Trigonometric Orthogonality Query

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of trigonometric orthogonality and the specific proof behind the Fourier Series. The main point of confusion is the specific condition for the area under the curve to be equal to zero, which is only true when both m and n are integers. The conversation also touches on the issue of commas in mathematical notation and how computing software may interpret them.
  • #1
Hello everyone, I've wandered PF a few times in the past but never thought I'd join, here I am, how exciting.

To keep it short I'm trying to understand the proof behind Fourier Series and can't quite get to grips with basic trigonometric orthogonality.
I understand that sin and cos are naturally orthogonal but I'm having difficulty understanding this:

\int_{-\pi}^{\pi}\cos(mx)\cos(nx)\, dx=\pi\delta_{mn} \,\,\,where\,\delta_{mn}=\begin{cases}
&\text{1 if } m=n \\
&\text{0 if } m\neq n

It makes sense that the area is [itex]\pi[/itex] if [itex]m=n[/itex] because you get this waveform and zero if m is an integer multiple of n because you get this waveform (here the negative areas cancel the positive areas from [itex]-\pi[/itex] to [itex]\pi[/itex])

BUT... If [itex]m\neq n[/itex] AND is sufficiently close e.g (m=2, n=2.1) you get this waveform, in which case the area from [itex]-\pi[/itex] to [itex]\pi[/itex] is clearly not zero.

What gives? Does this only apply if m and n are different by integer multiples?
Thanks for your time! (:
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Physics news on
  • #2
For both m,n ∈ ℕ, we have the following proof for this orthogonality relation:

Edit : posted it as an attachment because it wouldn't work otherwise.


  • png-1.latex.png
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  • #3
This a plot visualization of the area when m and n are different, from -π to π. In this case, n=2 and m=3.

Can you see the area is equal to 0?


  • WolframAlpha--integral_cos_2x__cos_3x__from__pi_to_pi__Visual_representation_of_the_integral__20.gif
    3.7 KB · Views: 474
  • #4
I just realized what you did wrong...

Your waveform has (2.1x) and not (2,1x) in the second cosine.

Try changing 2.1x to 2,1x.

Many computing softwares read the input 2.1 as 2*1.

With 2,1x, you'll get the expected result. ;)
  • #5
The software produces the correct waveforms, it actually glitches when using commas (try cos(2,0x)).
The waveform is what I expected, but it just doesn't match up with the mathematics which states it should equal zero.

It only equals zero if you take the limit from [itex]-\infty[/itex] to [itex]\infty[/itex]
  • #6
The integral does not converge if you take the limit from -∞ to ∞. It only converges (to 0) from -nπ to +nπ where n is an integer. The attached visual representation of the integral in my earlier post shows how the area is equal to 0.
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  • #7
Yes, m and n must both be integers. Otherwise, as you pointed out, the two functions are not orthogonal. So, not only must m and n but integer differences of each other, they must both be integers.

FAQ: Trigonometric Orthogonality Query

1. What is "Trigonometric Orthogonality Query"?

"Trigonometric Orthogonality Query" is a mathematical concept that involves determining the degree of orthogonality between two trigonometric functions. It is used to analyze the relationship between two different waveforms or signals.

2. How is "Trigonometric Orthogonality Query" useful?

"Trigonometric Orthogonality Query" is useful in a variety of fields, including signal processing, communication systems, and image processing. It allows for the accurate analysis and manipulation of trigonometric functions, which are commonly used in these fields.

3. What is the difference between "Trigonometric Orthogonality Query" and regular orthogonality?

Regular orthogonality applies to all types of functions, while "Trigonometric Orthogonality Query" specifically focuses on the orthogonality between trigonometric functions. It takes into account the periodic nature of these functions and uses specialized techniques to determine their degree of orthogonality.

4. How is "Trigonometric Orthogonality Query" used in signal processing?

In signal processing, "Trigonometric Orthogonality Query" is used to analyze and manipulate signals by determining their orthogonality. This allows for the accurate extraction of information from these signals, as well as the efficient processing and transmission of data.

5. Can "Trigonometric Orthogonality Query" be applied to any type of trigonometric function?

Yes, "Trigonometric Orthogonality Query" can be applied to any type of trigonometric function, including sine, cosine, tangent, and their inverse functions. It is a universal concept that is used to analyze the orthogonality of any two trigonometric functions.
