Triangle Inequality for d(m,n) Metric Proof

  • Thread starter Demon117
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In summary, the conversation is discussing the proof that the function d(m,n) is a metric for integers m and n. The proof involves showing that the function is symmetric, positive definite, and satisfies the triangle inequality. The speaker is unsure how to proceed in showing the triangle inequality, and the other speaker suggests using the given metric relations and considering the uniqueness of the highest power of 5 that divides the difference of two integers.
  • #1
1. For integers m and n, let d(m,n)=0 if m=n and d(m,n) = 1/5^k otherwise, where k is the highest power of 5 that divides m-n. Show that d is indeed a metric.

2. The attempt at a solution

Here is what I have come up with:

PROOF: Clearly by definition d(m,n) = 0 iff m=n and d(m,n)>0 for all k in Z. Next, the same highest power k of 5 that divides m-n will also divide n-m. Therefore we have d(n,m) = 1/5^k, thus d(m,n) = d(m,n) when n is not equal to m. So d is symmetric and positive definite. I must finally show that the triangle inequality holds.

I am unsure how to proceed in showing that the triangle inequality holds. Can anyone help me?
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  • #2
All right so take k to be the highest power as in the problem description so that d(m,n) = 1/5^k. Let i and j be the associated powers of d(m,r) and d(r,n), respectively. We need to show that
[tex]\frac{1}{5^k} \leq \frac{1}{5^i} + \frac{1}{5^j}.[/tex]
Note that it suffices to prove that k is greater than or equal to one of i or j. Without loss of generality you may assume [itex]j \geq i \geq 0.[/itex] Now the key of course is that k is the highest power of 5 that divides m-n, so use the metric relations given to see if another power of 5 also divides m-n and conclude the desired inequality.
  • #3
snipez90 said:
All right so take k to be the highest power as in the problem description so that d(m,n) = 1/5^k. Let i and j be the associated powers of d(m,r) and d(r,n), respectively. We need to show that
[tex]\frac{1}{5^k} \leq \frac{1}{5^i} + \frac{1}{5^j}.[/tex]
Note that it suffices to prove that k is greater than or equal to one of i or j. Without loss of generality you may assume [itex]j \geq i \geq 0.[/itex] Now the key of course is that k is the highest power of 5 that divides m-n, so use the metric relations given to see if another power of 5 also divides m-n and conclude the desired inequality.

That is more or less what I thought of. So the way you've explained implies that I am trying to show uniqueness? I maybe I misunderstood completely.

If d(m,r) = 1/5^j for j the highest power that divides m-r and I know that d(r,n) = 1/5^i for i the highest power that divides r-n, then I have j*p = m-r and i*q = r-n, for p,q in Z. Solving for r and substituting I get iq = m-n - jp. But m-n is equivalent to k*s for some s in Z.

In all I have iq = ks - jp, so that ks = iq + jp. Where do I go from here?

Related to Triangle Inequality for d(m,n) Metric Proof

1. What is a metric?

A metric is a mathematical concept used to measure the distance between two points in a space. It is a function that takes in two points and returns a non-negative value, which represents the distance between the two points.

2. How do you define a metric?

A metric is defined by three properties: positivity, symmetry, and the triangle inequality. Positivity means that the distance between two points is always non-negative. Symmetry means that the distance between point A and point B is the same as the distance between point B and point A. The triangle inequality states that the distance between two points must always be less than or equal to the sum of the distances between those points and a third point.

3. Why is it important to show that d is a metric?

Showing that d is a metric is important because it ensures that the function we are using to measure distance between points follows the necessary properties to be considered a metric. This allows us to confidently use the function in mathematical calculations and applications.

4. How do you prove that d is a metric?

To prove that d is a metric, we need to show that it satisfies the three properties: positivity, symmetry, and the triangle inequality. This can be done by using mathematical proofs and logical reasoning.

5. What are some examples of metrics?

There are many different types of metrics, but some common examples include Euclidean distance, Manhattan distance, and Chebyshev distance. Each of these metrics has a different way of measuring distance between points and is useful in different scenarios.
