Triangular numbers facturable into n*(n+k)

  • Thread starter ramsey2879
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In summary: N_{0} and K are complex numbers, then N_{i} is also a complex number and K is a constant.Proof by induction:Base case: For i = 0, T(n_{0}) - n_{0}*(n_{0} - K) = 0 - 0 = 0, so it is an integer.Inductive step:Suppose T(n_{i-1}) - N_{i-1}*(N_{i-1} - K) = I_{i-1} is an integer. Then,T(n_{i}) - N_{i}*(N_{i} - K) = (6T(n_{i-1}) -
  • #1
Conjecture All triangular numbers T(i) in the recursive series i(0) = 0, i(1) = k*2+1 and following the recursive relationship i(j) = 6*i(j-1) - i(j-2) + 2 can be factured into the product n*(n+k) where n and k are integers. where k = 0 these are the square triangular numbers. I know that the series relationship for square triangular numbers is well known, but has anyone before proven or made the above conjecture?
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  • #2
Besides the recursive relation for the argments i of the triangular numbers the two factors differing by k each follow a closely related sequence the value n follows the sequence n(0) = 0, n(1) = k+1 and the following values are determined by the recursive relation n(i) = 6*n(i-1) - n(i-2) + 2k. For n = 2 the series is 0, 3, 22, 133, ... . Therefore the following products are triangular numbers 0*2, 3*5, 22*24, 133*135, ... k can take negative values also. E.G. for k = -2, the series is 0, -1, -10, -63, ... and the products 0*2, 1*3, 10*12, 63*65,... are also triangular numbers.
I am interested If k can take complex values also. For instance, if k can equal "i" then (1+i)*(1+2i) = (1+2i)*(2+2i)/2 which is in the form C * (C +1)/2 where C is a complex integer).
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  • #3
EDIT: This is NOT a counterexample if conjecture is interpreted as OP intended. It is based on a misinterpretation. See sequel.

ramsey2879 said:
Conjecture All triangular numbers T(i) in the recursive series i(0) = 0, i(1) = k*2+1 and following the recursive relationship i(j) = 6*i(j-1) - i(j-2) + 2 can be factured into the product n*(n+k) where n and k are integers. where k = 0 these are the square triangular numbers. I know that the series relationship for square triangular numbers is well known, but has anyone before proven or made the above conjecture?

If [itex]i_j[/itex] satisfies [itex]i_0=0,i_1=2k+1[/itex] and [itex]i_j=6i_{j-1}-i_{j-2}+2[/itex], then for [itex]k=28[/itex], [itex]i_5=68265=T_{369}=369.370/2[/itex].

But [itex]247(247+28)=67925<68265[/itex] and [itex]248(248+28)=68448>68265[/itex], so [itex]i_5[/itex] is not expressible as [itex]n(n+k)[/itex].
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  • #4
Martin Rattigan said:
If [itex]i_j[/itex] satisfies [itex]i_0=0,i_1=2k+1[/itex] and [itex]i_j=6i_{j-1}-i_{j-2}+2[/itex], then for [itex]k=28[/itex], [itex]i_5=68265=T_{369}=369.370/2[/itex].

But [itex]247(247+28)=67925<68265[/itex] and [itex]248(248+28)=68448>68265[/itex], so [itex]i_5[/itex] is not expressible as [itex]n(n+k)[/itex].
I believe I said t(i) can be expressed as n*(n + k)

t(i,k) = t(5,28) = 68265*(68265+1)/2 = 2330089245
n = 48257
n*(n+k) = 48257*(48257 + 28) = 2330089245

I am sorry that I did not make myself clear that t(i) meant to use i as the argument, not as the triangular number.
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  • #5
Sorry I hadn't realized that the [itex]i[/itex] in [itex]T(i)[/itex] was one of the [itex]i(n)[/itex]. I read it just as, "when an [itex]i(j)[/itex] is also a [itex]T(i)[/itex] for some [itex]i[/itex] then there is an [itex]n[/itex] such that [itex]T(i)=i(j)=n(n+k)[/itex] where [itex]i(1)=2k+1[/itex]".

I thought there was probably something wrong because the cases where [itex]i(j)=T(i)[/itex] for some [itex]i[/itex] are quite rare.

So, back to the drawing board.
  • #6
I found that this works for complex numbers also If you let the T(x) function take complex arguments. As an example, let k = 1+i and I = 2


I(0) = 0, I(1) = 3 + 2i, I(2) = (20 + 12i)

T(I) = (21 + 12i) * (10 + 6i) = 138 + 246i

n(0) = 0, n(1)= 2 + i , n(2) = 14 + 8i

n*(n + k) = (14 + 8i)*(15 + 9i) = 138 + 246i
  • #7
Martin Rattigan said:
Sorry I hadn't realized that the [itex]i[/itex] in [itex]T(i)[/itex] was one of the [itex]i(n)[/itex]. I read it just as, "when an [itex]i(j)[/itex] is also a [itex]T(i)[/itex] for some [itex]i[/itex] then there is an [itex]n[/itex] such that [itex]T(i)=i(j)=n(n+k)[/itex] where [itex]i(1)=2k+1[/itex]".

I thought there was probably something wrong because the cases where [itex]i(j)=T(i)[/itex] for some [itex]i[/itex] are quite rare.

So, back to the drawing board.

Yeah, I need to read up on triangular numbers that are square to get a better start on proving this, but although I enjoy the diversion of looking for number patterns, especially with triangular numbers, I have just a little knowledge of number theory and that's it. If anyone can prove this for any k other than 0 or 1 which are known series, let alone proving it for all k, i would appreciate it. Also, I have arrived at a more general conjecture:

Let T(x) be defined as x*(x+1)/2. Let C be any complex integer and let the product
[tex] A_{0} * B_{0} = T(C)[/tex]. Let [tex]B_{0} - A_{0} = K[/tex]. Then there exists an infinite series of complex numbers [tex]D_{i}[/tex] such that [tex]T(C_i) = D_{i}*(D{i} + K)[/tex] where [tex]C_{i}) = 6C_{i-1) - C_{i-2} + 2[/tex] and [tex]D_{i} = 6D_{i-1} - D_{i-2} + 2K[/tex].
  • #8
ramsey2879 said:
Yeah, I need to read up on triangular numbers that are square to get a better start on proving this, but although I enjoy the diversion of looking for number patterns, especially with triangular numbers, I have just a little knowledge of number theory and that's it. If anyone can prove this for any k other than 0 or 1 which are known series, let alone proving it for all k, i would appreciate it. Also, I have arrived at a more general conjecture:

Let T(x) be defined as x*(x+1)/2. Let C be any complex integer and let the product
[tex] A_{0} * B_{0} = T(C)[/tex]. Let [tex]B_{0} - A_{0} = K[/tex]. Then there exists an infinite series of complex numbers [tex]D_{i}[/tex] such that [tex]T(C_i) = D_{i}*(D{i} + K)[/tex] where [tex]C_{i}) = 6C_{i-1) - C_{i-2} + 2[/tex] and [tex]D_{i} = 6D_{i-1} - D_{i-2} + 2K[/tex].
As an example with integers starting with K = 5, I = 3, A = 1, B = 6, we can set I(0) = -4,
I(1) = 3, D(0) = D(1) = 1. Then I(2), I(3), ... = 24, 143, ...; and D(2), D(3) ... = 15, 99, ...;
  • #9
I think I found a proof of a more comprehensive theorm than my conjecture:

Please check for errors

Theorm: For any given triangular number [tex]T(n_{0}) =n*(n+1)/2[/tex] and any given number [tex]N_{0}[/tex], the difference [tex]T(n_{i}) - N_{i}*(N_{i} + K)[/tex] is always constant for any constant K where the series [tex]N_{i}[/tex] is found by letting [tex]N_{1} = 3*N_{0} + K +1 +2*n_{0}[/tex] with the recursion [tex]N_{i} = 6*N_{i-1} - N_{i-2} + 2K[/tex] and letting [tex]n_{1} = 4*N_{0} +2K + 1 +3*n_{0}[/tex] for which the recursive relation is [tex]n_{i} = 6*n_{i-1} - n_{i-2} + 2[/tex].

I have the proof and will supply it latter.
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  • #10
My proof is as follows:

I gave in my last post only the terms for [tex]N_{1}[/tex] and [tex]n_{1}[/tex] as function of [tex]N_{0}[/tex] and [tex]n_{0}[/tex] as well as the recursive formula for [tex]N_{i}[/tex] and [tex]n_{i}[/tex]. Apart from the recursive formula, all of the above can be directly verified by doing the math and also one can simarly verify using alternative to N_1 and n_1 terms which follow N_0 and n_0 respectively, the terms preceding the given terms : [tex]N_{-1} = 3*N_{0} + K -1 -2*n_{0}[/tex] and [tex]n_{-1} = 1 +3*n_{0}-4*N_{0}-2K [/tex].

Once you have verified that for each of the three pairs of terms (N{-1}, n{-1}), (N{0}, n{0}) and (N{1},n{1}) that N{i}*(N{i}+K) - n{i}*(n{i} +1)/2 is the same and verified that each set of 3 terms follows the assigned recursive relation; the next step is to verify that the same formulas based upon N{0} and n{0} for the terms N{-1} and n{-1} will give N{0} and n{0} when based upon the pair (N{1},n{1}). This is shown as follows.

[tex]N_{0} = 3*N_{1} + K -1 - 2*n_{1}[/tex]
[tex] = 3*(3*N_{0} + K + 1 + 2*n_{0}) + K - 1 -2*(4*N_{0} + 2K + 1 + 3*n_{0})[/tex]
[tex] = (9-8)N_{0} + (3+1-4)K + (3-1-2) + (6 - 6)n_{0} = N_{0}[/tex]

[tex]n_{0} = 1 + 3*n_{1}-4*N_{1} -2K[/tex]
[tex]=-4(3N_{0} + K + 1 + 2n_{0}) -2K +1 +3(4N_{0} + 2K + 1 + 3n_{0})[/tex]
[tex] = (12-12)N_{0} +(4+2-6)K +(-4 +1-2) + (-8+9)n_{0} = n_{0} [/tex]

Does this prove my conjecture?
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FAQ: Triangular numbers facturable into n*(n+k)

1. What are triangular numbers?

Triangular numbers are a sequence of numbers that can be represented in the form of equilateral triangles. These numbers are obtained by adding consecutive natural numbers, starting from 1. For example, the first five triangular numbers are 1, 3, 6, 10, and 15.

2. What does it mean for a triangular number to be facturable into n*(n+k)?

Facturable into n*(n+k) means that a triangular number can be divided into two factors, n and n+k, where n and k are both positive integers. This is also known as a "product of consecutive integers". For example, the triangular number 6 can be factored into 2*(2+1), where n=2 and k=1.

3. How can we determine if a triangular number is facturable into n*(n+k)?

To determine if a triangular number is facturable into n*(n+k), we can use the formula n(n+k)=T, where n and k are both positive integers and T is the triangular number in question. If this formula yields positive integer values for n and k, then the triangular number is facturable into n*(n+k). For example, to check if 6 is facturable into n*(n+1), we can plug in T=6 and solve for n and k, which results in n=2 and k=1.

4. Can all triangular numbers be facturable into n*(n+k)?

No, not all triangular numbers can be facturable into n*(n+k). In fact, only triangular numbers that are multiples of 6 can be factored in this way. This is because every other triangular number can be factored into n*(n+k) with n=1. For example, the triangular number 10 can be factored into 1*(1+9), where n=1 and k=9.

5. What are the applications of triangular numbers facturable into n*(n+k)?

Triangular numbers facturable into n*(n+k) have various applications in mathematics and computer science. They are used in coding theory, cryptography, and number theory. In particular, these numbers have been used in the design of efficient algorithms for computing discrete logarithms and prime factorization, which are important in cryptography and data encryption.
