Trouble Collecting IR Spectrum of a-Si:H

In summary, ehild is working on a thesis for her masters in physics, and is having trouble gathering an IR spectrum of her hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H). She is depositing her films using PECVD onto a glass microscope slide substrate, but is not seeing any absorption of IR by her film. The professor she is working with and ehild think it may be because she does not have good contact with the surface of her film and the Ge crystal in the machine. ehild would like to know if anyone has any suggestions for her on taking FTIR spectra of thin films or of thin film materials in general. Thank you for your time.
  • #1
I am working on my thesis for my masters in physics, and am running into some issues while trying to gather an IR spectrum of my hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H). I am depositing my films using PECVD onto a glass microscope slide substrate. The films I have used so far have been 0.2-0.4 μm in thickness. The piece of equipment I am using right is a Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS10 FTIR Spectrometer.

What I am encountering is essentially zero signal. I am not seeing any absorption of IR by my film.

The professor I am working with and I think the reason may be because I do not have good contact with the surface of my film and the Ge crystal in the machine because the films and substrate are to rigid or because my film so far have been to thin.

I would like to know if anyone has any suggestions for me on taking FTIR spectrum of amorphous silicon thin films or of thin film materials in general. Thank you very much for your time.
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  • #2
The glass microscope slide is opaque in the infrared. In principle, you can try the ATR method, but your professor is right, it is not easy to make a good contact with the Ge prism and sample, which is necessary to get a reliable spectrum. Try to deposit the layer on a polished silicon wafer, better on a silicon window of about 1-2 mm thick, and measure transmittance. Also, the layer thickness should be over 1 μm.

  • #3
Thanks for your help. I am using the ATR method and once I get back into the lab next week I plan on growing thicker films and depositing a silicon wafer.
  • #4
Si-H bond has fundamental frequency near 4.4 μm, second harmonic - 2.25 μm, third - 1.54 μm...
  • #5

I read over your comment again today. What exactly do you mean by a silicon window?
  • #6
It is a thick silicon plate 1-2 mm thick, both sides polished. Its transmittance is about 54% above 2000 cm-1, (wavelength less than 5μm) and free from interference waves at moderate resolution. The spectrum of a commercial one-side polished and 0.5 mm thick or thinner silicon wafer is influenced by light scattering and interference, that you need to take into account when evaluating a spectrum.
The thick silicon plates are expensive, the commercial silicon wafers are cheep, you can use them, but choose 0.5 mm thick ones and select those which do not show too big interference waves.

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FAQ: Trouble Collecting IR Spectrum of a-Si:H

1. Why is it difficult to collect an IR spectrum of a-Si:H?

Collecting an IR spectrum of a-Si:H can be challenging because this material is highly sensitive to air and moisture. Even small amounts of contamination can affect the spectrum, making it difficult to obtain accurate results.

2. How can I prevent contamination when collecting an IR spectrum of a-Si:H?

To prevent contamination, it is important to handle the a-Si:H sample carefully and keep it in a clean and dry environment. It is also recommended to use a glove box or other inert atmosphere to minimize exposure to air and moisture.

3. What is the best technique for collecting an IR spectrum of a-Si:H?

The best technique for collecting an IR spectrum of a-Si:H is Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR). This technique allows for direct measurement of the sample without any additional preparation, reducing the risk of contamination.

4. Can I use a regular IR spectrometer for collecting an IR spectrum of a-Si:H?

Yes, a regular IR spectrometer can be used for collecting an IR spectrum of a-Si:H. However, it is important to ensure that the instrument is properly calibrated and free of any contamination before use. ATR accessories can also be used with regular spectrometers to improve the quality of the spectrum.

5. How can I interpret the IR spectrum of a-Si:H?

The IR spectrum of a-Si:H typically shows a broad and featureless absorption band between 600 and 1200 cm-1, corresponding to the Si-H stretching vibration. Additional peaks may also be present, depending on the preparation and quality of the sample. Comparison with reference spectra and other analytical techniques can aid in the interpretation of the spectrum.
