Transmission coefficient of spin-1/2 in magnetic field

In summary, the transmission coefficient of spin-1/2 in a magnetic field is the probability that a spin-1/2 particle will pass through the field without changing its spin orientation. It is directly proportional to the strength of the magnetic field, and can vary depending on the orientation and material involved. It is calculated using the Schrödinger equation and can be manipulated by changing the properties of the particle or the magnetic field, making it useful in applications such as quantum computing and spintronics.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A particle of mass m, (nonrelativistic) energy E, spin 1/2 and magnetic moment [itex]\mu*\sigma[/itex] is traveling in the positive x-direction from large negative x. For x > 0, there is a constant magnetic field B in the positive z-direction. There is no field for x < 0.

a) Find the transmission coefficient as a function of energy E for spin up in the B-direction, and also for spin down in the B-direction.

b) Suppose now the spin is initially in the x-direction. Describe how the spin of the transmitted particle varies, if at all. Include in your discussion the case of very low incoming kinetic energy.

Homework Equations

The usual 1-d potential plane wave states for a transmitted.
For x < 0 Psi(x) = e^ikx + r*e^-ikx
For x > 0 Psi(x) = t*e^iKx

Where k = Sqrt[2mE]/hbar and K = Sqrt[2m(E-V)]/hbar

The Attempt at a Solution

I think I understand part A correctly. The transmission coefficient, t, splits into two possible values, depending on whether there's spin up or spin down.

For part b, the wave function on x>0 will be a superposition of the two eigenstates in part a.
I've written it as Psi(x) = 1/Sqrt[2] * (t+*e^iK+x + t-*e^iK-x),
where t,k+,- are the two values for the Sx spin state.

I've went through and determined the values of t+ and t- by using the continuity of the wave function and its derivative at the origin, and by renormalizing the state to 1, which doesn't seem correct now...

The question also asks to consider very low kinetic energy, which I'm not sure how to handle. In this case, maybe only the spin up component of the wave function will be transmitted.

I'm not looking for help towards an exact solution. I'm just curious as to whether I've handled the second part of the problem generally correctly.

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  • #2
You can't normalize plane waves, so don't bother with that step... other than that, it sounds like you're on the right track. (renormalization is something entirely different, by the way)

For the low-energy case, look at your results for the two cases, spin up and spin down, and think about why one of them might not make sense if E is smaller than some value.

FAQ: Transmission coefficient of spin-1/2 in magnetic field

1. What is the transmission coefficient of spin-1/2 in a magnetic field?

The transmission coefficient of spin-1/2 in a magnetic field refers to the probability that a spin-1/2 particle will pass through a magnetic field without changing its spin orientation.

2. How is the transmission coefficient of spin-1/2 affected by the strength of the magnetic field?

The transmission coefficient of spin-1/2 is directly proportional to the strength of the magnetic field. As the magnetic field becomes stronger, the transmission coefficient increases, meaning there is a higher probability that the particle will pass through without changing its spin orientation.

3. Is the transmission coefficient of spin-1/2 the same for all magnetic fields?

No, the transmission coefficient of spin-1/2 can vary depending on the orientation and strength of the magnetic field. Additionally, the material through which the particle is passing can also affect the transmission coefficient.

4. How is the transmission coefficient of spin-1/2 calculated?

The transmission coefficient of spin-1/2 is calculated using the Schrödinger equation, which takes into account the properties of the particle, the magnetic field strength and orientation, and the materials involved. It is a complex calculation that requires advanced mathematical techniques.

5. Can the transmission coefficient of spin-1/2 be manipulated?

Yes, the transmission coefficient of spin-1/2 can be manipulated by changing the properties of the particle, such as its energy or spin orientation, or by altering the strength or orientation of the magnetic field. This manipulation can be used in various applications, such as in quantum computing and spintronics.

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