Tricky Electric Charge Problem

In summary, The problem involves five particles: two fixed on the y-axis and three on the x-axis, with one of the three being movable. The goal is to determine the x coordinate for the movable particle in order to change the direction of the net electrostatic force on the fixed particle by 30 degrees counterclockwise, and then return it back to its original direction by moving the other particle. This can be solved by considering the relationships between the magnitudes and directions of the forces between the particles and utilizing the "opposites-attract, likes-repel" rule. It is not necessary to compute the actual values of the forces, as long as the relative magnitudes and directions are understood.
  • #1

Homework Statement

38. Particles 2 and 4, of charge [itex]-e[/itex], are fixed in place on the y axis, at [itex]{y}_{2}[/itex] = -10.0 cm and [itex]{y}_{4}[/itex] = 5.00 cm. Particles 1 and 3, of charge [itex]-e[/itex], are placed on the x-axis and can be moved along the x axis. Particle 5, of charge [itex]+e[/itex], is fixed at the origin. Initially particle 1 is at [itex]{x}_{1}[/itex] = -10.0 cm and particle 3 at [itex]{x}_{3}[/itex] = 10.0 cm.
(a) To what x value must particle 1 be moved to rotate the direction of the net electrostatic force [itex]\vec{F}_{net}[/itex] on particle 5 by 30 degrees counterclockwise?
(b) With particle 1 fixed at its new position, to what x value must you move particle 3 to rotate [itex]\vec{F}_{net}[/itex] back to its original direction?

Homework Equations

Coulomb's Law

Vector Form:

\vec{F}_{12} = \frac{k_{e}q_{1}q_{2}}{{r_{12}}^2}\hat{r}_{21}

Scalar Form:

{F}_{12} = \frac{k_{e}{q_{1}}{q_{2}}}{{r_{12}}^2}

Magnitude Form:

|\vec{F}_{12}| = \frac{k_{e}|q_{1}||q_{2}|}{{r_{12}}^2}

Superposition of Forces

\sum{\vec{F}_{m}} = {\sum_{i=1}^{n}}{\vec{F}_{mn}}

The Attempt at a Solution

So, there are five particles: [itex]{q}_{1}[/itex] and [itex]{q}_{3}[/itex] placed on the x-axis and [itex]{q}_{2}[/itex] and [itex]{q}_{4}[/itex] placed on the y-axis and [itex]{q}_{5}[/itex] placed at the origin.

I note that there are two unknowns: the net force on particle 5, [itex]\sum\vec{F}_{5}[/itex] and the distance, [itex]{r}_{51}[/itex].


{r}_{51} = x

What I did was setup the [itex]x[/itex] and [itex]y[/itex] components for the net force and then solve each of the them for the (magnitude of the) net force and set them equal to each other and then solved for x.

\sum\vec{F}_{5_{x}} = {{F}_{{51}_{x}}}{\hat{i}} + {{F}_{{53}_{x}}}{\hat{i}}

{\sum}{\vec{F}_{5_{x}}} = {{F}_{51}}{cos{\theta_{51}}}{\hat{i}} + {{F}_{53}}{cos{\theta_{53}}}{\hat{i}}

{\sum}{\vec{F}_{5_{x}}} = {\frac{{k_{e}}{q_{5}}{q_{1}}}{{{r}_{51}}^{2}}}{cos{\theta_{51}}}{\hat{i}} + {\frac{{k_{e}}{q_{5}}{q_{3}}}{{{r}_{53}}^{2}}}{cos{\theta_{53}}}{\hat{i}}

{\sum}{{F}_{5}}{cos{\theta}}{\hat{i}} = {\frac{{k_{e}}{q_{5}}{q_{1}}}{{{r}_{51}}^{2}}}{cos{\theta_{51}}}{\hat{i}} + {\frac{{k_{e}}{q_{5}}{q_{3}}}{{{r}_{53}}^{2}}}{cos{\theta_{53}}}{\hat{i}}

[itex]{\theta}[/itex] = 30 degrees

{\sum}{{F}_{5}} = {\frac{{{k}_{e}}{{q}_{5}}}{{cos}{\theta}}}\left[{\frac{{q_{1}}}{{{r}_{51}}^{2}}}{cos{\theta_{51}}} + {\frac{{q_{3}}}{{{r}_{53}}^{2}}}{cos{\theta_{53}}}\right]

{\sum}{{F}_{5}} = {\frac{{{k}_{e}}{{q}_{5}}}{{cos}{\theta}}}\left[{\frac{{q_{1}}}{{\left(x\right)}^{2}}}{cos{\theta_{51}}} + {\frac{{q_{3}}}{{{r}_{53}}^{2}}}{cos{\theta_{53}}}\right]

{\sum}{{F}_{5}} = {\frac{{{k}_{e}}{{q}_{5}}}{{cos}{\theta}}}\left[{\frac{{q_{1}}}{{x}^{2}}}{cos{\theta_{51}}} + {\frac{{q_{3}}}{{{r}_{53}}^{2}}}{cos{\theta_{53}}}\right]

Doing the same for the [itex]y[/itex] components leads to,

\sum\vec{F}_{5_{y}} = {{F}_{{52}_{y}}}{\hat{j}} + {{F}_{{53}_{4}}}{\hat{j}}

{\sum}{{F}_{5}}{sin{\theta}}{\hat{j}} = {\frac{{k_{e}}{q_{5}}{q_{2}}}{{{r}_{52}}^{2}}}{sin{\theta_{52}}}{\hat{j}} + {\frac{{k_{e}}{q_{5}}{q_{4}}}{{{r}_{54}}^{2}}}{sin{\theta_{54}}}{\hat{j}}

[itex]{\theta}[/itex] = 30 degrees

{\sum}{{F}_{5}} = {\frac{{{k}_{e}}{{q}_{5}}}{{sin}{\theta}}}\left[{\frac{{q_{2}}}{{{r}_{52}}^{2}}}{sin{\theta_{52}}} + {\frac{{q_{4}}}{{{r}_{54}}^{2}}}{sin{\theta_{54}}}\right]


{\sum}{{F}_{5}} = {\sum}{{F}_{5}}

\left({\frac{{{k}_{e}}{{q}_{5}}}{{cos}{\theta}}}\left[{\frac{{q_{1}}}{{x}^{2}}}{cos{\theta_{51}}} + {\frac{{q_{3}}}{{{r}_{53}}^{2}}}{cos{\theta_{53}}}\right]\right) = \left({\frac{{{k}_{e}}{{q}_{5}}}{{sin}{\theta}}}\left[{\frac{{q_{2}}}{{{r}_{52}}^{2}}}{sin{\theta_{52}}} + {\frac{{q_{4}}}{{{r}_{54}}^{2}}}{sin{\theta_{54}}}\right]\right)

Solving for x and simplifying leads to,

{x} = {\sqrt{\frac{{{q}_{1}}}{{\frac{{cot}{\theta}}{{cos}{\theta}_{51}}\left[\frac{{q}_{2}}{{{r}_{52}}^{2}}{{sin}{\theta}_{52}} + \frac{{q}_{4}}{{{r}_{54}}^{2}}{{sin}{\theta}_{54}}\right] - {\frac{{q}_{3}}{{{r}_{53}}^{2}}{{cos}{\theta}_{53}}}}}}}

sig. fig. [itex]\equiv[/itex] 3


[itex]{\theta}_{}[/itex] = 30 degrees
[itex]{\theta}_{51}[/itex] = 180 degrees
[itex]{\theta}_{52}[/itex] = 270 degrees
[itex]{\theta}_{53}[/itex] = 0 degrees
[itex]{\theta}_{54}[/itex] = 90 degrees

Using the above equation I get,

x = [itex]\sqrt{-0.0016139...}[/itex]

Which is ofcourse wrong because it is imaginary.

So, how do I solve this because I thought for sure my approach was right and I don't think I made any mistakes.

Any help is appreciated.


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Physics news on
  • #2
Your approach looks OK, but your overly and unnecessarily formal approach makes checking your work rather painful.
PFStudent said:
\sum\vec{F}_{5_{x}} = {{F}_{{51}_{x}}}{\hat{i}} + {{F}_{{53}_{x}}}{\hat{i}}

{\sum}{\vec{F}_{5_{x}}} = {{F}_{51}}{cos{\theta_{51}}}{\hat{i}} + {{F}_{53}}{cos{\theta_{53}}}{\hat{i}}

{\sum}{\vec{F}_{5_{x}}} = {\frac{{k_{e}}{q_{5}}{q_{1}}}{{{r}_{51}}^{2}}}{cos{\theta_{51}}}{\hat{i}} + {\frac{{k_{e}}{q_{5}}{q_{3}}}{{{r}_{53}}^{2}}}{cos{\theta_{53}}}{\hat{i}}

{\sum}{{F}_{5}}{cos{\theta}}{\hat{i}} = {\frac{{k_{e}}{q_{5}}{q_{1}}}{{{r}_{51}}^{2}}}{cos{\theta_{51}}}{\hat{i}} + {\frac{{k_{e}}{q_{5}}{q_{3}}}{{{r}_{53}}^{2}}}{cos{\theta_{53}}}{\hat{i}}
Why not just write this last as:

[tex]{\sum}{{F}_{5}}{cos{\theta}}{\hat{i}} = (-\frac{ke^2}{x^2} + \frac{ke^2}{{{r}_{53}}^2}) {\hat{i}}[/tex]

And similarly for the y-component.
  • #3
I just love how a lot of the textbooks make a point of showing that formal vectorial definition for Coulomb's Law, as if any practicing physicist really solves electrostatic problems using it exactly as written. (It's good enough to feed to a computer, but that doesn't mean *you* have to eat it...)

For these discrete charge problems, it pays to draw a picture first. Use the "opposites-attract, likes-repel" rule to figure out which way each of the force vectors on particle 5 (the one at the origin) points. Before even starting a calculation, what can you say about the components of Fnet(initial)?

Now, all the surrounding charges are identical (-e) and the central charge is +e and all the distances are identical (10 cm) except y4 (which is half that). *Don't* compute a value for the magnitude of the forces: just call the force magnitude between, say, particle 5 and particle 2, F. What is the force magnitude between 4 and 5, *relative* to F?

OK, now we're ready for part (a). To make that Fnet change, by moving particle 1, so that its direction changes by 30 degrees CCW, what would need to be true about the relative magnitudes of Fnet's components then? How would that be related to x1? (Which forces change and which don't?) That should give you a route to solving for the new position of particle 1.

For part (b), we want Fnet to be returned to its original direction. What overall condition must apply to the configuration of the charges in order for that to happen? So where must particle 3 be moved to?

Note that the problem doesn't ask you for the actual *values* of the forces. So much of the charge arrangement remains the same among the parts of the problem that it is simpler to deal with the questions by using a reference magnitude that *you* define. (You can always check your answers later by computing all the force components if you wish...)
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  • #4
wrong angle

PFStudent said:
So, how do I solve this because I thought for sure my approach was right and I don't think I made any mistakes.
I think I found the source of the problem--you are using the wrong value for theta:

[tex]\tan\theta = F_y/F_x[/tex]

where [itex]\theta[/itex] should be 90+30=120 degrees, not 30 degrees.
  • #5

Doc Al said:
Your approach looks OK, but your overly and unnecessarily formal approach makes checking your work rather painful.

Yea...while I do realize this when working through my physics problems, I also recognize that I should get the same answer taking the formal rigorous approach (though it may be unnecessary). Overall, I feel taking such an approach (the formal rigorous one) strengthens my ability to deal with increasingly complex problems as I will see when I take the next higher physics courses (Classical Mechanics and Classical Electricity & Magnetism).

So, sorry about the symbolic messiness... :redface:

Doc Al said:
Why not just write this last as:

[tex]{\sum}{{F}_{5}}{cos{\theta}}{\hat{i}} = (-\frac{ke^2}{x^2} + \frac{ke^2}{{{r}_{53}}^2}) {\hat{i}}[/tex]

And similarly for the y-component.

Thanks, I will try that right now.

However, just to be clear the first attempt, is it not (symbolically) correct?

Doc Al said:
I think I found the source of the problem--you are using the wrong value for theta:

[tex]\tan\theta = F_y/F_x[/tex]

where [itex]\theta[/itex] should be 90+30=120 degrees, not 30 degrees.

Hmm….I tried that as well and got the following answer,

x = 0.0488173693… m

However, in looking over the solution to this problem in the solution’s manual (since this is an even problem the solution is not in the back of the book) I believe this may be an error on the book’s part.

Here is their answer,

x = 6.05 cm

Here is their solution,

What I do not understand is why my approach is wrong, after looking over my work meticulously I just do not see any error in my approach.

Is the solution's manual perhaps incorrect?

In the mean time I will rework thoroughly my solution and simplify it.


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  • #6
PFStudent said:
Yea...while I do realize this when working through my physics problems, I also recognize that I should get the same answer taking the formal rigorous approach (though it may be unnecessary). Overall, I feel taking such an approach (the formal rigorous one) strengthens my ability to deal with increasingly complex problems as I will see when I take the next higher physics courses (Classical Mechanics and Classical Electricity & Magnetism).
Well... no one will accuse you of being lazy, that's for sure! :smile:

However, just to be clear the first attempt, is it not (symbolically) correct?
You made two errors: one algebraic, which I'll point out below, the other using the incorrect angle as I have already pointed out.

Hmm….I tried that as well and got the following answer,

x = 0.0488173693… m

However, in looking over the solution to this problem in the solution’s manual (since this is an even problem the solution is not in the back of the book) I believe this may be an error on the book’s part.

Here is their answer,

x = 6.05 cm
Using the method that I described, which you should realize is exactly what you were doing, I get the same answer as your textbook. (So will you when you correct your errors.)

In your final expression:
[tex]{x} = {\sqrt{\frac{{{q}_{1}}}{{\frac{{cot}{\theta}}{{cos }{\theta}_{51}}\left[\frac{{q}_{2}}{{{r}_{52}}^{2}}{{sin}{\theta}_{52}} + \frac{{q}_{4}}{{{r}_{54}}^{2}}{{sin}{\theta}_{54}} \right] - {\frac{{q}_{3}}{{{r}_{53}}^{2}}{{cos}{\theta}_{53} }}}}}}[/tex]

That [itex]\cos\theta_{53}[/itex] should be [itex]\cos\theta_{53}/\cos\theta_{51}[/itex].
  • #7
Doc Al said:
Well... no one will accuse you of being lazy, that's for sure! :smile:

lol, thanks! :smile:

Doc Al said:
Using the method that I described, which you should realize is exactly what you were doing, I get the same answer as your textbook. (So will you when you correct your errors.)

In your final expression:

{x} = {\sqrt{\frac{{{q}_{1}}}{{\frac{{cot}{\theta}}{{cos}{\theta}_{51}}\left[\frac{{q}_{2}}{{{r}_{52}}^{2}}{{sin}{\theta}_{52}} + \frac{{q}_{4}}{{{r}_{54}}^{2}}{{sin}{\theta}_{54}}\right] - {\frac{{q}_{3}}{{{r}_{53}}^{2}}{{cos}{\theta}_{53}}}}}}}

That [itex]\cos\theta_{53}[/itex] should be [itex]\cos\theta_{53}/\cos\theta_{51}[/itex].

Ahh...I see, thanks for the correction!

So my final solution is,

{x} = {\sqrt{\frac{{{q}_{1}}}{{\frac{{cot}{\theta}}{{cos}{\theta}_{51}}\left[\frac{{q}_{2}}{{{r}_{52}}^{2}}{{sin}{\theta}_{52}} + \frac{{q}_{4}}{{{r}_{54}}^{2}}{{sin}{\theta}_{54}}\right]-\frac{{q}_{3}{cos}{\theta}_{53}}{{{{r}_{53}}^{2}}{cos}{\theta}_{51}}}}}}

Thanks for the help Doc Al!



FAQ: Tricky Electric Charge Problem

1. What is an electric charge?

An electric charge is a fundamental property of matter that causes it to experience electrical and magnetic forces. It can be either positive or negative and is measured in units of coulombs (C).

2. How is electric charge measured?

Electric charge is measured using an instrument called an electrometer, which detects the presence and amount of charge on an object. It can also be measured indirectly by measuring the force between two charged objects.

3. What is the difference between static and current electricity?

Static electricity refers to the buildup of electric charge on an object, while current electricity is the flow of electric charge through a conductor. Static electricity is typically a temporary phenomenon, while current electricity is a continuous flow.

4. What is an electric field?

An electric field is a region of space around a charged object where other charged objects will experience a force. The strength of the electric field is directly proportional to the amount of charge on the object and inversely proportional to the distance from the object.

5. How do you solve tricky electric charge problems?

Solving tricky electric charge problems requires a thorough understanding of the principles of electricity and the ability to apply them in a logical and systematic manner. It also helps to have a good understanding of mathematical concepts such as Coulomb's law and electric potential. Practice and experimentation are key to mastering tricky electric charge problems.
