits the surface of the dielectric slab, is a crucial factor in determining the amount of transmission and reflection. As the angle of incidence increases, the amount of reflection increases and the amount of transmission decreases.

What is the difference between normal incidence and oblique incidence at a uniform dielectric slab?

Normal incidence refers to when an electromagnetic wave hits the surface of a dielectric slab at a 90 degree angle, while oblique incidence refers to when the angle of incidence is anything other than 90 degrees. Normal incidence results in no reflection and complete transmission, while oblique incidence results in both reflection and transmission.

What is the relationship between the refractive indices of the incident and transmitted mediums?

The refractive index is a measure of how much a material slows down light. The relationship between the refractive indices of the incident and transmitted mediums is known as Snell's law, which states that the ratio of the refractive indices of the two mediums is equal to the ratio of the sines of the angles of incidence and refraction.

How does the thickness of the dielectric slab affect transmission and reflection for oblique incidence?

The thickness of the dielectric slab plays a role in determining the amount of transmission and reflection for oblique incidence. As the thickness of the slab increases, the amount of reflection decreases and the amount of transmission increases. However, this relationship is not linear and depends on the angle of incidence and the refractive indices of the incident and transmitted mediums.

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