Transmitted and reflected waves in a wire with 2 knots

Actually, I've been thinking, because of the sinus and cosinus, and the e^i's, the phase shift could depend on where you are in the string (where z is). The wave amplitude changes from e^{ikz} to e^{-ikz} when it gets reflected, and back to e^{ikz} when it gets transmitted. This means the phase shift would be different depending on where you are in the string, right? But this can't be, because the string has the same physics everywhere. So it would not make sense if the phase shift was different depending on where you are. So I think I'm doing something very wrong. But I don't understand why you said that R and T do
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider a string that admits waves with velocity v. Near the origin, i.e. in the
interval -a < z < a, the string has a different weight, and as a result a different
propagation velocity u. The amplitude of the reflected and transmitted wave are
proportional to the amplitude of the incident wave. Therefore it is customary
to definene the coeffcient of reflection, R, and of transmission, T, as the ratio of
the absolute squared amplitudes:
R = |AR2/AI2|
And T = |AT2/AI2|

Calculate R and T, and the corresponding phase shifts δR and δT.

Homework Equations

I don't know exactly what is used here, but I suppose the wave equation is essential here.

The Attempt at a Solution

I can't really think of how to do this. You'd think that the wave 'enters' at the first knot, of which a part is reflected and then a part is transmitted, and the same happens at the second knot. So a part of the wave gets 'stuck' between the knots, a part is transmitted through the entire thing, and a part is reflected off of the first knot.

Conceptually it is similar to the finite square well from quantum mechanics (or the opposite of a well, that's not specified), but I don't know how to translate this to actual wires.
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  • #2
Everything you say in "the attempt at a solution" is spot-on. Follow the method of the finite square well. The algebra is not fun and one should only have to suffer through it once in a lifetime :cry:.
  • #3
Hm alright, just let me check to make sure:
I can set up wave equations at all the locations.
Two waves before -a: One incident, one reflected. They both have the same wavenumber.
Between -a and a: Two waves, one transmitted from -a, one reflected from a. They both have the same wave number, but different from the ones outside of the region. They can be related using the different velocities. Then, after a, there is only 1 wave, the transmitted wave. This again has the same wave number as before.

Now, imposing continuity and continuity of the first derivative at -a and a, I get ' quite a few' equations, which I should solve for, and will give me my answer?
  • #4
Yes, that's the way to do it. You can use complex exponential functions for your wave functions.
[EDIT: Also, you can let the incident wave coming in from the left have unit amplitude since you are only interested in ratios of amplitudes.]
  • #5
That's a nice touch, i'll try and see if R+T adds up to one, and if not I'll be back :) Thanks for the help!
  • #6
Alright, so solving the system of 4 equations with 5 unknowns became VERY complicated rather quickly, doing it on paper.

Instead, I let mathematica do it for me, and it gave me the following expression for the wave that gets reflected off of the first knot, wave B:
B = [tex]\frac{\text{A} \left(-1+e^{4 i a \text{k2}}\right) \left(u^2-v^2\right) e^{-\frac{2 i a \text{k2} u}{v}}}{u^2 e^{4 i a \text{k2}}-2 u v
e^{4 i a \text{k2}}+v^2 e^{4 i a \text{k2}}-u^2-2 u v-v^2}[/tex]

Where u is the velocity between -a and a, v is the velocity outside of -a and a, k1 is the wave number outside of that range, and k2 is the wave number between -a and a. Oh, and A is the amplitude of the incident wave.

And for the wave that gets transmitted through the last knot, wave E:
E = [tex]-\frac{4 \text{A} u v e^{2 i A \text{k2}-\frac{2 i A \text{k2} u}{v}}}{u^2 e^{4 i A \text{k2}}-2 u v e^{4 i A \text{k2}}+v^2 e^{4 i A
\text{k2}}-u^2-2 u v-v^2}[/tex]

Now, letting mathematica calculate R and T, they do indeed add up to one.
R = [tex]\frac{2 \left(u^2-v^2\right)^2 \sin ^2(2 a \text{k2})}{-\left(u^2-v^2\right)^2 \cos (4 a \text{k2})+u^4+6 u^2 v^2+v^4}[/tex]
T = [tex]\frac{8 u^2 v^2}{-\left(u^2-v^2\right)^2 \cos (4 a \text{k2})+u^4+6 u^2 v^2+v^4}[/tex]
However, in the question, I am not only supposed to give an expression for R and T, but also their corresponding phase shifts. This, I do not know how to do.

Could someone help me 'extract' these from the equations I've written here?
  • #7
As T and R are absolute values, you can not find phase shifts from them. Determine the phase of the amplitude ratios At/Ai and Ar/Ai.

  • #8
ehild said:
As T and R are absolute values, you can not find phase shifts from them. Determine the phase of the amplitude ratios At/Ai and Ar/Ai.


Well, the first gives me At/Ai = [tex]\frac{\left(u^2-v^2\right) \sin (2 a \text{k2}) \left(\cos \left(\frac{2 a \text{k2} u}{v}\right)-i \sin \left(\frac{2 a \text{k2}
u}{v}\right)\right)}{\left(u^2+v^2\right) \sin (2 a \text{k2})+2 i u v \cos (2 a \text{k2})}[/tex]

And the second gives me Ar/Ai = [tex]\frac{2 i u v \left(\cos \left(\frac{2 a \text{k2} (v-u)}{v}\right)+i \sin \left(\frac{2 a \text{k2} (v-u)}{v}\right)\right)}{(\cos (a
\text{k2})+i \sin (a \text{k2}))^2 \left(\left(u^2+v^2\right) \sin (2 a \text{k2})+2 i u v \cos (2 a \text{k2})\right)}[/tex]

Not all that pretty either I guess..

FAQ: Transmitted and reflected waves in a wire with 2 knots

1. What causes transmitted and reflected waves in a wire with 2 knots?

Transmitted and reflected waves in a wire with 2 knots are caused by the interaction of the waves with the knots, which act as points of reflection and refraction. This causes the waves to change direction and amplitude as they pass through the knots, resulting in both transmitted and reflected waves.

2. How do transmitted and reflected waves differ from each other?

Transmitted waves refer to the part of the wave that continues to travel through the medium after passing through the knot, while reflected waves refer to the part of the wave that bounces back off the knot. Transmitted waves have a reduced amplitude and may also experience a change in direction, while reflected waves have the same amplitude and direction as the incident wave.

3. What factors affect the magnitude of transmitted and reflected waves in a wire with 2 knots?

The magnitude of transmitted and reflected waves in a wire with 2 knots is affected by the material of the wire, the diameter of the wire, the frequency of the incident wave, and the type of knot present. These factors can cause variations in the amount of energy that is transmitted and reflected by the knots.

4. Can the number of knots in a wire affect the behavior of transmitted and reflected waves?

Yes, the number of knots in a wire can affect the behavior of transmitted and reflected waves. As the number of knots increases, the complexity of the wave pattern also increases, resulting in more interactions between the waves and the knots. This can lead to changes in the amplitude and direction of the transmitted and reflected waves.

5. How can transmitted and reflected waves in a wire with 2 knots be measured or observed?

Transmitted and reflected waves in a wire with 2 knots can be measured or observed using instruments such as an oscilloscope or a wave meter. These instruments can detect changes in the amplitude and frequency of the waves as they pass through the knots, providing data on the behavior of the transmitted and reflected waves.
