Triple Population in X Years: Proportional Increase Rate Calculation

  • MHB
  • Thread starter bergausstein
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In summary, the population of a community increases at a rate proportional to its current population. If the population is doubled in 5 years, it will take approximately 7.9 years to triple. This can be modeled using the equation P(t) = P_o * 2^(t/5), where P_o is the initial population and t is the time in years.
  • #1
2. the population of a community is known to increase at the rate proportional to the number of people present at any time t. if the population is doubled in 5 years how long will it take to triple?

can help me find a model here.
Physics news on
  • #2
Hello, bergausstein!

2. The population of a community is known to increase
at a rate proportional to the population at any time t.

We have: .[tex]\frac{dP}{dt} \:=\:kP \quad\Rightarrow\quad \frac{dP}{P} \:=\:k\,dt[/tex]

Integrate: .[tex]\ln|P| \:=\:kt+C[/tex]

. . [tex]P \:=\:e^{kt+c} \:=\:e^{kt}\cdot e^c \:=\:e^{kt}\cdot C[/tex]

Hence: .[tex]P(t) \:=\: Ce^{kt}[/tex]

When [tex]t = 0,\,P = P_o[/tex], initial population.

. . [tex]P_o \:=\:Ce^0 \quad\Rightarrow\quad C \,=\,P_o[/tex]

Therefore: .[tex]P(t) \;=\;P_oe^{kt}[/tex]

If the population is doubled in 5 years,
how long will it take to triple?

When [tex]t = 5,\;P=2\!\cdot\!P_o[/tex]

We have: .[tex]2\!\cdot\!P_o \:=\:P_oe^{5k} \quad\Rightarrow\quad e^{5k} \:=\:2 [/tex]
. . [tex]5k \:=\:\ln2 \quad\Rightarrow\quad k \:=\:\tfrac{1}{5}\ln2[/tex]
Hence: .[tex]P(t) \:=\:P_oe^{(\frac{1}{5}\ln2)t} \:=\:P_o\left(e^{\ln2}\right)^{\frac{1}{5}t}[/tex]
Then: .[tex]P(t) \;=\;P_o\!\cdot\!2^{\frac{1}{5}t}[/tex]When will [tex]P(t) = 3\!\cdot\!P_o\,?[/tex]

.[tex]3\!\cdot\!P_o \:=\:P_o\!\cdot\!2^{\frac{1}{5}t} \quad\Rightarrow\quad 2^{\frac{1}{5}t}\:=\:3[/tex]

. . [tex]\ln\left(2^{\frac{1}{5}t}\right) \:=\:\ln(3) \quad\Rightarrow\quad \tfrac{1}{5}t\ln(2) \:=\:\ln(3) [/tex]

. . [tex]t \:=\:\frac{5\ln(3)}{\ln(2)} \:=\:7.924...[/tex]

About 7.9 years.

FAQ: Triple Population in X Years: Proportional Increase Rate Calculation

1. What is the meaning of "Triple Population in X Years"?

"Triple Population in X Years" refers to the projection that a population will increase by three times its current size after a certain number of years have passed. This is based on a proportional increase rate calculation, which takes into account the current population and the rate of increase over time.

2. How is the proportional increase rate calculated?

The proportional increase rate is calculated by dividing the final population by the initial population and then taking the X root of that number, where X is the number of years. This rate can then be used to project the population growth over time.

3. What factors are considered when calculating the proportional increase rate?

The proportional increase rate takes into account several factors, including the current population size, the rate of natural increase (births minus deaths), and any migration patterns. Other factors that may affect the rate include access to healthcare, education, and economic conditions.

4. Can the proportional increase rate be used to accurately predict population growth?

While the proportional increase rate can provide a general projection of population growth, it is not a precise prediction. Many factors can impact population growth, and unforeseen events or changes in these factors can alter the rate significantly.

5. Is there a limit to how much a population can grow using a proportional increase rate?

Yes, there is a limit to how much a population can grow using a proportional increase rate. This is known as the carrying capacity, which refers to the maximum number of individuals that an environment can sustainably support. Once a population reaches this limit, the growth rate will slow down or stop altogether.
