Are the Only Ideals in M(2, R) Trivial?

  • Thread starter WWGD
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In summary: However, this set is not a right ideal, because the matrix ##\begin{pmatrix}1 & 0 \\ 1 & 0\end{pmatrix}## is in it and the matrix ##\begin{pmatrix}0 & 1 \\ 0 & 1\end{pmatrix}## is not. In summary, the conversation discusses the proof that the only ideals in the ring of 2x2 matrices with real entries are the trivial ones. The proof involves showing that any non-invertible matrix in the ring can be used to generate a unit, thus making it the whole ring. The idea of using group actions to prove this is mentioned, but it is noted that the ring does not have
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Hi All,
I am trying to show that the only ideals in M (2, ## \mathbb R ##) , the ring of 2x2 matrices with Real entries are the trivial ones.

I have a proof, but I am being kind of lazy rigorizing it. We know we cannot have any matrix in GL(n,##\mathbb R ##), because we can then get the identity and we end up with the whole ring. Basically then, we take any
non-invertible matrix m and we show we can find matrices A,A' in M (2, ## \mathbb R ##) so that Am + Am' is invertible. Is there a way of tightening this?

I thought of using the result that maybe either GL(n, ## \mathbb R ## ), or maybe
M (2,##\mathbb R ##) acts transitively on the left on M (2, ## \mathbb R ##) by multiplication. Is this result true?

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  • #2
Certainly ##GL(2,\mathbb{R})## does not act transitively on ##M(2,\mathbb{R})##. For if ##A## is not invertible, and ##M## is invertible, then ##X = MA## is not invertible (if it were, then ##A = M^{-1}X## would also be invertible). Therefore, if ##A## is not invertible and ##B## is invertible, then ##A## and ##B## are not in the same orbit under this action.

##M(2,\mathbb{R})## is not a group with respect to multiplication, so you have to clarify what you mean by "##M(2,\mathbb{R})## acts on the left".

I don't know of an especially clean proof; the elementary one is straightforward: if ##A \in M(2,\mathbb{R})## has a nonzero entry in row ##i##, column ##j##, then we can premultiply and postmultiply by appropriate elements of ##M(2,\mathbb{R})## to obtain a matrix which has the same nonzero entry at ##i,j## and which has zeros everywhere else. If this nonzero entry is, say, ##a##, then we can multiply (on the left or right) by ##a^{-1}I## to get a matrix with ##1## at ##i,j## and ##0## elsewhere. Then we can move this ##1## wherever we like by multiplying on the left by a row-swapping matrix or on the right by a column-swapping matrix. Therefore, ##\begin{pmatrix}1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0\end{pmatrix}## and ##\begin{pmatrix}0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1\end{pmatrix}## are in the ideal generated by ##A##, and as a result, so is ##I##. So the ideal contains a unit, and is therefore the whole ring.
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  • #3
Thanks, sorry, I meant "act" in an informal sense, meaning given any A,B there is C with AC=B , and I meant on M(n,R)- GL(n, R).
  • #4
If you were to make an argument using group actions, I think you would have to consider actions by multiplication on the left and on the right, because ##M(2,\mathbb{R})## does have nontrivial one-sided ideals. For example, the set of all matrices in ##M(2,\mathbb{R})## with zeros in the second column is a left ideal.
  • #5


Thank you for your question. It is true that the only ideals in M(2, ##\mathbb{R}##) are the trivial ones. This can be easily seen by considering the structure of M(2, ##\mathbb{R}##) as a ring. Since M(2, ##\mathbb{R}##) is a ring of 2x2 matrices with real entries, it is a commutative ring. This means that every ideal in M(2, ##\mathbb{R}##) is also a normal subgroup. Since the only normal subgroups of M(2, ##\mathbb{R}##) are the trivial ones, it follows that the only ideals in M(2, ##\mathbb{R}##) are the trivial ones.

In regards to your proof, it is important to rigorously define what you mean by "non-invertible matrix m" and how you are choosing the matrices A and A'. Additionally, it would be helpful to provide a specific example to illustrate your proof. As for using the result that GL(n, ##\mathbb{R}##) acts transitively on M(2, ##\mathbb{R}##) by multiplication, this result is true and can be used to further support your proof. However, it is not necessary for proving the triviality of ideals in M(2, ##\mathbb{R}##).

I hope this helps clarify your proof. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

FAQ: Are the Only Ideals in M(2, R) Trivial?

What does "Triviality of Ideals in M(n,R)" mean?

"Triviality of Ideals in M(n,R)" refers to the concept of ideals in the ring of square matrices of size n with real entries. An ideal is a subset of a ring that is closed under addition and multiplication by elements of the ring. In the context of M(n,R), the trivial ideals are the zero ideal and the entire ring itself.

Why is the concept of "Triviality of Ideals in M(n,R)" important in mathematics?

The concept of "Triviality of Ideals in M(n,R)" is important because it helps us understand the structure of the ring of square matrices with real entries. It also has applications in various areas of mathematics, such as linear algebra, algebraic geometry, and representation theory.

What are the properties of trivial ideals in M(n,R)?

The properties of trivial ideals in M(n,R) are that they are closed under addition, multiplication by elements of the ring, and contain the zero element. Additionally, the zero ideal is the smallest ideal in M(n,R), and the entire ring itself is the largest ideal.

How do trivial ideals in M(n,R) relate to other types of ideals?

Trivial ideals in M(n,R) are a special case of ideals, as they only include the zero ideal and the entire ring. They are also considered to be the simplest or most basic type of ideal. Other types of ideals in M(n,R) include proper ideals (which do not contain the entire ring) and maximal ideals (which cannot be properly contained in any other ideal).

Can trivial ideals in M(n,R) be non-trivial in other rings?

Yes, trivial ideals in M(n,R) can be non-trivial in other rings. For example, the zero ideal in M(n,C) (the ring of square matrices with complex entries) is non-trivial, as it contains all matrices with complex entries but does not contain the identity matrix. This shows that the concept of "triviality" is relative to the ring being considered.

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