Tricky counting problem(n distinct balls in n distinct boxes)

  • #1

Homework Statement

There are n distinct balls, and n distinct boxes, and one right order for the boxes to be in. What is the chance that none of the balls are in the correct box.
And each ball can go into only one box.

Homework Equations

The chance that none of the boxes are in the correct, is P(none)=1-P(at least one)

The chance that at least one is in the right box, is A(1)+A(2)+...A(n)-((A(1)and A(2))...+(A(n-1)+A(n))+...


The Attempt at a Solution

The amount of times A(k) is correct is the number of ways to arrange the balls that are not in position k, which is (n-1)!. The amount of times A(1) and A(2) are correct is the amount of times you can arrange all but them, which is (n-2)!

The number of A(k) is n. The number of A(k) and A(r)(both k and r are in the right box) is the number of ways you can choose 2 out of n

Continue that line of reasoning. So, the total number of ways at least one ball is in the right box is C(n,1)-C(n,2)(n-2)!+C(n,3)(n-3)!-c(n,4)(n-4)!... and the chance that happens is that number divided by the total number of arrangements, which is n!

that cancels out to 1-1/2!+1/3!-1/4!... one minus that is the number of times that none are in the right box.

This really breaks my intuition. Is this line of reasoning correct?
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Physics news on
  • #2
Your reasoning is OK. For more on this, Google "derangements".


FAQ: Tricky counting problem(n distinct balls in n distinct boxes)

What is a "tricky counting problem"?

A tricky counting problem is a mathematical problem that involves counting the number of ways to arrange or distribute a set of objects, where the arrangement or distribution must follow certain rules or conditions.

What is the "n distinct balls in n distinct boxes" problem?

The "n distinct balls in n distinct boxes" problem is a specific type of tricky counting problem that involves distributing n distinct balls into n distinct boxes, where each box can only contain one ball and each ball must be placed in a different box.

What are the key factors to consider in solving this problem?

The key factors to consider in solving the "n distinct balls in n distinct boxes" problem are the number of balls and boxes, and the restrictions on how the balls can be distributed (e.g. one ball per box, no repeat placements).

What is the formula for solving this problem?

The formula for solving the "n distinct balls in n distinct boxes" problem is n!, which represents the number of possible arrangements or distributions of n distinct objects. This can also be written as n factorial, where n! = n x (n-1) x (n-2) x ... x 2 x 1.

Are there any real-life applications of this problem?

Yes, the "n distinct balls in n distinct boxes" problem has real-life applications in fields such as statistics, genetics, and computer science. For example, in genetics, this problem can be used to calculate the number of possible combinations of genetic traits in offspring. In computer science, it can be used to analyze the complexity of algorithms and data structures.
