Trouble understanding AP Physics B concepts?

In summary, the speaker is a Junior in high school with a 3.197 GPA. They have not taken high school seriously in the past, but are currently struggling with AP Physics B. They have trouble understanding concepts and rely on examples to do homework. They have tried reading the textbook but it does not seem to help. They are concerned about the upcoming AP test and are seeking advice on how to improve their understanding of concepts.
  • #1
I'm currently a Junior in high school with an average GPA of about 3.197 (includes first semester of Junior year). Over the years, I haven't really been taking hs TOO seriously due to the lack of focus and effort in my studies (and also because I thought high school would be as easy as middle school :/). This year I'm taking AP Physics B and it is VERY interesting to me, although some topics are a bit boring(such as fluids and thermodynamics). It is only second semester and throughout this whole year I seem to be having trouble with the class. I currently have B in the class (although it is HEAVILY curved).

Whenever I do my homework, I understand how to do most of the problems (not the super hard ones however) without reading the book beforehand. I base most of the homework problems on the examples shown throughout the book. I noticed over the years that my understanding of math problems or any kind of problems in general are done best through looking at multiple examples.
I've read that if you know how to do the problems then you understand Physics, but the thing is, I don't think I understand the CONCEPTS of physics. I can apply equations to problems and I know what the symbols mean but I feel as if the concept portion is weak. I tend to read my textbook (Physics 4th Edition-Douglas C. Giancoli) and Princeton Review's Cracking the AP Physics B Exam test after I've done my problems to try to understand what is going on. I feel as if reading the text before doing problems is like beating a dead horse (I never get anywhere!). However, even if I do read the text after, it doesn't get TOO much better either.
My AP test is coming up in May, and I've noticed that I can do the FRQs, but for the multiple choice portion I feel uneasy about because of the lack of understanding of concepts. Does anyone have any advice? Obviously reading the text doesn't really help for me because all the information just DOESNT stick in my head!
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  • #2
There are two types of problems in high school exams. There are ones that require restating a definition or plug and chug. I think from your description you seem to be fine with that. But really think about it, physics is more than just using formulas and if you really want to do well and appreciate the subject, it is a good thing to do study the concepts. Could you more specific why you struggle with the concept? Don't you like the text? Do you read textbooks in general even for other classes? How good is your teacher? Give me an example of a conceptual problem you struggled so that I could get a better feel. Good luck!

FAQ: Trouble understanding AP Physics B concepts?

What is AP Physics B?

AP Physics B was a high school-level course and exam that covered introductory physics concepts, including mechanics, electricity and magnetism, and thermodynamics. It was discontinued in 2014 and replaced with AP Physics 1 and 2.

What are some common concepts students struggle with in AP Physics B?

Some common concepts that students struggle with in AP Physics B include Newton's laws of motion, projectile motion, and conservation of energy. These concepts often require a strong understanding of math and problem-solving skills.

How can I improve my understanding of AP Physics B concepts?

To improve your understanding of AP Physics B concepts, it is important to practice solving problems and to seek help from your teacher or a tutor if you are struggling. Additionally, watching online videos or participating in study groups can also be beneficial.

What are some strategies for tackling difficult AP Physics B problems?

Some strategies for tackling difficult AP Physics B problems include breaking them down into smaller parts, drawing diagrams to visualize the problem, and using equations and formulas to guide your thinking. It can also be helpful to work backwards from the answer and to check your work.

What are some resources for studying AP Physics B?

There are many resources available for studying AP Physics B, including review books, online practice exams, and study guides. Your teacher may also provide study materials, such as notes and handouts. It can also be helpful to use study apps or to join online forums to discuss concepts with others.

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