Travel Times & Distances: Twin Paradox & Alpha Centauri

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  • Thread starter DAH
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In summary, the conversation discusses the twin paradox and the effects of time dilation and length contraction on the aging of the twins. It is mentioned that the textbook also mentions the relativity of simultaneity and the concept of length contraction. However, it is clarified that length contraction is only observed from a different reference frame and cannot be experienced by an individual. The conversation also touches on the effects of length contraction on the observed time dilation between two observers with a relative speed. The example of muons traveling through the atmosphere is used to illustrate this concept.
  • #1
Hi all
After reading this thread it got me thinking about the twin paradox, so I looked through some old notes from a module I studied on this subject. According to one of my textbooks, if the traveling twin travels to Alpha Centauri (which is 4.2 light years from Earth) at a speed of 0.9 c, then the Earthbound twin would record a time of 4.7 years to complete the journey. However, for the traveling twin in his reference frame that time would be reduced to 2 years due to time dilation.

The textbook also mentions the relativity of simultaneity, but further reading it also states that in this case the traveling twin who is essentially traveling to another star system, experiences length contraction, where the space in front of the ship contracts and therefore the distance to Alpha Centauri decreases for the traveling twin. For the Earthbound twin however, he doesn't experience length contraction therefore he sees the ship travel the full 4.2 light years.
Is this correct or is my textbook wrong?
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  • #2
DAH said:
Is this correct or is my textbook wrong?
I don't see a problem in what you've written (although I didn't check the numbers).
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  • #3
Thanks for starting a new thread.
So basically I just wanted to know if the traveling twin would reach Alpha Centauri younger than the Earthbound twin due to time dilation and length contraction, without accounting for any accelerations? Or do both clocks run slowly due to the speed being relative.
  • #4
DAH said:
Thanks for starting a new thread.
So basically I just wanted to know if the traveling twin would reach Alpha Centauri younger than the Earthbound twin due to time dilation and length contraction, without accounting for any accelerations? Or do both clocks run slowly due to the speed being relative.
Neither. You are not considering the relativity of simultaneity, which makes the question about which is younger when they’re separated meaningless.

The twin paradox uses a round trip to get both twins back at the same place at the same time so that there are no simultaneity problems. The acceleration is something of a red herring - it’s just that we can’t have the twins separate and rejoin without accelerating at least of one of them.
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  • #5
DAH said:
Thanks for starting a new thread.
So basically I just wanted to know if the traveling twin would reach Alpha Centauri younger than the Earthbound twin due to time dilation and length contraction, without accounting for any accelerations? Or do both clocks run slowly due to the speed being relative.
If the traveller returns to Earth, they will be younger than the stay-at-home. If they do not return then there is no assumption-free answer. But if Earth and Alpha Centauri are mutually at rest (or close enough, as in reality) both could choose to use Einstein clock synchronisation, and then they would agree that the traveller is younger at all times (the traveller will not necessarily agree).

As Nugatory says, acceleration isn't really relevant here. It's just that you can't come back without accelerating in special relativity. The simplest explanation is geometrical: the twins follow different paths through spacetime. The "length" of a path is the interval, which will be discussed in your textbook and turns out to be the elapsed time for an observer following that path. Two paths between a pair of events need not have the same length. But if the paths don't meet up again then you can't ask which one is longer without some arbitrary decision about what constitutes "the end of the path".
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  • #6
DAH said:
The textbook also mentions the relativity of simultaneity, but further reading it also states that in this case the traveling twin who is essentially traveling to another star system, experiences length contraction, where the space in front of the ship contracts and therefore the distance to Alpha Centauri decreases for the traveling twin. For the Earthbound twin however, he doesn't experience length contraction therefore he sees the ship travel the full 4.2 light years.
Is this correct or is my textbook wrong?

It is correct for the distance to the destination. How else could Alpha Centauri reach the traveller with 0.9 c in just 2 years? However, the travellier itself is length contracted for his earthbound twin.
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  • #7
DAH said:
However, for the traveling twin in his reference frame that time would be reduced to 2 years due to time dilation.
No, it would be 2 years due to length contraction.
  • #8
Relative to the traveling twin, the distance between the stars is contracted to about 1.8 light years, and Alpha Centauri comes to him at 0.9c. His ship is not contracted in his own frame since he's stationary by definition in that frame.

If the textbook says that anybody 'experiences length contraction', it is wrong. It isn't something that can be experienced. I can be length contracted relative to a frame where I'm moving fast, but I'm never length contracted relative to myself, so I always measure my invariant proper length if I were to measure myself or my ship.
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  • #9
I often see examples (usually on You Tube) of time dilation symmetries where two observers with a relative speed of say 0.8 c will see each others clocks running slowly. One example is the spaceship (observer A) flying past Earth (observer B) with constant relative speed. According to SR, and since the speed is relative, then we can also say that observer A sees Earth fly past him/her at 0.8 c so both observers see the others clock running slowly. My question is, will length contraction make a difference to the observed time dilation's between both observers? because if I understand it correctly, observer A will see the space and the Earth in front of him contracted, whereas the Earthbound observer B will only see the spaceship contracted.

I suppose its similar to the way we observe muons traveling through the atmosphere. We on Earth see the muons travel through say 5000 m of atmosphere, but in the muon's frame of reference the atmosphere will only be around 800 m. Will the muon also see our clocks on Earth running slowly?
  • #10
DAH said:
Will the muon also see our clocks on Earth running slowly?
To be clear, what you see of a moving object is dominated by the Doppler effect, and direct observation of a moving clock will show it to be ticking fast as it approaches you and slow as it goes away. Once you correct for the changing light speed delay, though, you will calculate that a clock moving in any direction ticks slowly. (A lot of sources don't make yhis distinction, and that often causes confusion.)

With that clarification, yes, the muon will also calculate that Earthly clocks tick slowly.
DAH said:
My question is, will length contraction make a difference to the observed time dilation's between both observers?
It isn't really length contraction that's generally important, although you are correct in your analysis of the muons. To make sense of relativity, you need to be aware of the relativity of simultaneity, which is that observers in relative motion generally won't agree on the simultaneity and/or order of spacelike separated events. It's not well covered in a lot of popular sources, but it's really important.
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  • #11
DAH said:
I suppose its similar to the way we observe muons traveling through the atmosphere. We on Earth see the muons travel through say 5000 m of atmosphere, but in the muon's frame of reference the atmosphere will only be around 800 m. Will the muon also see our clocks on Earth running slowly?
Note that the Earth-based observer needs two clocks. One at the top of the mountain and then another 5000 m below. Those two clocks are synchronized in the rest frame of the Earth-based observer. Those clocks are used to conclude that the muon's clock is running slow. But what does the muon observe? The muon would observe that not only are the two clocks running slow, they are not properly synchronized. The muon will attribute that lack of synchronization to the reason why the Earth-based observer concludes that the muon's clocks are running slow, when the muon observes that the it's the Earth-based clocks that are running slow.

This explains the symmetry of time dilation. That is, it explains how it's possible for each observer to conclude that the other's clocks are running slow.
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FAQ: Travel Times & Distances: Twin Paradox & Alpha Centauri

1. What is the Twin Paradox and how does it relate to travel times and distances?

The Twin Paradox is a thought experiment in which one twin stays on Earth while the other twin travels at high speeds through space. When the traveling twin returns, they will have aged less than the twin who stayed on Earth. This paradox highlights the concept of time dilation, where time moves slower for objects moving at high speeds. This concept is important in understanding travel times and distances, as it shows that time can pass at different rates depending on the speed of travel.

2. How long would it take to travel to Alpha Centauri?

Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to our own, located about 4.37 light years away. At our current technology level, it would take over 100,000 years to reach Alpha Centauri using conventional spacecraft. However, with advancements in technology, such as the development of faster propulsion systems, travel times could potentially be reduced to a few decades.

3. Can the Twin Paradox be observed in real-life scenarios?

Yes, the Twin Paradox has been observed in real-life scenarios. For example, astronauts who have traveled at high speeds in space have returned to Earth slightly younger than their counterparts who stayed on Earth. This effect is extremely small for short trips, but becomes more significant for longer journeys.

4. How does the speed of travel affect the time experienced on a journey?

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, the faster an object travels, the slower time moves for that object. This means that as the speed of travel increases, the time experienced on a journey decreases. This effect becomes more significant as the speed of travel approaches the speed of light.

5. Is it possible to travel faster than the speed of light to reach Alpha Centauri?

According to our current understanding of physics, it is not possible to travel faster than the speed of light. This is because as an object approaches the speed of light, its mass increases and it would require an infinite amount of energy to reach the speed of light. Therefore, it is not possible to reach Alpha Centauri in a shorter amount of time than the speed of light allows.

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