Transmitting visible light via optical fiber

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of using a focusing lens to guide visible light into an optical fiber and its potential effects on light intensity, energy, reflections, and refractions. It also mentions the use of light pipes for similar purposes and their comparison to optical fibers.
  • #1

A colleague of mine at work has this idea of using a focusing lens to focus the visible light into a optical fiber and guide it to some destination, e.g. room with no windows.

I have no experience in optics, or in QED (only some "layman" knowledge of monochromatic light and its interactions with surfaces/electrons). Is it possible to guide the "chaotic" visible light down the fiber? What are the affects on light intensity, energy, reflections, refractions and so on, when performing such an experiment?

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  • #2
Yes, this is possible, you may have seen some of those fibre-optic lamps in shops. They have hundreds of fibres like a flower thing. Doctors and spys also use these things for looking into your body of through a keyhole depending on their occupation.
  • #3
You can buy 'light pipes' for feeding daylight into internal rooms but I believe they use large diameter reflective conduits rather than optical fibres. This could be because it is a cheaper solution for channelling light over short distances where the low loss of optical fibres doesn't have much advantage.
  • #4
Thanks for your replies!
  • #5


Transmitting visible light through optical fibers is a well-established technology and has been used for various applications such as telecommunications, medical imaging, and lighting. The principle behind it is using total internal reflection to guide the light along the fiber. This means that the light is constantly reflected off the walls of the fiber, so it does not escape and can travel long distances without significant loss of intensity.

Using a focusing lens to direct the light into the fiber is a valid approach, and it can help increase the amount of light that enters the fiber. However, it is important to note that the fiber itself has a limited capacity to carry light. This is due to factors such as the material properties of the fiber and the wavelength of the light being used. As a result, there will be a limit to how much light can be transmitted through the fiber, and this may affect the intensity and energy of the light at the destination.

In terms of reflections and refractions, these will occur at the interface between the fiber and the surrounding medium. However, because the light is guided along the fiber through total internal reflection, there will be minimal loss due to these effects. The main challenge in transmitting visible light through optical fibers is maintaining the integrity of the light signal, as any disturbances or changes in the fiber can cause signal loss. This can be mitigated through careful design and use of high-quality materials.

Overall, while there may be some challenges to overcome, transmitting visible light through optical fibers is a feasible and widely used technology. I would recommend consulting with experts in the field of optics for more specific information and guidance on your colleague's idea. Best of luck with your experiment!



Related to Transmitting visible light via optical fiber

What is transmitting visible light via optical fiber?

Transmitting visible light via optical fiber is the process of using thin strands of glass or plastic to transmit light signals over long distances. This technology is commonly used in telecommunications and internet connections.

How does transmitting visible light via optical fiber work?

Optical fibers work by using the principle of total internal reflection. Light is transmitted through the core of the fiber, which is surrounded by a cladding material. The light bounces off the walls of the core, allowing it to travel through the fiber without significant loss of energy.

What are the advantages of using optical fibers for transmitting visible light?

Optical fibers offer several advantages over traditional copper wires. They have a much higher bandwidth, meaning they can carry more data at a faster rate. They are also less susceptible to interference and can transmit signals over longer distances without losing quality.

What are the main applications of transmitting visible light via optical fiber?

Optical fibers are used in a variety of applications, including telecommunications, internet connections, medical imaging, and industrial and military systems. They are also used in lighting and sensing systems, such as fiber optic sensors.

What are the challenges of using optical fibers for transmitting visible light?

One of the main challenges of using optical fibers is the high cost of installation and maintenance. The fibers must also be carefully handled and protected to prevent damage. Additionally, certain environmental factors, such as bending, temperature changes, and moisture, can affect the performance of the fibers.

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