Transmission Coefficient of a Rectangular Square Potential Barrier

In summary, the transmission coefficient of a rectangular square potential barrier with height ##V_0 = \lambda/L## and thickness L approaches a constant value as L goes to 0. This value is given by ##T \approx \frac{1}{1+\frac{m}{2\hbar^2}\frac{\lambda^2 }{E}}##, which is either 0 or 1 depending on the ratio of the particle's energy to the height of the barrier.
  • #1
If you have a rectangular square potential barrier of some height, say [tex]\lambda/L[/tex], and thickness L, what is the transmission coefficient and what is its value in the limit that L goes to 0?

Thus you have the height of the barrier going to infinity, while the width goes to zero... Assuming some fixed incident energy, the probability amplitude decays exponentially as it enters the wall, but since the barrier is thinner, there is less room for that decay. It seems obvious to me that the exponential wins out, but I'm not really sure... Would the transmission be zero for such a barrier? The alternative, I suppose, would be 1, meaning that the barrier is so infinitely thin that the particle doesn't even see it, which doesn't make a lot of sense either.
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  • #2
It will go to a constant.
$$T=|t|^2= \frac{1}{1+\frac{V_0^2\sinh^2(k_1 L)}{4E(V_0-E)}}$$
where $$k_1=\sqrt{2m (V_0-E)/\hbar^{2}}$$
Plugging in ##V_0 = \lambda/L## we get
$$k_1 L=L \sqrt{2m (\lambda/L-E)/\hbar^{2}} \approx \sqrt{2m \lambda L/\hbar^2}$$
This goes to zero for decreasing L. As ##\sinh(x) \approx x## for small x we get
$$T \approx \frac{1}{1+\frac{V_0^2 \,2m \lambda L}{4E(V_0-E) \hbar^2}} = \frac{1}{1+\frac{m}{2\hbar^2}\frac{\lambda^3 }{E(\lambda-EL)}} \approx \frac{1}{1+\frac{m}{2\hbar^2}\frac{\lambda^2 }{E}}$$

FAQ: Transmission Coefficient of a Rectangular Square Potential Barrier

1. What is the transmission coefficient of a rectangular square potential barrier?

The transmission coefficient of a rectangular square potential barrier is a measure of the probability of a particle passing through the barrier. It is a value between 0 and 1, with 0 indicating no chance of transmission and 1 indicating complete transmission.

2. How is the transmission coefficient calculated?

The transmission coefficient is calculated using the Schrödinger equation, which takes into account the energy of the particle, the height and width of the potential barrier, and the mass of the particle. The calculation involves solving for the wave function of the particle on both sides of the barrier and comparing the amplitudes of the waves.

3. What factors affect the transmission coefficient?

The transmission coefficient is affected by several factors, including the energy of the particle, the height and width of the potential barrier, and the mass of the particle. It is also influenced by the shape of the potential barrier and the angle of incidence of the particle.

4. How does the transmission coefficient change with increasing barrier height?

As the barrier height increases, the transmission coefficient decreases. This is because a higher barrier means that the particle must have a higher energy to pass through, and therefore there is a lower probability of transmission.

5. Can the transmission coefficient be greater than 1?

No, the transmission coefficient cannot be greater than 1. This would indicate a higher probability of transmission than 100%, which is not physically possible.
