Tricky Word Problem: Solve It with These Tips | Help with Calculations

In summary, the conversation discusses a tricky word problem involving a large block of stone and a hammer and chisel. The goal is to determine how many times the chisel must be struck to reduce the block to less than half of its original size. The conversation includes various mathematical equations and formulas to arrive at the minimum number of strikes needed, which is 139. The conversation also mentions the importance of not double posting and following the guidelines of the forum.
  • #1
Tricky word problem.

Hi I'm having trouble figuring out how to approach this word problem and wonder if anyone had tips.

Just suppose, for the sake of argument, that you have a large block of stone. While staring at this block of stone, it dawns on you that perhaps you should carve it into something. Luckily, you have a hammer and chisel handy.

But it's no ordinary hammer and chisel. Somehow, no matter how hard you hit the chisel, exactly one-half of one percent of the block chips off.

How many times do you have to hit the chisel before the block is less than half of its original size?
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  • #2
:smile: Basically, since 0.5% is chipped off each successive strike, you thus retain 99.5% of the block on each successive strike.
*You need to find out how many strikes are needed--->how many 0.5% chips are needed to reduce the block to half of its mass.
*Therefore, letting [itex] n [/itex] be the number of strikes thus far, you will retain [itex] \left( {99.5\% } \right)^n [/itex] of the mass after [itex] n [/itex] strikes.
---To find out the minimal [itex] n [/itex] strikes needed to reduce to less than half the mass will require the inequality:

[tex] 0.995^n < \frac{1}{2} \Rightarrow n \geqslant \left\lceil {\frac{{\log 0.5}}{{\log 0.995}}} \right\rceil \Rightarrow n \geqslant 139 [/tex]

*Thus, the minimum quantity of strikes needed is 139.

(since [itex] n \in \mathbb{N} \cup \left\{ 0 \right\} [/itex]) :biggrin:
(...tho shouldn't this be in the Homework K-12 section? :redface:)
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  • #3
After one blow, there is 1* .995 of the block left. After 2 blows there is 2 * .995 of the block left. So after 'n' blows there is .995^n left. So you need to solve: 0.5=0.995^n

Related to Tricky Word Problem: Solve It with These Tips | Help with Calculations

What is a word problem?

A word problem is a mathematical problem that is presented in the form of a written or spoken sentence. It requires the use of mathematical concepts and operations to find the solution.

How do I solve a word problem?

To solve a word problem, you must carefully read and understand the problem, identify the relevant information, and use mathematical operations and concepts to find the solution.

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Some common strategies for solving word problems include making a plan, drawing a picture or diagram, using logical reasoning, and breaking the problem into smaller parts.

What should I do if I get stuck on a word problem?

If you get stuck on a word problem, take a step back and try to identify what part of the problem is causing difficulty. You can also try using a different strategy or seeking help from a teacher or classmate.

Why are word problems important in math?

Word problems are important in math because they require the application of mathematical concepts and operations in real-life situations. They also help develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

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