Triple Integrals in Solid Tetrahedrons - Solving for Z

  • Thread starter aspiring_gal
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In summary, the first two questions ask for a double integral and an int (0 to a sin theta) dr int (0 to (a2-r2)/a) r dz, respectively. The third question asks for an evaluate triple integral over V function. The fourth question asks for a triple integral over V function given that B={9x,y,z)/0<=x<=1, -1<+y<=2, 0<+z<+3}. The fifth question asks for the volume of a hyperboloid. The sixth question asks for the theta to vary from ____ to _____. The seventh question asks for a paraboloid. The eighth question asks for triple integral
  • #1
Integrals-please check out...

1)double integral over[ (0 to a/sq.root 2),(y to sq.root of (a2-y2)] fn->log(x2+y2)dxdy &a>0

2)int (0to pi/2) d(theta) int(0 to a sin theta) dr int(0 to (a2-r2)/a) r dz

3)evaluate triple integral over V funtion=> z dx dy dz, where V is the solid tetrahedron bounded by the 4 planes..x=0,y=0,z=0&x+y+z=1
Physics news on
  • #2


please teach me how to draw a parabola if its eqn is given as:

if u can't tell me in detail...please just try to give it just in 2-3 lines...Once i knew well to draw all these...but now i can't recollect those...
  • #3

5)what about a question given to find the volume of a hyperboloid?
please try to illustrate it with examples...

6)semicircle over an initial line's theta varies from ____ to _____?

7) what about a paraboloid??

8)triple integral over B fn=>xy(z2) dx dy dz where B is the rectangular box given B={9x,y,z)/0<=x<=1, -1<+y<=2, 0<+z<+3}
  • #4

9) evaluate teriple integral over V, fn=> xy dx dy dz, where V is the solid tetrahedron with vertices(0,0,0),(1,0,0),(0,2,0) and (0,0,3)
10) evaluate triple integral over V fn>x dx dy dz, where V is the paraboloid x=4(y^2)+4(z^2) and the plane x=4...

Can I please have the figures too?...Kindly do it if u can

Try to reply, today or tomorrow(as fast as possible) just in need...

Please try to give a general description on each type of question, so that i can do other such types of question easily by referring that...

Thanking you in advance,
  • #5

We're not an answering machine. Start with question 1, show us what you've done so far and where you get stuck, so we can nudge you into the right direction.
  • #6

sorry but thanks for letting me know...I was in a hurry and
thts why I didnt try explain my soln...
from my next doubt onwards i'll b trying to follow the writing rules of this forum...

Thanks Again

FAQ: Triple Integrals in Solid Tetrahedrons - Solving for Z

1. What is an integral?

An integral is a mathematical concept that represents the area under a curve in a graph. It is a fundamental tool in calculus and is used to find the total accumulated change in a quantity over a given interval.

2. How do you solve integrals?

To solve an integral, you can use various methods such as the fundamental theorem of calculus, substitution, integration by parts, or partial fractions. The method you choose will depend on the type of integral and the function being integrated.

3. What is the difference between definite and indefinite integrals?

A definite integral has specific limits of integration, whereas an indefinite integral does not. A definite integral gives a numerical value, while an indefinite integral gives a general solution in terms of a constant.

4. What real-life applications use integrals?

Integrals have many real-life applications, such as finding the area under a curve in physics, calculating the volume of irregular shapes in engineering, and determining the net displacement of an object in motion in kinematics.

5. How can I check if my integral solution is correct?

You can use various methods to check if your integral solution is correct, such as graphing the function and the integral and comparing the areas, using a calculator or software to evaluate the integral, or calculating the derivative of the integral and seeing if it matches the original function.
