Trigonometric and hyper. functions approx in large small argumnt

In summary, the tangent line approximation is good for small values of x, while the sin(x) and tan(x) approximations are better for larger values of x. The cosh(x) and coth(x) approximations are good for small and large x, respectively. The e^x approximation is good for large values of x.
  • #1
hello guys ,

i'm looking for approximation of trigonometric and hyperbolic functions for small and large argument, is it correct to say sin(x)=x and tg(x)=x and tgh(x)=x and cos(x) = 1 and cosh(x)=1 and coth(x)=1/x for small x what about large x ? what can we say about exponential function in large and small argument ?
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  • #2
The key notion here is Taylor series. I don't think you've heard of that since you posted in precalc. But I think the answer to your question is going to be difficult without this notion.

The idea is that ##\sin(x)\sim x## for small values of ##x##. Now, if ##x## becomes larger, then you need to add more and more error terms in order to still have a good approximation

For example, for somewhat larger ##x##, we have

[tex]\sin(x)\sim x - \frac{x^3}{3!}[/tex]

as a better approximation

See here for a list of approximations:
The more terms you use, the better the approximation. If you use infinite terms, then the approximation is usually exact.
  • #3
the_doors said:
hello guys ,

i'm looking for approximation of trigonometric and hyperbolic functions for small and large argument, is it correct to say sin(x)=x and tg(x)=x and tgh(x)=x and cos(x) = 1 and cosh(x)=1 and coth(x)=1/x for small x what about large x ? what can we say about exponential function in large and small argument ?
Slightly simpler than Taylor's series here, but useful for these questions, is the "tangent line approximation". The derivative of sin(x) is cos(x) which is 1 at x= 0. Since sin(0)= 0 and its derivative at x= 0 is 1, the tangent line to the graph of y= sin(x) is y= 0+ (1)x= x. For small x, sin(x) is approximately equal to x.

Similarly tan(0)= 0, the derivative of tan(x) is sec^2(x), and sec(0)= 1 so the tangent approximation to y= tan(x) is also y= 0+ (1)x= x. (which, of course, means that for small x, tan(x) is approximately equal to sin(x).)

cos(0)= 1, the derivative of cos(x) is -sin(x), and -sin(0)= 0 so the tangent approximation to y= cos(x) is y= 1+ (0)x= 1.

Similarly, cosh(0)= 1, the derivative of cosh(x) is sinh(x), and sinh(0)= 0 so the tangent approximation to y= cosh(x) is y= 1+ (0)x= 1.

"1/x" is, of course, not a power series so not a Taylor's series. But it is true that tanh(0)= 1, the derivative of tanh(x) is sech^2(x), and sech(0)= 0 so that the tangent approximation to y= tanh(x) is y= x. Since coth(x)= 1/tanh(x), we can approximate y= coth(x) near x= 0 with 1/x.

Finally, for e^x, the derivative is e^x so both function and derivative are e^0= 1 at x= 0. For small x, y= e^x can be approximated by y= 1+ x.

e^x "goes to infinity" as x goes to infinity so we cannot say anything about an approximation to y= e^x for "large x".

FAQ: Trigonometric and hyper. functions approx in large small argumnt

What are trigonometric and hyperbolic functions?

Trigonometric functions are mathematical functions that relate angles and sides of a right triangle, such as sine, cosine, and tangent. Hyperbolic functions are similar to trigonometric functions but are used for hyperbolas instead of circles.

How are trigonometric and hyperbolic functions approximated in large and small arguments?

Large arguments refer to values that are very close to or equal to infinity, while small arguments refer to values that are very close to or equal to zero. For these types of arguments, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions are approximated using series expansions or other mathematical techniques.

Why are approximations needed for large and small arguments?

Large and small arguments can lead to errors when using exact values for trigonometric and hyperbolic functions. Approximations help to reduce these errors and make calculations more accurate and efficient.

What are some common series expansions used for approximating trigonometric and hyperbolic functions?

Some common series expansions include the Maclaurin series, which is used for approximating functions near the point x=0, and the Taylor series, which is used for approximating functions at any point. These series involve adding up terms of a polynomial to approximate the value of a function at a given point.

What are some real-world applications of trigonometric and hyperbolic functions?

Trigonometric and hyperbolic functions have many practical applications in fields such as engineering, physics, and astronomy. They are used to model and solve problems involving waves, oscillations, and rotations. They are also used in navigation, computer graphics, and signal processing.
