Treating multiple objects as the same system

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of potential energy and its application in solving a physics problem involving a mass being dropped onto a pan attached to two springs. The solution manual suggests considering multiple objects as one system and explains the conservation of mechanical energy in such a system. The discussion also touches on the role of the pan in the system and how its mass could affect the outcome of the problem.
  • #1
Throughout my limited physics career (high school, first year university) I was introduced to concepts such as potential energy, kinetic energy, and work. Naturally, I was taught about potential energy using the whole gravity analogy. A brick at height h has more potential energy than a brick at height 0, provided h>0.

Now one thing really confused me.

1. Homework Statement

A pan of negligible mass is attached to two identical springs of stiffness k = 250 N/m. If a 10kg box is dropped from a height of 0.5m above the pan, determine the maximum vertical displacement d. Initially each spring has a tension of 50 N.

The springs are each 1 m long.

Homework Equations

W = integral of F with respect to dx
potential energy + work + kinetic energy = potential energy + kinetic energy

The Attempt at a Solution

The question is solved by a solution manual online by considering taking the potential energy of the spring, the box, and the earth. The thing is, I originally never learned that we could do this. I learned that we can only take the potential with respect to one object.

Naturally, this confused me. Exactly what are the limits to taking both of these objects as one system? How would we handle kinetic energy (if both the spring and the mass were moving with their own independent velocities)

Here is how it is solved:
Physics news on
  • #2
Yes, you can consider multiple objects as the same system. The kinetic energies (if any) add, and also add the potential energies of the forces of interaction.
Here the box and Earth interact with the force mg and the potential energy from that interaction is mgh. The springs interact with the box, and the potential energy of interaction between the box and one spring is 0.5k(ΔL)2 where ΔL is the change of length with respect to the relaxed length of the spring.
Assuming no loss of energy, the sum of KE and all PE-s is constant during the motion. At the end, the KE is zero, so the final potential energy is equal to the initial one.
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  • #3
The box is connected to the Earth via the gravitational force and also via the spring
which exerts a restoring force on it. Due to its position it has potential energy from
from both of these - the spring is pulling it back and so is the earth. In such a system
we find that the mechanical energy is conserved, that is the sum of the potential and kinetic
energy, if no other external froces is acting on it.
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  • #4
andrevdh said:
The box is connected to the Earth via the gravitational force and also via the spring
which exerts a restoring force on it. Due to its position it has potential energy from
from both of these - the spring is pulling it back and so is the earth. In such a system
we find that the mechanical energy is conserved, that is the sum of the potential and kinetic
energy, if no other external froces is acting on it.

But in the first snapshot, the box isn't touching the spring.
  • #5
x86 said:
But in the first snapshot, the box isn't touching the spring.
The pan has negligible mass, so it does not take away energy. Initially, there energy is equal to the gravitational PE of the brick, as the elastic PE of the spring is zero.
The final energy is the sum of the gravitational energy corresponding to the deepest position of the brick, and the elastic energy of the spring, as the KE is zero.
  • #6
ehild said:
The pan has negligible mass, so it does not take away energy. Initially, there energy is equal to the gravitational PE of the brick, as the elastic PE of the spring is zero.
The final energy is the sum of the gravitational energy corresponding to the deepest position of the brick, and the elastic energy of the spring, as the KE is zero.

The solution says the initial elastic potential energy is 10J. Also, how would the pan take away energy if it had mass?
  • #7
x86 said:
The solution says the initial elastic potential energy is 10J. Also, how would the pan take away energy if it had mass?
Sorry, I forgot that 10 J.
If the pan had mass, the velocity of the spring would change when it collides with the pan. If the collision was perfectly elastic, the brick would rebound and the motion would be quite complicated. But a collision is never really elastic, some of the energy would be lost . So the KE of the pan and brick would be less than the initial PE of the brick.
In the problem, the massless pan just holds the brick , as part of the ideal spring. So you can consider the process that the initial PE of the brick transforms to KE at the pan and that KE transforms to elastic energy.
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  • #8
This is becoming very confusing.
Now there is talk of a brick too?
How is the pan/springs set up?
Is the pan between two horizontally stretched springs
or one above one below...?
It seems to me that the pan - springs system was set up
by stretching the springs. That is why there is stored
potential energy in the springs.
  • #9
The OP started to write about a brick in the first post... But it is a box in the problem text.
Nothing was said about the set-up. I guess, the pan was connected to two horizontal springs.

FAQ: Treating multiple objects as the same system

1. What does "treating multiple objects as the same system" mean?

Treating multiple objects as the same system refers to considering a group of objects or entities as a single unit or entity, rather than as separate individual components. This approach is often used in scientific studies to simplify complex systems and analyze their behavior as a whole.

2. Why is it important to treat multiple objects as the same system?

Treating multiple objects as the same system allows scientists to focus on the overall behavior and interactions of a group of objects, rather than getting bogged down in individual details. It can also help to identify patterns and relationships that may not be apparent when looking at each object separately.

3. How is "treating multiple objects as the same system" different from studying individual objects?

Studying individual objects involves analyzing the properties and behavior of each object separately, while treating multiple objects as the same system involves looking at the collective behavior of the group as a whole. This approach can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the system as a whole.

4. What are some examples of "treating multiple objects as the same system" in scientific research?

One example is studying a group of cells as a single organism in biology or medicine. Another example is analyzing the interactions between planets in a solar system in astronomy. In physics, treating multiple particles as a single system is often used to study the behavior of a complex system, such as a gas or fluid.

5. Are there any limitations to treating multiple objects as the same system?

While treating multiple objects as the same system can be useful in simplifying complex systems, it can also overlook important individual differences and variations within the group. Additionally, this approach may not be applicable to all systems and may not provide a complete understanding of the behavior of each individual object.
