Trent University's Problem Professor

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  • Thread starter String Theorist
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In summary, the conversation discusses the issue of being able to criticize Israeli policies without being labeled as anti-Semitic. However, the conversation also highlights how some individuals blur the line between criticizing policies and promoting hatred towards Jews. The article specifically mentions the tactics used by hard-left academics and activists, such as excusing suicide bombings and demonizing Israel, which can be seen as a form of bigotry.
  • #1
String Theorist
Trent University's Problem Professor
By Jonathan Kay
National Post | January 8, 2004

It is a starting point for debate about the Middle East that one can oppose Israeli policies without being anti-Semitic. Jews and Palestinians are locked in a violent, complex dispute. Reasonable people can disagree about, say, whether Ariel Sharon's counter-terrorism strategy is too aggressive
or whether roadblocks used to control the movement of Palestinians are inhumane.

But since the Al-Aqsa intifada broke out in 2000, hard-left academics and activists have sometimes blurred the distinction between hatred of Israeli policies and hatred of Jews. To excuse suicide bombings as a legitimate option of the "oppressed" (so long as the victims are Jewish), to recycle
the lies of Jenin and other modern-day blood libels, to demonize Israel as "genocidal" while ignoring the far worse calamities in Chechnya, Sudan, Algeria and elsewhere -- all these tactics reflect a mindset that many Jews find indistinguishable from plain bigotry.

The complete article is at
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  • #2
Again, would you care to share YOUR views?
  • #3
Originally posted by Zero
Again, would you care to share YOUR views?

My views? Hmmmmm. Well, I think the Canadian professor makes a valid point by comparing Zionism to National Socialism and mentioning how there is a double standard in that Zionist ethnic cleansing is considered okey by the United States and England while National Socialist ethnic cleansing is considered bad.
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  • #4
Originally posted by String Theorist
My views? Hmmmmm. Well, I think the Canadian professor makes a valid point by comparing Zionism to National Socialism and mentioning how there is a double standard in that Zionist ethnic cleansing is considered okey by the United States and England while National Socialist ethnic cleansing is considered bad.
Uh huh...*eyeroll* DO realize that the issue isn't as simple as that, right? There may be an element of truth in this, but you have to be very careful about how you define terms like "Zionist".
  • #5
So string theorist (who He?) posts these big extracts just as a teaser to get you to ask, and then springs his "Zionist" garbage. Where have I seen that before?

Tell me string theorist, do you believe in the ZOG?
  • #6
Originally posted by selfAdjoint
So string theorist (who He?) posts these big extracts just as a teaser to get you to ask, and then springs his "Zionist" garbage. Where have I seen that before?

Tell me string theorist, do you believe in the ZOG?
This feels like like David ben Ariel's evil twin brother, doesn't it?
  • #7
Originally posted by Zero
This feels like like David ben Ariel's evil twin brother, doesn't it?

Pretty good article though. That prof comes off sounding like a real nit-wit. 'Its ok to lie if it helps me win...'

FAQ: Trent University's Problem Professor

1. What is "Trent University's Problem Professor"?

"Trent University's Problem Professor" is a nickname given to a former professor at Trent University who was known for causing difficulties and conflicts with students, colleagues, and administration.

2. Was the professor actually problematic?

There is no concrete evidence that the professor was intentionally problematic. However, there were numerous complaints and negative experiences reported by students and colleagues.

3. Why was the professor called "Trent University's Problem Professor"?

The nickname was given due to the professor's reputation for causing problems and difficulties within the university community.

4. What impact did the professor have on students and the university?

The professor's behavior led to a negative and uncomfortable learning and working environment for students and colleagues. This also caused a decrease in morale and reputation for the university.

5. Did the professor face any consequences for their behavior?

It is not publicly known if the professor faced any consequences from the university. However, the professor is no longer employed at Trent University.

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