Trigonometric functions - angular measures and tangent curves

In summary, the book gave the correct answer for part a (π), but the other two parts gave wrong answers.
  • #1
I encountered a few problems for a few questions while doing my homework.

1. Angular measure problem:
A Ferris wheel with a radius of 25.3m makes 2 rotations every minute.
a) Find the average angular speed of the Ferris wheel in radians per second.
b) How far does a rider travel if the ride lasts 5 min?

For a), I did this:
(2π radians/hr) x (2 rotations/min) x (1min/60s)
= (π/15) = 0.21 rad/s

That answer was correct one; however, I'm not sure how it works, because I did the question by looking at an example.

for b),
5 x (π/15) x (1 rotation/2π radians) x (2π(25.3)/1 rotation)
= 126.5π/15
= 26.4 m

This answer is not correct. How do I find the answer?


The second set of problems deal with tangent curves and their periods. They ask to determine the period and phase shift with respect to y = tan x for each function. The phase shifts I can get right. I know that you can find the period by using (pi/abs(b)), but I the answer in the textbook doesn't match mine, and I don't know why.

a) y = tan (x-(π/4)) ; my answer: π ; book's answer: π/2
b) y = tan (2x-π) ; my answer: (π/2) ; book's answer: π
c) y = tan ((x/2)+(π/2)) ; my answer: (π/3) ; book's answer: π/2

I thought that if something's in a format like tan (2x+1), where there's a number in front of x, then you have to change it to tan 2(x+0.5).

Can anyone explain why my answers are wrong?
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  • #2
fp252 said:
I encountered a few problems for a few questions while doing my homework.

1. Angular measure problem:
A Ferris wheel with a radius of 25.3m makes 2 rotations every minute.
a) Find the average angular speed of the Ferris wheel in radians per second.
b) How far does a rider travel if the ride lasts 5 min?

For a), I did this:
(2π radians/hr) x (2 rotations/min) x (1min/60s)
= (π/15) = 0.21 rad/s
Your answer is numerically correct, but your units are off. The first factor 2π radians/rotation. From the dimensional analysis perspective, you should have radians/rotation * rotations/min * min/sec. The rotations cancel and the minutes cancel, and you are left with radians/sec. Hopefully, understanding how the units work out will help your understanding of this problem.
fp252 said:
That answer was correct one; however, I'm not sure how it works, because I did the question by looking at an example.

for b),
5 x (π/15) x (1 rotation/2π radians) x (2π(25.3)/1 rotation)
= 126.5π/15
= 26.4 m

This answer is not correct. How do I find the answer?
For b, you'll need to use your answer from part a, and the fact that arc length = radius * angle in radians.

So the total arc length (the distance the rider travels) = radius * radians/sec * time in seconds. The units will be meters * radians/sec * seconds. The seconds units will cancel, and you can ignore the radians units, since they are essentially dimensionless units. You'll end up in units of meters for the distance travelled.
fp252 said:

The second set of problems deal with tangent curves and their periods. They ask to determine the period and phase shift with respect to y = tan x for each function. The phase shifts I can get right. I know that you can find the period by using (pi/abs(b)), but I the answer in the textbook doesn't match mine, and I don't know why.

a) y = tan (x-(π/4)) ; my answer: π ; book's answer: π/2
b) y = tan (2x-π) ; my answer: (π/2) ; book's answer: π
c) y = tan ((x/2)+(π/2)) ; my answer: (π/3) ; book's answer: π/2
If you know the graph of y = f(x), the graph of y = f(kx), where k > 0, will be compressed toward the y-axis if k > 1, and expanded away from the y-axis if k < 1.
Also, if you know the graph of y = f(x), the graph of y = f(x - a), where a > 0, is translated to the right by a units.
If you have both kinds of transformations going on, do the expansions/stretches first, and then the translations.
a) period: π; phase shift: π/4 (This graph is shifted by π/4 units to the right compared to the basic tangent function.)
b) period: π/2; phase shift: π/2 to the right
c) period: π; phase shift: π to the left.
fp252 said:
I thought that if something's in a format like tan (2x+1), where there's a number in front of x, then you have to change it to tan 2(x+0.5).

Can anyone explain why my answers are wrong?
  • #3
Thank you for replying.

So was the book wrong for the answers of the tangent periods?

Also, I still keep getting 2π as an answer for c)... (through [π/abs(B)])
  • #4
I believe your tangent period are right.
  • #5
fp252 said:
Thank you for replying.

So was the book wrong for the answers of the tangent periods?

Also, I still keep getting 2π as an answer for c)... (through [π/abs(B)])
The book's answer for periods appear to be incorrect. Also, my answer for the period in c should have been 2π, not π as I wrote.
  • #6
I have asked the teacher about the answers of the periods of the tangent curves, and he has confirmed that the book's answers were incorrect.

Oh, and thanks again for the explanation for angular speed... now if only I could remember how to do those types of questions on my own. :rolleyes: I understand the dimensional analysis part, but I wouldn't know what order I need them to be in (eg. [2π radians/1 rotation] x ?)
  • #7
You work with what you have toward where you want to end up. For example, in your first problem, you were trying to find the angular speed in radians/sec. You were given that it makes two rotations per minute.

So that's [tex]2 * \frac{2 \pi radians}{min}[/tex], so you need to multiply by units (things that don't change what you multiply) so as to end up with radians/sec.

[tex]2 * \frac{2 \pi radians}{min} * \frac{1 min}{60 sec}[/tex]

The fraction 1 min/ 60 sec comes from the equation 1 min = 60 sec <==> 1 min / 60 sec = 1. In the previous equation, the min dimensions cancel, and you're left with dimensions of radians/seconds.

In part b, I started with dimensions of radians/sec and I wanted to end up with dimensions of meters, so the dimensions were meters * radians/sec * sec, where the last factor is the number of seconds in 5 minutes. As I said earlier, you can ignore the radians dimension, since it is really a dimensionless quantity.

FAQ: Trigonometric functions - angular measures and tangent curves

1. What are the basic trigonometric functions?

The basic trigonometric functions are sine, cosine, and tangent. These functions are used to relate the angles of a triangle to the lengths of its sides.

2. What is the unit of measurement for angles in trigonometry?

The unit of measurement for angles in trigonometry is radians. Radians are a unit of measurement that relates the length of an arc on a circle to the radius of the circle.

3. What is the difference between a positive and negative angle in trigonometry?

In trigonometry, a positive angle is measured in the counterclockwise direction from the initial side, while a negative angle is measured in the clockwise direction from the initial side.

4. What is the unit circle and how is it related to trigonometric functions?

The unit circle is a circle with a radius of 1 centered at the origin on a coordinate plane. It is used in trigonometry to relate the trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, and tangent) to the coordinates of points on the circle.

5. How are tangent curves related to trigonometric functions?

Tangent curves are graphs that represent the tangent function, which is one of the basic trigonometric functions. These curves show the relationship between the angle of a triangle and the ratio of its opposite side to its adjacent side.

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