Travel to another moon/planet/gravitational body

In summary, the isogravitational point between the Earth and the moon poses a challenge for space travel, as the ideal speed to cross it would be at the slowest possible rate in order to conserve fuel. However, time is also a factor in manned missions, leading to a trade-off between fuel usage and completing the journey in a timely manner. There are various variables to consider, and the concept of traveling along iso-potential surfaces or utilizing Lagrange points can help minimize energy and time spent on the journey. Further research on interplanetary transport networks and dynamic system analysis can provide a better understanding of these concepts.
  • #1
After looking at where the isogravitational point between the Earth and the moon was, I thought about practically what sort of speed you would want to cross it at.

Of course, if time is not a factor, I imagine you would ideally want to expend as little fuel possible in getting from planet to planet (or planet to moon etc. etc.). Therefore you would want to cross this point at which the gravitational pull from both bodies cancel each other out at the slowest possible rate. I guess this would theoretically mean that you would spend eternity at the point.

In a practical sense though time is a factor, and more importantly if you have manned mission then there would be a trade off between the amount of fuel spent on getting to (and past) this point and completing the journey in a timely manner so that your crew don't starve. This brings up the other problem of time spent in space proportional to the amount of food (payload) needed in the shuttle, thereby requiring more fuel achieve escape velocity from the Earth.

I was wondering if anyone knew (for example on journeys to the moon) what speed at which this iso-gravitational point would be passed so as to minimise both fuel use and time spent on the journey. And if so, would there be a formula based on the distance between, and sizes of, both bodies. Finally I would love to find out whether there is a proposed limit to how far manned journeys could be (and the crew still be alive at the end of the journey).

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  • #2
Seeing as how journeys to the Moon have been done - why not just look up the Apollo flight data?

You'll find that there are many more variables than you are considering.
Usually the problem is done in terms of Hohmann transfer orbits... which will be what you want to look up as your next step.
  • #4
ITN exploits Lagrange points rather than the isogravitational points to minimize the energy to change trajectories. It's a valid observation though. What you are actually doing is balancing the dynamic play of forces (as momenta and potentials). The restraining factor - as OP says - becomes time rather than energy.
  • #5
I used the term iso-potential to give the OP a familiar concept to recognize. A more accurate description could be "travelling along tubular shaped stable and unstable manifolds that are linking together different Lagrange points in a multi-body system".

Section 2.1 of [1] gives an explanation of how these surfaces come about, but it is probably difficult to understand the nature of this without knowledge of dynamic system analysis (e.g. the concept and theory of stable and unstable manifolds). If the OP where to think of this as similar to traveling along iso-potential surfaces, he would not be too far of the mark. If he were to include rotation in the potential he would be conceptually quite close (compare with the plot of "effective potential" on [2]).[1]

FAQ: Travel to another moon/planet/gravitational body

1. How long does it take to travel to another moon/planet/gravitational body?

The time it takes to travel to another moon/planet/gravitational body varies depending on the distance and the speed of the spacecraft. For example, it took Apollo 11 about 3 days to travel from Earth to the Moon, while the New Horizons spacecraft took 9 years to reach Pluto. The travel time can also be affected by the trajectory and any pit stops or flybys along the way.

2. What kind of spacecraft is used for interplanetary travel?

Interplanetary travel requires a spacecraft that is specifically designed to withstand the harsh conditions of space and travel long distances. These spacecraft are equipped with advanced propulsion systems, communication and navigation systems, and life support systems for the crew. Examples include the Apollo spacecraft, the Space Shuttle, and the Mars Curiosity rover.

3. How do astronauts navigate to reach their destination?

Astronauts use a combination of celestial navigation, radio signals, and computer calculations to navigate during their journey. They use instruments such as sextants and star trackers to determine their position relative to the stars and planets. They also receive instructions and updates from mission control on Earth to adjust their course if needed.

4. What are the risks involved in space travel to another moon/planet/gravitational body?

Space travel to another moon/planet/gravitational body involves many risks, including exposure to radiation, microgravity, and the potential for equipment failures. The long duration of the journey can also have physical and psychological effects on the crew. Additionally, the spacecraft may encounter unexpected obstacles or challenges during the journey, which require quick thinking and problem-solving skills from the crew.

5. How do we know if a moon/planet/gravitational body is suitable for human habitation?

Before considering the possibility of human habitation on another moon/planet/gravitational body, extensive research and exploration must be conducted to determine its suitability. This includes studying the atmosphere, climate, geology, and potential resources of the body. Probes and rovers are often sent to gather data and samples, and human missions may follow if the conditions are deemed safe and sustainable for human life.

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