Traveling to alternate universes

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  • Thread starter imagIne71
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In summary: OxyMoronSummary: It is currently impossible to travel to alternate universes, and the concept is often misunderstood due to the term "science fiction." Some theories suggest the existence of parallel universes, but it is not possible to prove or interact with them. The definition of "other universes" is open to interpretation and can lead to different answers.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
How can we travel to another universe?
How can we travel from one alternate universe to another?, how could we prove that it has happened?
Space news on
  • #2
We can't so we couldn't. If there ARE "alternate universes" (something I personally don't agree /w) they are causally disconnected from ours.
  • #3
There is no way to "travel to alternate universes". To many people who love "science fiction" ignore the second word in that phrase.
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Likes russ_watters
  • #4
but maybe there is an alternative universe where that is possible
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  • #5
BWV said:
but maybe there is an alternative universe where that is possible
Irrelevant since even if it existed it would be causally disconnected from US
  • #6
judiefletcher said:
There is no way to "travel to alternate universes". To many people who love "science fiction" ignore the second word in that phrase.
I think you mean ignore the first word.
  • #7
phinds said:
Irrelevant since even if it existed it would be causally disconnected from US
That was a joke
  • #8
imagIne71 said:
Summary:: How can we travel to another universe?

How can we travel from one alternate universe to another?, how could we prove that it has happened?

Given our current state of technology, I would think just getting to our nearest star Alpha Centauri would be a huge deal. Travelling to the center of our galaxy or to the other side of it? Now that's still in the realm of science fiction. Getting to the closest neighboring galaxy to us, the Andromeda? Even the characters in Star Wars or Star Trek weren't doing that. Reaching the galaxies we see in the deep space photos from the Hubble? I don't think that's EVER going to happen. Reaching parallel universes, if they exist? Just have to shake your head at that one.

But then again, never say never... Who knows?
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  • #9
phinds said:
I think you mean ignore the first word.

Why would you think that?

If someone ignored the first word in the phrase "science fiction", they would think "science fiction" was "fiction".

If someone ignored the second word in the phrase "science fiction", they would think that "science fiction" was "science".

Obviously this guy is ignoring the second word in the phrase "science fiction" and therefore mistaking science fiction for "science".

String theory combined with eternal inflation predicts a multiverse.

The "other universes" would be other points on the vast string landscape, and would manifest at low energies as other points in the mathematically allowed parameter space of QFT.

However, you can never "travel to" these other universes. I think this guy is imagining something like the episode of the original Star Trek where Spock had a beard.
  • #10
judiefletcher said:
Why would you think that?

If someone ignored the first word in the phrase "science fiction", they would think "science fiction" was "fiction".
We have the same idea on this, just coming at it from opposite ends. I was emphasizing that he is ignoring actual science. Your way of expressing the thought IS better, though.
  • #11
Lets think a little about this.

how could we prove that it has happened?

Lets say there is a way to travel, so send someone and come back or we have a way to communicate with them, where it is, we can say is in a parallel universe? What happens if the machine move this "person" to our imagination, we can easily the capacity to imagine a universe, if this is true we have a "universe" inside a "universe".

Lets think there is a "nature", or a set of "rules", imagine that there is 2 sets, when the sets collide construct the rules of our universe, so if there is other set and all of them collide there will be other universes, if the generated universes can affect how the rules collide this would mean a universe can affect to other.

At least for now, the main problem I see in the question is, what do you mean "other universe"?

There is a lot of interpretations, and everyone of them can have a different answer, if we have axis x, y, z of our universe, so other universe can have it too (there should not problem to other universe only have x, y for example), but there is a way to interpret this, there is only one universe with ##x_1, y_1, z_1, x_2, y_2, z_2##, and we just say there is other "universe" because we "don't know" how to move something from "1" to "2".

Please, write what interpretation are you thinking, if you let the definition free hardly you will get a decent answer, every one will write considering their own assumptions about what "other universe" is.
  • Skeptical
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  • #12
judiefletcher said:
Why would you think that?

If someone ignored the first word in the phrase "science fiction", they would think "science fiction" was "fiction".

If someone ignored the second word in the phrase "science fiction", they would think that "science fiction" was "science".
The word is Oxymoron.
I think that any post that includes the phrase "science fiction" should automatically (and in a caring way) be moved to a different (perhaps education style) forum.
  • #13
You would run into semantic barriers. Universe is related to the word universal or all-inclusive. It there was an alternate place you could travel to, that means it is part of this universe by definition.
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Likes Vanadium 50
  • #14
The OP has not been back since the day after he posted so I doubt he cares.
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  • #15
Old thread closed for Moderation...
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  • #16
The science fiction parts have been moved into the science fiction forum.

Since ...
phinds said:
The OP has not been back since the day after he posted so I doubt he cares.
... in February, this thread remains closed.
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FAQ: Traveling to alternate universes

1. What is the concept of traveling to alternate universes?

Traveling to alternate universes refers to the idea of visiting or exploring other parallel realities beyond our own. This concept is often explored in science fiction and theoretical physics, and it suggests that there may be multiple versions of our universe with different physical laws, histories, and even versions of ourselves.

2. Is traveling to alternate universes possible?

As of now, there is no scientific evidence or technology that supports the possibility of traveling to alternate universes. While some theories, such as the Many-Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, suggest the existence of parallel universes, there is currently no way to physically travel to them.

3. How do scientists study alternate universes?

Scientists study alternate universes through theoretical physics and mathematical models. They also use data from astronomical observations, such as the cosmic microwave background radiation, to gather information about the origins and structure of our universe. However, studying alternate universes is still largely theoretical and speculative.

4. What are the potential dangers of traveling to alternate universes?

Since there is currently no way to physically travel to alternate universes, it is difficult to determine the potential dangers. However, some theories suggest that traveling to parallel universes could result in unpredictable consequences, such as altering the course of history or encountering versions of ourselves that may not be friendly.

5. Could traveling to alternate universes ever become a reality?

It is impossible to say for certain whether traveling to alternate universes will ever become a reality. While it is an intriguing concept, it would require a significant advancement in technology and a deeper understanding of the laws of physics. It is also possible that we may never have the capability to travel to other universes, as it may be beyond the limits of our universe's physical laws.
