Transmitting Information faster than light?

In summary, if you push the A end of a 300,000 km long graphene rod and turn on the laser light at the same time, the sensor will receive the signal one second later. However, the button in the B end of the rod will be pushed instantly by the rod.
  • #1
Hi everybody. I have always wondered something and have not been able to get an answer.
Let us suppose we have a 300.000 km long straight rod. It is of graphene, or any very tough material, of absoulte stiffness, without any displacement or absorption between its molecules.
Parallel to the rod I have a laser light. The laser is in the A end of the rod. In the B end of the rod there is a button, the rod is touching the button but not pushing it.
Aside the button, there is a optical sensor that can detect the laser light.
If I push the A end of the rod and simultaneously turn the laser on, the sensor will receive the siganl one second later, and the button in the B end of the rod... wil be pushed instantly?
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  • #2
butifarra said:
Hi everybody. I have always wondered something and have not been able to get an answer.
Let us suppose we have a 300.000 km long straight rod. It is of graphene, or any very tough material, of absoulte stiffness, without any displacement or absorption between its molecules.
Parallel to the rod I have a laser light. The laser is in the A end of the rod. In the B end of the rod there is a button, the rod is touching the button but not pushing it.
Aside the button, there is a optical sensor that can detect the laser light.
If I push the A end of the rod and simultaneously turn the laser on, the sensor will receive the siganl one second later, and the button in the B end of the rod... wil be pushed instantly?

The button will be pushed by the rod a MUCH longer time since the "push" will traverse the rod at the speed of sound in graphene, whatever that is.
  • #3
Trouble is, there are no infinitely stiff materials. Signal will propagate through the rod at the speed of sound for such a rod. Which can be as high as few kilometers per second, but that's still about 5 orders of magnitude slower than light.

As an absolute limit on material stiffness, keep in mind that atoms within the material are still held together by electromagnetic forces. So even if we push the envelope of physically possible and look at an absolute upper limit, it's still the speed of light.There are ways to beat speed of light limit. They all have to do with the fact that it's a local limit, not a global one.
  • #4
K^2 said:
Trouble is, there are no infinitely stiff materials. Signal will propagate through the rod at the speed of sound for such a rod. Which can be as high as few kilometers per second, but that's still about 5 orders of magnitude slower than light.

As an absolute limit on material stiffness, keep in mind that atoms within the material are still held together by electromagnetic forces. So even if we push the envelope of physically possible and look at an absolute upper limit, it's still the speed of light.There are ways to beat speed of light limit. They all have to do with the fact that it's a local limit, not a global one.
Also a 300k Km long infinitely stiff rod will have mass that will require a set amount of energy to push it. Any mass that "can" be pushed at the speed of light will invariably compress the rear of the mass into a state of fusion as the front will remain static and will in all probability result in a fusion explosion. IMHO anyway!
  • #5
butifarra said:
Hi everybody. I have always wondered something and have not been able to get an answer.
Let us suppose we have a 300.000 km long straight rod. It is of graphene, or any very tough material, of absoulte stiffness, without any displacement or absorption between its molecules.
Parallel to the rod I have a laser light. The laser is in the A end of the rod. In the B end of the rod there is a button, the rod is touching the button but not pushing it.
Aside the button, there is a optical sensor that can detect the laser light.
If I push the A end of the rod and simultaneously turn the laser on, the sensor will receive the siganl one second later, and the button in the B end of the rod... wil be pushed instantly?
Please take a look at our FAQ entry on this topic: Can I send a signal faster than light by pushing a rigid rod?
  • #6
Ok, K2's reply is the best, I believe. I had taken into account the sound speed of the material, but not the fact that, ultimately, the electromagentic forces keep the molecules united. I didn´t know, either, it was a common question, as the link to the already explained subject shows.
Thank you all very much.
  • #7
butifarra said:
Ok, K2's reply is the best, I believe. I had taken into account the sound speed of the material, but not the fact that, ultimately, the electromagentic forces keep the molecules united. I didn´t know, either, it was a common question, as the link to the already explained subject shows.
Thank you all very much.

You had assumed infinite stiffness, and therefore infinite sound speed of the material. But even graphene doesn't have infinite sound speed. (I'm not trying to sound condescending, just this is how I would explain what happens).
  • #8
Yes Bruce, you are right. Thanks to all for your time.
  • #9
I have wondered this myself. I have hypothesized that perhaps the molecules that make up the rod behave more like marbles than expected. Instead of them being fixed to each other, perhaps they push each other, and creates a domino effect, that does not transmit the information faster than light.

That's just my hypothesis.
  • #10
LastTimelord said:
I have wondered this myself. I have hypothesized that perhaps the molecules that make up the rod behave more like marbles than expected. Instead of them being fixed to each other, perhaps they push each other, and creates a domino effect, that does not transmit the information faster than light.

That's just my hypothesis.
That's pretty much correct; the effect is more obvious in softer materials or liquids.

Related to Transmitting Information faster than light?

1. Can information really travel faster than the speed of light?

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, nothing can travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. This includes information. So, in short, no, information cannot travel faster than the speed of light.

2. What is the concept of "spooky action at a distance" and does it allow for faster-than-light communication?

"Spooky action at a distance" refers to the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, where two particles can become linked in such a way that the state of one particle affects the state of the other, regardless of the distance between them. However, this does not allow for faster-than-light communication as the state of the particles cannot be manipulated to transmit information.

3. Are there any known methods or technologies that can transmit information faster than light?

No, there are currently no known methods or technologies that can transmit information faster than the speed of light. Scientists continue to research and explore different theories and possibilities, but so far, none have been proven to be capable of faster-than-light communication.

4. Can the theory of relativity be disproven by finding a way to transmit information faster than light?

No, the theory of relativity has been extensively tested and confirmed through numerous experiments. It is considered one of the most well-established theories in physics and has been proven to accurately describe the behavior of the universe. Therefore, finding a way to transmit information faster than light would not disprove the theory of relativity.

5. What implications would there be if information could travel faster than the speed of light?

If this were possible, it would fundamentally change our understanding of the laws of physics and the universe. It could potentially allow for time travel and have significant implications for communication and technology. However, until it is proven to be possible, these are all just hypothetical scenarios.

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