Trick for conserved currents in classical field theory

In summary: We can rearrange the terms to get$$\delta \mathcal{L} = i(\partial^\mu \psi^*)\psi(\partial_\mu \alpha) + i(\partial^\mu \psi^*)(\partial_\mu\psi)\alpha + \partial_\mu(\alpha(x)) (\psi\partial_\mu(\partial^\mu \psi^*) - \psi^*\partial_\mu(\partial^\mu \psi)).$$Taking the derivative with respect to ##x^\mu##, we get$$\partial^\mu(\delta \mathcal{L}) =
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Homework Statement
Use the trick for the lagrangian to calculate the conserved current associated with a rotation.
Relevant Equations
$$\mathcal{L} = \partial_\mu \psi^* \partial^\mu \psi - V(\psi^* \psi)$$
$$\delta \mathcal{L} = \partial_\mu(\alpha(x)) j^\mu$$
First I found the equations of motion for both fields:
$$\partial_\mu \partial^\mu \psi = -\frac{\partial V(\psi^* \psi)}{\psi^*}$$
The eq. of motion with the other field is simply found by ##\psi \rightarrow \psi^*## and ##\psi^* \rightarrow \psi## due to the symmetry between the two fields.

The transformation is with ##\delta \psi = i\alpha \psi## and ##\delta \psi^* = -i\alpha \psi^*##. The trick has to do with letting alpha be a function and writing
$$\delta \mathcal{L} = \partial_\mu(\alpha(x)) h^\mu$$, where ##h^\mu## is the conserved current.

I got $$\delta \mathcal{L} = i(\partial^\mu \psi^*)\psi(\partial_\mu \alpha) + i(\partial^\mu \psi^*)(\partial_\mu\psi)\alpha - i(\partial^\mu \psi)\psi^*(\partial_\mu \alpha) - i(\partial^\mu \psi)(\partial_\mu\psi^*)\alpha + (\partial_\mu\partial^\mu\psi^*)i\alpha\psi - (\partial_\mu\partial^\mu\psi)i\alpha\psi^*$$

Using ##(\partial_\mu\partial^\mu\psi^*)i\alpha\psi - (\partial_\mu\partial^\mu\psi)i\alpha\psi^* = i\alpha \partial_\mu(\psi\partial^\mu\psi^* - \psi^*\partial^\mu\psi) = \alpha \partial_\mu(h^\mu)## defining ##h^\mu##. This gives

$$\delta \mathcal{L} = (\partial_\mu \alpha) h^\mu - \alpha \partial_\mu h^\mu$$.

Since I already know that ##h^\mu## is the conserved quantity, I know this will give ##\delta \mathcal{L} = (\partial_\mu \alpha) h^\mu##
So how would I show that ##\partial_\mu h^\mu = 0## without assuming it to be the conserved quantity? I also feel like I'm not using the trick properly, as it is supposed to be a trick to make it easier to solve.
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To show that ##\partial_\mu h^\mu = 0## without assuming it to be the conserved quantity, we can use the fact that the equations of motion for both fields are given by
$$\partial_\mu \partial^\mu \psi = -\frac{\partial V(\psi^* \psi)}{\psi^*}$$
$$\partial_\mu \partial^\mu \psi^* = -\frac{\partial V(\psi^* \psi)}{\psi}.$$
Substitute these equations into the expression for ##\delta \mathcal{L}## and use the fact that ##\delta \mathcal{L} = \partial_\mu(\alpha(x)) h^\mu##, we get
$$\delta \mathcal{L} = i(\partial^\mu \psi^*)\psi(\partial_\mu \alpha) + i(\partial^\mu \psi^*)(\partial_\mu\psi)\alpha - i(\partial^\mu \psi)\psi^*(\partial_\mu \alpha) - i(\partial^\mu \psi)(\partial_\mu\psi^*)\alpha + \partial_\mu(\alpha(x)) \partial^\mu(\psi\partial_\mu \psi^* - \psi^*\partial_\mu \psi).$$
Using the product rule for derivatives, we can write
$$\partial_\mu(\psi\partial^\mu \psi^* - \psi^*\partial^\mu \psi) = (\partial_\mu\psi)(\partial^\mu \psi^*) + \psi\partial_\mu(\partial^\mu \psi^*) - \psi^*\partial_\mu(\partial^\mu \psi).$$
Substituting this into the expression for ##\delta \mathcal{L}##, we get
$$\delta \mathcal{L} = i(\partial^\mu \psi^*)\psi(\partial_\mu \alpha) + i(\partial^\mu \psi^*)(\partial_\mu\psi)\alpha - i(\partial^\mu \psi)\psi^*(\partial_\mu \alpha) - i(\partial^\mu \psi)(\partial_\mu\psi^*)\alpha + \partial_\mu(\alpha(x)) ((\partial_\mu\psi)(\partial^\mu \psi^*) + \psi\partial_\

FAQ: Trick for conserved currents in classical field theory

1. What are conserved currents in classical field theory?

Conserved currents in classical field theory are mathematical quantities that represent the flow of a conserved physical quantity, such as energy or momentum, in a given system. These currents are used to describe the behavior of classical fields, which are continuous quantities that exist throughout space and time.

2. How are trick methods used to calculate conserved currents?

Trick methods, also known as symmetry methods, are used to calculate conserved currents in classical field theory by exploiting the symmetries of the system. These methods involve transforming the equations that describe the system under different symmetries and then using the resulting equations to determine the conserved currents.

3. Why are conserved currents important in classical field theory?

Conserved currents are important in classical field theory because they represent fundamental physical quantities that are conserved, or remain constant, throughout the dynamics of a system. These currents provide insights into the behavior and properties of the system, and can also be used to derive important equations, such as the equations of motion.

4. What is Noether's theorem and how does it relate to conserved currents?

Noether's theorem is a fundamental principle in classical field theory that states that for every continuous symmetry of a physical system, there is a corresponding conserved current. This means that the symmetries of a system are directly related to the conservation laws, including the conserved currents, of the system.

5. Can conserved currents be used to determine the behavior of a system?

Yes, conserved currents can be used to determine the behavior of a system in classical field theory. Since these currents represent fundamental physical quantities that are conserved, they can provide insights into the dynamics and properties of the system. By calculating and analyzing the conserved currents, one can gain a deeper understanding of the behavior of the system.
