Transmission Line Reflected Waves

In summary, the reflection coefficient is -1 when there is a short circuit, and the wave patterns will be a standing wave.
  • #1
Hi ,

I'm studying transmission lines and how waves move through the device , so far I haven't delved into the maths behind it as I have been trying to get an overview of it.So far I have seen the effects when there is an open circuit , shorted and matched impedance loads.

The example I saw said that with a short circuit :

Reflection coefficient =-1

Phase 180 Degrees

It then says how the incident and reflected waves will interfere to create a standing wave. Is this correct? I thought that if the incident wave and reflected wave (which will be in anti-phase) combined it would be destructively giving no resultant wave?

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  • #2
Imagine the two waves as they travel opposite each other; one incident and one reflected. This would bring about a different sum of the amplitudes at different times and at different locations along the line. Two sine waves running in opposite directions; neither would they cancel everywhere, nor would they add up to higher values everywhere. Whether the reflection coefficient is -1 or +1 it doesn't really matter. Both will yield standing waves, though with different null-locations.
  • #3
jendrix said:
The example I saw said that with a short circuit :

Reflection coefficient =-1

Phase 180 Degrees

It then says how the incident and reflected waves will interfere to create a standing wave. Is this correct? I thought that if the incident wave and reflected wave (which will be in anti-phase) combined it would be destructively giving no resultant wave?

Yes, it is correct, as Dorian Black indicated. For me it is hard to visualize the sum of two waves traveling in opposite directions. I actually think the math helps here. Let the short circuit be at ##x=0##. If the incident wave is traveling in the positive x direction, then a simple voltage wave can be written as ##v_i = v_0cos(\omega t - k x) ##. The reflected wave is then ##v_r= -v_0cos(\omega t + k x) ##. The total voltage is then ## v = v_r + v_i##. If you use trig identities you can turn this into the standing wave pattern you are looking for.

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FAQ: Transmission Line Reflected Waves

1. What are "reflected waves" in a transmission line?

Reflected waves in a transmission line refer to the portion of an electromagnetic wave that bounces back from the end of the line, due to impedance mismatch. This can cause interference and signal distortion in the transmission line.

2. How are reflected waves calculated in a transmission line?

Reflected waves in a transmission line can be calculated using the reflection coefficient, which is a measure of the ratio of the reflected wave amplitude to the incident wave amplitude. It is affected by the impedance of the transmission line and the load impedance.

3. What causes reflected waves in a transmission line?

Reflected waves in a transmission line are caused by impedance mismatch at the end of the line. This can occur when the load impedance does not match the characteristic impedance of the transmission line, leading to a portion of the incident wave being reflected.

4. How can reflected waves be minimized in a transmission line?

To minimize reflected waves in a transmission line, the load impedance should be matched to the characteristic impedance of the line. This can be achieved by using impedance matching techniques such as using a matching network or terminating the line with a load impedance that matches the characteristic impedance.

5. What are some applications of understanding reflected waves in transmission lines?

Understanding reflected waves in transmission lines is important in the design and operation of various electronic systems, such as antennas, telecommunication networks, and high-speed data transmission. It also plays a crucial role in minimizing signal distortion and ensuring efficient power transfer in these systems.
